Any other Brits worried that Corbyn's actually somehow going to win?

Any other Brits worried that Corbyn's actually somehow going to win?


I've accepted it

It would just accelerate the inevitable decline which is already in full swing..

No- i'm an optimist. Someone said on another thread that the UKIP will get 3 seats, and Conservs will get 323- meaning a UKIP/Conservative coalition is formed (although it would most likely be lib dem coalition but oh well)

literally impossible

nothing good has happened to this country for 150 years

Not really because i'm also worried about May winning. I've already accepted the countries fucked.

It's just the thought of a clearly anti-British, socialist, SJW fuck being the PM.

Isn't his finance minister a literal communist too?

Our best hope is society as we know it crumbling before too many non-Europeans enter Europe.

John McDonnell quoted Mao and held up his little red book in Parliament.

I actually hope he does tbch. Labour needs to move futher to the left.

I blame the kids.

Stupid fucking kids!!!

Most of his supporters are college and uni students and clearly have social justice embedded in their cunty minds.

The guy wants to get rid of trident in a time when tensions are at an all time high and you got cunts like NK and Iran wanting nukes. Fuck that!

I mean all his policies suck but this one really fucking worries me.

with Diane as home sec what can go wrong?

They can't even reach us anyway, they aren't even a threat to us. Our biggest actual threat to the country right now is probably fucking France with Macron wanting to steal business from our financial sector, as it's the only thing technically keeping us afloat.

Mate if it weren't for SJW culture and Islam apologists then UKIP would be much bigger and the idea of a UKIP PM one day wouldn't be as far fetched.

This country is fucked.

I can literally see the BBC headline in my head
>Jeremy Corbyn is now the Prime Minister of the Unite Kingdom

I'm moving to Scotland, fuck it!!

No. He will lose in a truly spectacular fashion.

Come, so long as you're not a Paki

my main issues with Corbyn:
>wanting to scrap our Nuclear weapons turning Britain into an easy to push around bitch
>supports anti-British groups like the IRA
>has guaranteed he will get a deal no matter what, meaning the EU leaders will just fuck us up since Jeremy is too much of a cuck to say no

Go to Theresa May's facebook page, all the comments on everything are just mass abuse. Worse than with Hillary Clinton.

No. Fuck the two nations I mentioned.

In general: we cannot just scrap our nuclear deterrent at a time when there is so much fucking tension in the world.

Also, another threat is immigration and homegrown radicalisation and terrorism. I can't see Corbyn or May being the one doing anything actually effective in curbing or stopping it.

>SJW culture and Islam apologists then UKIP would be much bigger
Support for UKIP would probably be much smaller as we wouldn't be having a problem with muslims in the first place as so many wouldn't have been allowed in.

ukip was a single purpose party that nigel farage made and used to push brexit then dumped once his goal was acheived

Nah mate I'm white.

Another bonus to moving to Scotland: less Pakis than Birmingham alone.

Because Theresa "Sharia" Miliband is going to be so great for us, right? Surely this time the Conservatives will actually keep their promise to stop the mudshit hordes flooding into our country?

His economic policies are a change of course. We've followed the same basic policies since Thatcher. Austerity was just this taken further. Yes the debt and deficit have to be tackled. reducing corporation tax is not the answer.

Just don't bother with Glasgow. It will be a lost cause soon enough.

Iran has done fuck all to us, i don't see why they're a problem. You need to stop listening to jewish controlled media.

Any head of state is going to get the most flack since people blame them for every little problem.

Surprised she hasn't made it illegal to insult her on social media yet though.

I know and it's fucking terrible. Nigel is a cunt just for that reason.

Okay, what he did with Brazil is historic but dumping UKIP has really pissed me off as I could've been a bigger party.

Didn't he say he wants to get us out/decrease our debt, but at the same time increase borrowing in his manifesto?

No because they have lost Scotland, Wales and would need to actually take seats from the Conservatives.

lelno, I'm already celebrating
check these

The SNP are shitebags; you're not escaping anything

I really wish 'are Nige would have just stayed leader. He would have probably won, and a UKIP/Conservative coalition would have probably been good.

don't hold your breath on that one.

Donald Trump's facebook is filled with people who love him though. Even now.

