Brit/pol/: Spanish Armada Edition

>Theresa May goes against Fallon saying tax plans have not changed:

>Ariana Grande visits fans ahead of MCR benefit concert:

>Bomb Blast kills mourners at Kabul Funeral:

>Boris Johnson to keep job after election:

>latest Owen Jones and Peter Hitchens:

Other urls found in this thread:

I mostly want the tories to win so all the YASS KWEEN cunts on twitter cry a lot.


What constituencies should I watch closely lads? I know about Moray.


It's about to get HOT lads.

How do we protect the marginalised communities once Corbyn gets in?

Labour/SNP coalition imminent

That is HUGE for Jeremy

Its going to be a comfy evening with the polls and Champions League final.

Christ almighty, the polling really is fucked isn't it?
No way 91% of under 25s are registered, they must be polling a specific set of people who care


do you have blood on your hands Sup Forums?

Same. They're also the type of people that tweet things like pic related

>91% of under 25s registered




If Corbyn's momentum shills don't leave brit pol after the election I swear I am going to become the worst trip fag this general has ever known

That's what I thought.
I don't believe that Labour is polling at 40%... that's only 3% behind what Blair polled in the 1997 GE

>Sup Forums

nth for a proper scran

>hates sexism, homophobia and bigotry
>want to import these cultures from North Africa and the ME


The more I hear about this, the more that tweet about "see you at the inquiry" rings true.

>91% registered


>Shitbin BTFO on Sup Forums

>meats and dairy
Its like you want heart disease and bum cancer

The parents are visiting Turkey for two weeks. I told them it was dumb and they just said 'at least if you're right you'll get a big inheritance'. Hope they survive it to be honest, Turkey is a fucking shithole. Neither of them sent in their fucking postal votes either and we're in a contested area.

Add ICM to the list of shit polls.

They just can't be believed.

Should be comfy indeed

always the best part of elections desu


>have a complicated medical problem
>have to phone the NHS for advice
>get put through to a non-medically trained Indian who can only speak stock phrases and is confused by medical terms
>shit your pants while on hold for half an hour as they ping you about their call centre
>somewhere in the Caribbean, a smiling Richard Branson pours another margarita - his fifth of the day and it's not even lunchtime yet

How do you think she will vote?

I do somehow doubt that.

Less than a third of registered voters under 35 i think could not be arsed to get out of bed and vote on the EU ref.

GE is always alot lower but if it is enough then corbyn surge in the cities most likely which always vote labour mostly so meh.

Ever since MUMMY bong disappear May started to loose momentum. I guess we underrated his work.

Is this the election where the pollsters BTFO once and for all?

The last ICM poll (26-29 May) had the Tories 12% ahead

Lads, what can cause excessive hunger? Seriously I'm slim and healthy yet I'll eat loads before I go somewhere and within 40 minutes if I haven't eaten in that time I'll actually feel like I'm about to pass out from weakness/hunger. Really hope I don't have diabetes.

The likelihood is that the majority of them THINK they are registered to vote



I have as much blood on my hands as Labour voters have rape on their hands

For Cream cakes.

As soon as I saw that thing on QT last night and the fact the Question Time thread was a sticky that the foreigners would rip the piss out of us.

This one was a poll of 18-24 only. 68% labour



takes two minutes and you can do it online. There has been a real push the past few years to get young people to vote. Corbyn will doubtless have persuaded a few.
How many will turn up on the day is another matter.

It is a shithole. I visited Istanbul which is the most westernised part of the country and even as a brown haired hazel eyed man who tans easily I felt way outta place there.


>Limp wristed Welsh student vegan Corbynista detected

Flesh begets flesh, lettuce boy.

In favour of being brought Solo and the Wookie.

Diabetes or intestinal parasites my advice is a plant-based diet

it's a well known fact that mummyposting causes her power level to rise and her polls to improve

Oh ok thought you were talking about the national one


2015 election they had Labour winning by 1%

>Conservative 34% (-1)
>Labour 35% (+3)

And we all know how that turned out

doubt it, if Parliament were torn between a tory or snp-labour coalition the Queen would probably invite May to set up a Government, one to prevent a indyref and two because one party always takes precedent over a coalition.

