Welcome to the Sup Forums Pub, how redpilled are ya?

Welcome to the Sup Forums Pub, how redpilled are ya?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Get on your knees and suck my cock, leaf.

Nelson Mandela was a communist terrorist.

I'm so redpilled that I ignore people hating on my interracial relationship because I am my own individual and a free thinker.

I'm so redpilled I ate a bowl of kike bones for breakfast today...without any liberal tears

Humanity needs to be exterminated, humans were a mistake

Black men are based

White women make up 4% of the worlds population. Its time we start bringing those numbers up by removing some other sub-races.

i haven't left the house in two weeks

Hitler was right in EVERYTHING


IQ is society's only valuable resource and it's much more important than race.

I'm so redpilled, I regularly check my spinal vertebrae for fluid beetles.

>how tuff am i?
>well let me tell you bub, i read a blog about white people
>without any sources

American patriotism is the biggest blue pill. This country was created by freemasons(satanist) and anti monarchy(the only Christian government). Satan always tried to buy people with fake freedom, it worked in murica.

Everything that has happened in your life, is to some extent, partly because of the actions you made.

Only by taking your own life into your own control, and actively seeking more positive outlets will you ever find yourself successful.

Its not easy and some people will have to work way harder than others, but quit being a bitch and do it. At the end it's your life

Not all smart people's children carry become as gifted as the parents

asshurt germans should be banned

Jews, son

im so redpilled that I accepted neo liberalism as the best way to move forward from a right wing point of view.

My entire house is made of cogate

Still angry we're not going to be Mama Merkel's sugar daddy?
Also pay denbts.

i'm so redpilled that i would kill all jews

"the democrats are the real racists!"

AntiFa are the *real* fascists

Switzerland is ruled by reptilian that absorbed jews and keeped their gold.

White genocide is real.

That's just the first layer.


I once shot a spic as an officer in the line of duty. Juan, but not.forgotten.

R-right this way, sorry to keep you waiting


I killed 6 million Jews... without any gas.


America is run by a satanic cult operating out of a network of pizza restaurants

I'm so redpilled I took my wife's kids out for ice cream, two scoops.

A white ethnostate is not a realistically achievable goal given the current state of global affairs.

Trump is another ZOG puppet, the US Military and the soldiers that serve it are tools of Israel.

Dad was right.



>American education
He actually was

I always take two scoops.

There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.

I shave with a straight razor. Because electric razors are a jewish ivention that vibrate at a frequency calculated to send waves to the frontal lobe that encourage you to racemix

he said ((red pilled)) not ((fat autistic faggot))

I only drink my own urine to be completely sure (((they))) aren't putting any substances into my body.

>spongebob pic
>red pilled

Are you 10??


>Being this new
You have to go back.

sorry sweety grown ups are talking, why dont you go spin your maple leaf shaped fidget spinner in the mean time. okay honey?

Odin is the truth
Abrahmics worship Loki

What the fuck?

The holocaust didn't happen but it should have, and Hitler is a fucking cuck for not ordering it.

get the fuck out you r/donald refugee

>these great arguments
Georg Washington was the Antichrist


That tart taste good for you but sweeten it up for taste

leaf thread the best threads

Salman Abedi is a figment of someones imagination

The real problem with the right is anti-semitism. It's liberals causing everything bad in society, the fact that almost all of them are Jews is purely coincidental. Besides, Israel is our greatest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, isn't that BASED as fuck, fellow pedes :^)

Please upvote if you agree

There's a difference?

How red pilled am I? How redpilled am I?! I ate a bowl of media this morning!

This does not work. I was a pretty bad teen in my eyes. Changed my ways after 18, no littering and quit stealing things got worse years after

Having a job is a form of slavery and you're brainwashed if you enjoy your job.

Troll harder

proper culture is the only valuable resource

I figured out the anti equation

Without any jews

I would not care if we are "all white". We need the same mind state instead of being separated

I'm starting to think those turner diary tier ethnocentric state advocates are controlled opposition to make those with any sort of white pride batshit insane fanatics.


archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Yeah, so?

I make my own memes.

How redpilled am I?! I visited the holocaust memorial today!

The jew controls the right wing as well

The Jews did Nazism

Yeah, so?

Without. Feeling. Guilty.

Uh, right this way. Sorry to keep you waiting.


Niggers are a downstep in human evolution and are a cause for a lot of crime.

everyone but me is a stingy jew

Fucking normie