Most of brit/pol is young so we hear a lot of lefty bullshit from our peers. Truth is come election day hald these fucks won't vote. The torys will gain even though theyve run a shit campaign.

>Going to brit/pol/
There's so many Tripfags it may as well be Reddit

nigel had a goal, brexit. he acheived that goal. now hes on to his next project.

unlike most politicians he couldnt give two shits about being relected or not. every position he has ever been in, he hijacked to push brexit. including founding his own political party.

ukip was a means to an end, and with the end acheived it will flail around in obscurity then die out.

They're sheltered children user, be nice. But i was referring to brits on Sup Forums not those specific threads.

>Sup Forums
>wanting to vote conservatives in

you're all a bunch of neets anyway i dont see why you wouldnt want your gibmedats to pay for some japanese cartoons or something

>inb4 wageslave

yeah sure kiddo go and trade in the hair on your neck


Also, aren't you concerned. We have the shittiest choice for PM than I can remember in my 28 years of being alive. I'm actually starting to think "wow Gordon Brown was alright actually"

That's true.
I just wish they would have gone in and finished it rather than just get us to vote, and then bug out. Nigel Farage would have been top kek in the negotiations.

I hate Japanese shit and am in education so I don't know what shit you're chattin tbqhwyf

I'm concerned but there is nothing i can do. The constituency i live in is an SNP Seat. So there is no points bothering to vote here considering all my pals are voting SNP(the ones that vote anyway).

Mate, I think he should've stuck it out with UKIP. He believes getting us Brexit was something Britain needed and wanted our great nation to be great again.... Then bails out of his own political party leaving us with shit politicians to vote for and negotiate terms.

Ffs Nigel! You were our guy!

for a lot of western countries these next few years will be looked back on as a generational shift in politics. the old are getting weak and the young will take advantage of it.

the fact you have so many bad choice this year will help newcomers secure a foothold. the smart ones will surf the wave of public frustration caused by this state of political stagnancy.

I hate SNP.

One simple reason: Britain would be much stronger out of EU if its together! If SNP get another indy vote and vote yes I'll be fucking pissed.

Can confirm the young people thing. Honestly I feel I'm more patriotic for the UK than most british college kids after finishing my first year of uni there. And I don't even like the place all that much. (Yay muzzies)

Absolutely fucking agree.

Oh fuck off. He was sick of 20 years of death threats and abuse. He never wanted to be a career politician.

Why would you be worried? How does this election even affect common folk? There is nothing radical being offered by either party lol they both claim to do the same thing for us except for labour pushing gibs as promotional offer. Calm down, faggot.

Thing is though their mantra is "muh English" ans it works really well. Cant wait till their frankly shit policy is exposed next week and worst of all they claim to be a "Nationalist" party so they get all the nationalist votes too. While wanting to bring "refugees" in by the bucketload.

i hope he goes after the toffs and not "muh 1%"

the 1% is fine, the problem is that our country is STILL being run by lords and earls

Dude what's with the aggressiveness lol

It's part and parcel of being a leader of a group like UKIP. Fair enough, he didn't want it and he bailed. Cool. I'm just saying I think he would've been fucking mint especially with a decent cabinet.

may as well vote.

Why waste 30 minutes of my life ?

embrace the chaos

You should vote for him just for supporting land value taxation

Fortunately, the student demographic never votes.

if the people voting for the SNP and labour are wasting 30 minutes of their lives doing this rat race, then we will too.

How did Birmingham even become the shithole it is right now? I study nearby and I was just amazed how little white people lived there. Hell at this point you guys probably dream of the time us eastern europoors were your biggest economic leeches. Remember all those Bulgarian beheadings/rape gangs...oh yea.

Tories will get the majority.
People are going to vote to stop the potential Labour/SNP coalition. Just like 2015.

Because if everyone has that "why bother" attitude then nothing will ever change.

"The world changes because of one act by one man setting a chain reaction of events. "

I hope Corbyn wins just to see that fat shill Sargoy of Cuckkad get BTFO.

That "somehow" is called vote count fraud, my friend. There is no way we can win until that's made impossible

> wants the demise of a country just to make an e-celeb angry.
great mate, top priorities right there.

