Why are white women secretly jealous of black women? And why are black Americans the most envied ethnic group in the world.
Why are white women secretly jealous of black women...
Mr T of course.
I don't know the answer to the first question.
Black people very well may be superior. To bad their culture keeps them uneducated and focused on being the best gangster they can be.
Black culture oppresses black people more than any white hate group could ever hope to.
That woman is obviously of European and African descent.
Mixed race is best race.
As are all black Americans.
Cuz DEY QUEENZ of White Cock
>Mixed race is best race
Hi, Moshe Shekelstein! How are you finding Sup Forums?
STD fetish?
They are jealous of each other. White women pump their asses full of cement and get fake tan whilst black women contour their their nose and bleach their skin.
I don't know one white woman jealous of a nigger. Are you fucking insane OP?
damn hot
This literally gave me a boner
all the superiority with none of the evidence
holy fuck these shill threads are so god damn lazy
It doesnt matter what kinda genes you've got, if you're raised like the Columbine shooters of course you're going to shoot people.
Im not sure about the superiority, but the Culture is deadly (to their own lives, not just others).
White + Black lesbians be the best lesbians?
Smooth white skin and thin hips combined with busty black tits, lipps and hips.
Why aren't you learning and spreading information about the murder of Seth Rich by the DNC, you fucking faggot?
in Django unchained there's this slave girl he's introduced to near the beginning who's so excited to show him around the estate (while he's looking for the heads they're going to collect)...
That playful black girl thing gets me so HAARD, like its so innocent and combines with her being so sexy
too bad black chicks are always so angry and bitchy, if they were playful id have a black chick as my wife right now.
pic related gives me a hot throbbing boner almost every time I look at it, I prefer sexually aggressive women like this
6/10 would bang if I knew her as a friend somehow and she wanted to tap me.
Everyone knows Seth Rich was murdered by hillary klinton. We knew as soon as it came out it was a mafia hit job commissioned by the CF.
Problem is circulating it on /pol isnt going to get it circulated on reddit or anywhere else normal people need to see the evidence.
Why? because black women don't have to constantly worry about getting raped by every other race