>Labour women just knocked on my door
>I didn't answer the door.

How well did I do lads??

Any young person who votes Labour is a total moron, voting to ruin they're future

maybe by registered to vote they thought they meant registered to vote in online polls via facebook

>cottage cheese

You did it online for 2015 and only 2/3rds were registered. In the EU referendum not even half voted when there was generally high turnout.
91% is fucking ludicrous.

reminder that loads of students registering to vote in safe labour university constituencies is not an indicator of countrywide intent

You eat too much

Stop eating and your stomach will shrink a bit and you'll feel less empty


She always looks like she is going to shit herself or do something autistic, can barely fucking speak.

Pulls more faces than jim carrey.


plus they always vote labour so does not really make any difference

It's my birthday lads

Get a munchy box.

Some could say its magick.

My parents are voting Labour. No matter what you tell them they just cannot disassociate themselves from the "Labour is for the working class, Tories are for the rich!" meme. Muh £10 minimum wage.

Jacob Rees-Mogg reviews memes of himself

Do you have any friends user?

Should've wasted her time, pretended to be a bit slow so that it took extra long, then at the end repeated the "my buttocks are smooth, my mind is clear, vote U-TORY".

Corbyn is the only economic nationalist choice. Anti-Jew, anti-globalisation, believes in society unlike the modern thatcherite blairites on both sides. Former SNP voter here - not gonna lie, since there's a chance of Labour - the only British party - beating the English nationalists (The Tories), I'm voting for the only real British nationalist and that's the utter madman Jezza fucking Corbyn.

the only person it spells doom for is are Tim and his lot

Don't post that

Happy Birthday!

Don't forget ComRes picked that totally unbiased BBC audience using their polling skills. Gonna go out on a limb and say they might be compromised as well.

It's the only cheese guaranteed to please

Talk about diane abbot and emily thornberry. They hate white and poor people.


Jesus Christ why are the Tories so good at fucking up this campaign.

Corbyns got this, the yougov predictions are right. The coalition of chaos is coming

Vote for May and get Sup Forums shut down

Congrats on surviving another year lad. Now for a year of improving yourself intellectually and physically in some way every day.

What about wensleydale?

Yeah I'm just checking britpol while having a shit

I did but one doesnt know who Abbott is, and the other somehow thinks Corbyn will do a reshuffle once he gets in. Fucking idiots I swear.

Just imagine being her father, fuck I'm never having a daughter.


>Corbyns got this, the yougov predictions are right.
Tory and labour sources were laughing at it.


>people are thankful for the bombing at the ariana concert as it means now they can attend the benefit concert and see more artists

>Lib Dem knocked on mine this morning
>are you voting?
>yes I always vote
>do you mind me asking who you are voting for?
>face drops as I'm young
>why are you voting conservative
>because I voted to leave the EU and the lib dems want to keep us in the single market and the customs union which is effectively keeping us in the EU, you can't have one without the other
>begins to look worried
>the EU won't give us a deal
>but it's in their best interest to give us a favourable trade deal
> but we will crash on to WTO rules, do you want that?
>we won't because they will give us a deal
>thank you for your time
>no, thank you I appreciate you knocking on us

walks off and puts a cross against our house number, see multiple other crosses also

Happy birthday, buy some bacon


>thinking corbyn will get rid of his former fuck buddy

The state of your parents

If your daughter ends up doing porn, that's YOUR fault, user.

Saying you'd never have daughter is basically saying you doubt your own abilities to be a good father.

Meanwhile in the 1980's

>daddy do you like my halloween costume?

what do

I'm being serious mate. If you want your little England then vote Tory - you'll get it when Scotland loses its shit in a few years and quits. If you want Great Britain and no more globalism or betrayal, then vote Corbyn.