Why people use "mongoloid" as an insult, when in fact asians have statistically higher IQ than caucasoids? Are you fucking retarded? Also being white is a meme.
Why people use "mongoloid" as an insult, when in fact asians have statistically higher IQ than caucasoids...
pretty sure that is only the Japanese and Koreans and non-mainland Chinese
t. mongoloid
Nothing wrong with that.
the guy you posted is as much of a scientist as Bill Nye
Mongoloid, by itself, is merely an anthropological descriptor. It became an insult because people with Down Syndrome are described as having mongoloid features.
Either a coincidence, or doctors fucked this one up.
>3. (often lowercase) Pathology. (no longer in technical use; now considered offensive) of, affected with, or characteristic of Down syndrome.
This. Also jews are smarter, wonder why that is.
Have seen a Mongol?
All I have to do is look around me and it's pretty clear why this is insulting.
That's why we rebranded as Nordic.
lol it's asian Bill Maher
shut up polan
shut up pepik
Mongoloid was the old term for Down's Syndrome. That's why its used as an insult.
We're talking about people with Down's Syndrome, which causes facial distortion that people used to think made you look asian. We're literally saying that YOU are fucking retarded.
>Kaku has had more than 70 articles published in physics journals such as Physical Review, covering topics such as superstring theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, and hadronic physics.[6] In 1974, Kaku and Prof. Keiji Kikkawa of Osaka University co-authored the first papers describing string theory in a field form.[7]
Seems like you need to fuck off to reddit you low-iq, waste of organs, sub-human where you can make incorrect statements without correction.
Oreintals have high IQ on average. very far south east asians are pretty much dindus.
feels good to be surrounded by not complete retards on a daily basis though.
Strong selection for skills in banking and trade during the middle ages?
You were probably implying some retarded stormshitter "teh joooz" tier conspiracy.
why do you say im a burger cause i like to eat burgers? well burgers are tasty and good are you fucking retarded?
Seems like you need to relax, desu.
there was anything called an IQ test, there exist a history of a peoples accomplishments.
have accomplished multitudes more than any other race.
has already decided the victor
not true at all, Kaku is probably the most qualified of popsci celebs
ching chang chong
i have small pee pee
pedophile women think its cute.
Seems like you need to go take a ride along with this greek idiot and then drive off a cliff.
Sup Forums is as hopelessly retarded as it is because of fucks like this greek, and people who tolerate them like you.
He built a particle accelerator at age 17 in his fucking garage. He's eons ahead of anything bill nye has been or will ever be.
world IQ map
Asians have flat faces and epicanthic folds
Asians are known as mongoloids
People with down syndrome have flat faces and epicanthic folds
Mongoloid is not an insult to Asians for being stupid, because they're not, It is an insult to retards for looking Asian.
I'd take it with a grain of salt desu.
They obtained sufficiently high N, with sufficiently robust testing for every single country around the globe?
No fucking way.
For the grand picture it may be correct, but I wouldn't trust it on details.
>when in fact asians have statistically higher IQ than caucasoids?
not even sure about this. the chinese are notorious cheaters and if asians were so smart why have they contributed virtually nothing to the sciences and modern civilization?
No mad, Norway. Ok?
It'll all be ogre soon.
>the intelligent european nations the the ones helping brown people
really makes me think
>and if asians were so smart why have they contributed virtually nothing to the sciences and modern civilization?
Because their countries developed only recently (past several decades).
They are contributing significantly to science nowadays.
All the research consistently points towards Asians being 5-10 IQ points smarter than whites, just like whites are 10-15 IQ points smarter than blacks.
China has built a society, a empire, or dynasty rather, developed medicine and real architechture. They've learned how to harvest and selectively breed, how to engineer and fight wars. at least they're not total dindus in central africa who are stuck in a time capsule 10,000 years ago.
NZ must have added a 0 by mistake. No way this is accurate.
Perhaps because they are trained like dogs to pass an IQ test. Chinese people cheat more than any other save arabs. Attend any university for evidence of this.
Because Mongoloids are awkward nerds incapable of being comfy
Hungary pretending mandatory Russian language exams never existed. You want to see world class exam cheating.... hello magyarok.
You're the cancer killing this board.
We have /bant/ now, there's literally no excuse for people like you to even be here.
a large part of asian hate stems from ww1/2 era government propaganda. that's not to say asian hate wouldn't have developed in some other way in the absence of said propaganda.
>Asians and Jews have a higher iq
Yet they still have to come to a white majority and created nations and societies to "live a better life" and in living quality not yet surpassed by their own people and not the other way around.
Being superior is more than iq
It's because the Mongolians were so stinky bc washing would insult their plethora of gods. So they wore their hide clothes and whatever they could loot until it literally rots off their bodies. They also originated from savage tribes with little education. This is why we call smelly stupid people mongoloids. Have a nice day.
Most of has optional education starting at high school. Standardized test scores come out higher because only those pursuing academia in the long term are taking them. IQ tests are the same way. Fewer take them, and the ones who do are making it their focus for the next decade.
The average asian is unremarkably intelligent, as with Americans and any other developed continent.
>Yet they still have to come to a white majority and created nations and societies to "live a better life" and in living quality not yet surpassed by their own people and not the other way around.
Nope, some east Asian nations or Israel have the same quality of life as white majority countries, if not higher.
White people had a huge headstart because thats where modern civilization began, but due to east Asians having even higher IQ and lacking PC bullshit, they will match and surpass our accomplishments in the long term. And thats a good thing really.
In regards to IQ, Asians deviate towards the mean, kind of like women, while white men are more spread out across the spectrum, which of course means we have more retards, but we also have more geniuses. I believe this critical mass of geniuses is crucial for understanding the difference between asian and european cultures.
White nations have the highest standard of living and Asians and Jews seek to immigrate to white nations more than the other way around.
My point stands and is indisputable
It's not much of a surprise if you think about the fact that the actual reason for mass immigration is greed. Third world immigrants are good(to the elite) for keeping the wages low and temporarly keeping this fucking Ponzi scheme we call capitalism afloat.
Got a lot of Hmong in my town. They're not nigger teir. They're more beaner teir.
I read a scientific article about how pigment tends to corolate with a variety of things like low iq and also darkies tend to have a breeding strategy where hey have more kids and put less effort into raising them. More intelligent people have fewer kids and people more effort into raising them.
Now, darkies still have tons of kids, but we pay for them with the gibs. It makes one wonder who is really the most intelligent.