(((they))) live in western countries.
so where can (((they))) go after islam take over the western countries?
And we know how islam treats minorities.
(((they))) want to genozid the western culture (whites) ,but how can they save themselves?
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jews will adapt, genetically cross and blend in as they always do and always have for eons. think jews can't survive in a shitskin world? they'll be king of the shitpile
I'll take the bait Hans.
What do you think is the end goal for Zionists?
They don't mix, and havn't mixed for thousands of years.
by the time they have finally killed off whitey they will have a powerful technocracy and literal robocop terminators doing their bidding.
the solution is simple really, the problem is the bad genes when it comes to intelligence, but, there are black people with 140+ IQ out there.
it really is a question of class based on intellect more than it is a question of race.
the jewish people will simply keep to the upper class, only mingle with the best of the best regardless of race and that way maintain their position even if they mix, they won't be the one getting raped by a 85 IQ trash immigrant, they will get pregnant by the person with the master degree and be safe
they don't try to kill off whitey, they are trying to start a "western nationalism": by confronting the europeans with a vastly different culture than their own, the europeans will see the similarities in each other and get together so that there will be one european nation that defends itself against the muslims and ((they)) sit on top of the pile and rule them
also: anyone can become (((them)))
I did consider it until I realized they worship moloch and are satanic in origin and have forsaken the Torah.
but that is the easy way out, join them
Antarctica. It's as cold as their home planet used to be.
>so where can (((they))) go after islam take over the western countries?
Israel wasnt set up for fun, Hans.
something similar happened to germany during the napoleonic era: the French invaded and brought their culture and then the differences between the german nations were irrelevant and 50 years later the german nation was born
> Where will they go?
Greater Israel, it's their promised land and borders based on their holy book, why do you think their getting all the Muslims in our countries? Because they want all that middle eastern clay to themselves
>so where can (((they))) go after islam take over the western countries?
Nowhere. One of the ideas behind the muslim invasion of Europe is to weaken their religion. Muhammad enters Europe, become degenerate and then export his degeneracy to the rest of his family that stayed in ME.
The eternal jew noticed that the muslim world is a huge market ready to be exploited.
>And we know how islam treats minorities.
The jews have been toppling all anti-jewish muslim nations in the world. Basically, only shias and Palestine stay defiant agains't the jewish menace.
This too.
We call the turks roaches, but the jew is more roach than a turk will ever be.
we should unite against the Zionists
That's because they actually aren't trying to genocide whites, THEY WANT YOU TO FIGHT THE MUSLIMS.
If you team up with them, Jews are done. If you fight them (like Jews want you to) then you team up with Jews.
Jews like being white, this is evident by the fact non-white Jews in Israel face most discrimination by other Jews.
By all means, go kill and kick out as many Muslims you want, Jews are going to win out of that conflict whether you like it or not.[spoiler][/spoiler]
>(((they))) can't do without me
Wrong. They've already sold you out.
They're parasites, they will find another host to leech off of.
Who do you suggest will fund Israel after Jews lose control over the west?
It's almost like people are drawing up shit in their head due to their fragile masculinity
Asia. Jews are shifting to Asia.
How do you draw something in your head you idiot? Hahaha
B-b-b-but mun white genocide. Jews need whites to save them from the shitskins. You guys are delusional
They'll never lose control of the West.
Or it ends up like Brazil.
But outside of the fecund ultra-orthodox, the childless atheist liberal contingent probably don't care about the future at all.
Asia isn't a country, you'll have to be specific.
Also provide information regarding your claim that some Asian country will begin funding and arming Israel.
Muslims are kicking out Jews from various neighbourhoods. Something whites don't do.
>Indians rebel by shitting in street
Try to rebel, become a meme.
NOW EXPLAIN: how do I draw in my head? Try again senpai?
China. Evidence: Zuck married a gook. Also Jew boys love gooks. That's my evidence.
And Japan will be destroyed just for lulz since it fought in WWII
Redditors that came to Sup Forums can't have an idea without speeding out and saying:"GAS THE KIKES"
Simply ebin
>Greater Israel, it's their promised land
More like promised desert. 90% of that land is uninhabitable desert. Where are they going to live? The same places they do now. It's like Australia
Saudis have been giving money to Israel for a time too.
Some decades ago europeans were kicking jews from Europe, and look how Europe is now
Are you a bot? I'm not even saying anything like that to you senpai.
>Jews need whites to save them from the shitskins
If whites can't save themselves from invasors, how can they save anyone?
I thought you'd bring up more plausible evidence like how China doesn't recognize Palestine (it does), China hasn't supported Palestine for a long time (it does), how China is providing Israel aid (it doesn't).
Your conclusion is based on fuckerbergs wife, what about Jews who married whites like members of Trump's family? It's clear Jewish intermarriage is hell of a lot more frequent with whites than with Asians.
That would be Arabia or Sahara
The Levant is still fairly fertile
They already moved to Asia you moron.
Judaism and Islam actually have quite a lot of parralels, where they meet. Probably more so than Islam and Christianity.
I'm shitposting user, but thanks for the info. I didn't know that.
I still think they'll move to Asia next. I don't have proof, just intuition. I know that doesn't mean anything it's just my guess.
Of course they could also retreat to gated communities, etc Fugg they already do this in Mexico 'n shit.
The Saudi family has strong Jewish background, of course they would. Dislike for Saudi Arabia is frequent in the Muslim world.
You are mistaken, Jews were never explicitly kicked out of Europe, they were kicked out specific nations within Europe, whenever they got kicked out of one nation in Europe, they would move to another one in Europe.
Indeed this hasn't solved the problem. Merely moving Jews around has not worked and the correct answer would be a genocide.
>He likes watching African bulls breed with his wife.
I've always thought that painting looked super jewy. Looks kinda like netanyahu
>Of course they could also retreat to gated communities, etc Fugg they already do this in Mexico 'n shit.
The thing is they have invested in Israel, Israeli politicans want as many Jews as possible to move to Israel, while maintaining strong ties with western finance and politics.
I find it hard to believe they would suddenly just flock China and influence their government to the point of Israel being considered their greatest ally. China has stronger ties with other Middle Eastern nations than what they do with Israel.
Say another random phrase
What will they do then? I guess Jews will still control America even if its shitskins.
Although Jews do have hubris. Look at Evergreen, that Jew professor got cornered by his minority students. Who knows if they will succeed past replacing whites.
The Jew is not invincible, they are successful against white people but not against their own hubris. That always fucks them over eventually, look at all the exiles.
They could continue control some portions of it, yeah but "shitskins" (calling non-whites shitskins is resembling of Jews calling non-Jews goyim) are often more critical of Jews/Israel than whites are.
Here's a picture of nations recognizing Israel. Bolivia and Venezuela had recently withdrawn their recognition following the Gaza Massacre in 2009.
>washingtonpost com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/12/democrats-are-suddenly-very-worried-about-russia-and-view-palestinians-on-par-with-israel
It's not unheard of, parasites killing their hosts, I mean.
Yeah yeah I know they're not all shitskins.
Maybe they aren't doing what you're saying?
Just a thought.
They could think that we aren't going anywhere and they can just change us to be docile slavecucks.
>Jews were never explicitly kicked out of Europe, they were kicked out specific nations within Europe
I was thinking in Hitler's Germany and conquered territories.
>Merely moving Jews around has not worked and the correct answer would be a genocide.
I agree