Pretty funny how white men are demoralized.
They are constantly looking for the approval of faggots (Milo), Women (Lauren), trannies (Blaire White), Black men, Jews... etc.
The people that are trying to put them down.
White men have become so weak that they can't see themsevels as powerful anymore, they are looking for other races, other genders to defend them, because they can't do it for themselves.
Pretty funny.
He's smart but too bad that divorce broke his funny bone.
It's because they've been conditioned by the Jews not to speak out. If they do, they're either racist, sexist, X-phobic, or anti-Semitic.
Jews are pure evil.
I think you fail to see that society doesn't want strong white men any more. It's not allowed. But I assure you, you fucking monkey, white is right. Go take your shit caked ass hole, and your opinions, and fuck off back to the forests from wich you knuckle-walked out of.
Wow, a common sense business decision.
Niggers are evolving to humans, folks.
Good for him
I agree, fuck Nick Cannon
Not based, he is just smarter than your average lefty celebrity.
Tells you a lot on their intelligence.
fucking based
niggas can't be based but hes a pretty good darkie
Years ago, Demfags in NC begged Michael Jordan to run against Jesse Helms but he said no because "Republicans buy sneakers too."
We don't need their approval, we use them as politically correct sock puppets to speak our arguments, because every time a straight white man opens his mouth he's drowned out with "HURRRR LIZZEN TO STRAIGHT HUWHITE MAN, MANSPLAINING, CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE"
Neo Marxists will not deign to listen to anything spoken by a straight white man.
At least my team didn't get destroyed on my home turf. Fucking dirt nigger.
>the people they are trying to put down
you are fake news
This is your problem. You need them to listen to you to solve your problems. You don't solve them by yourselves.
Its pretty much over for white men. They are too weak in their own countries.
Just admit that white men are showing themselves to be huge pussies.
Brazil has been a shithole for a long fucking time my sissy friend. I was born into this mess, never even had a chance to fight against it.
fucking nigger manlet
>you need them to listen to you to solve your problems
No, we don't need them to listen to us, we need them to listen to reason. I don't give two shits how we drill it through their thick skulls, so long as we do.
These morons view the entire world through an Ad Hominem lens, which is why we need to use politically correct sock puppets to explain basic logic and reason to them.
pretty much
What a coon