>Thing is though their mantra is "muh English" ans it works really well.

Not really. People only vote SNP because they won't vote Labour and they know the Conservatives have no chance. So the SNP's victory becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy even though a significant number of their voters don't support independence.

Things could change this time because people, even in shitholes, are starting to see the Scottish Conservatives as a real alternative to Labour and the SNP.

Mate, it's basically a mini middle eastern country now.

Might as well fly a new flag over the Bullring and have our own government (sharia of course)

I went into Wolverhampton the other day and saw Romanis and Poles and just thought, "I wish I could be mad at you but there's like 500 more arabs and Africans here not speaking English."

I welcome it

>yoof celebrate Corbyn getting in
>1970's 2 - Electric Boogaloo
>realize its just been one big fuck up and learn the real hard way that all politicians cannot deliver or be trusted

Meanwhile i sit back and watch it all burn

I'll get my neetbucks and sharia may and the """based""" civic nationalists at brit/pol/ will get BTFO
what can be worse?

Yep, it'd be worth it.
[spoiler] >votes in Trump solely to harvest liberal tears [/spoiler]

Hey I do not mind the Poles.

Great people and good honest workers most of em!

>implying it would even matter

I meant more like they use them as way to divert attention from other policy. As in we pay into the UK so we'd be fine ourselves etc.

This desu fuck that fat fuck

>wanting to fuck everyone over to spite one E-Celeb that's already managed to BTFO himself
His obsession with forming a collectivist clique has already fucked himself over more than any efforts anyone else could manage.


First off, hes not getting rid of Trident.

Second, you think NK and Iran would give a fuck whether we have nukes or not? They either dont give a shit about retaliation and would nuke us regardless, or are worried and know that other countries would blast them into oblivion.

Im more worried about some incompetent, flip flopping autist (May) running the country.

Corbyn is alpha.


>How did Birmingham even become the shithole it is right now?

Birmingham was a major industrial centre. When West Indians and Pakis migrated here, they congregated in Birmingham and other industrial centres for the jobs. As the country de-industrialised in the 1970s, white people tended to move out of Birmingham. The Pakis and nigger stayed. Pakis opened up small shops and invited all their cousins to move here from Islamabad while the niggers basically became criminals.

Nowadays, the Paki and nigs of Birmingham are pretty much in a state of open warfare.

Seeing how badly May is conducting the campaign there's a creeping dread in the back of my mind that Corbyn will win.

That's not to say that the tories are really all that much better than labour, it's basically two sides of the same cuck coin now, seeing as none of them are addressing the real issue: immigration.

Tories are the lesser of two evils, but this country is fairly fucked regardless.

In that case, you're right. Even when they acknowledge that Scotland isn't totally self-sufficient, they say "The EU will save us" or "NATO will save us".

SNP = Not Even Once.

I'm more worried Thatch- I mean Theresa is going to win and take away my internetz.

Allow me to add this gem to your list
>Praised Venezuela's shift toward socialism

No but I'm scared that they'll lie and actually go into a coalition with the SNP when they've said they won't. And then Blair wil come back.

Pic related.

To achieve this it would mean everyone quits their job en-mass and sign up for free gibs.
There will be no taxes being paid to fund the gibs and the entire system would crumble in a few months.

I miss Thatcher at this point 2bh at least she wasn't a cucky fag

>Corbyn is alpha

You are obviously delivering some top kek here for the lulz?

Well done, my friend! I spat coffee everywhere while lmao!

I wish Theresa May was another Thatcher.

>that's somehow bad


>"Oh fuck off. He was sick of 20 years of death threats and abuse"

So why don't we encourage this man to take over UKIP and run in the general elections?

Death threats have never stopped Tommy.

"There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are families."

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

"Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country."

"Pennies do not come from heaven. They have to be earned here on earth."

- Maggie

A true patriot is loyal to his countries people, not to the Tyrants that claim ownership over them.

>implying republicans are pro-democracy
We want dictatorship unlike monarch cuckolds

they're both a couple of old tory cunts, but at least maggie had some balls. if I'm going to have a boot over my neck I'd rather it not be one of a coward who weaseled her way into the big chair.

The monarchy is perhaps the single most integral part of our culture, tradition and history.

Anti-monarchists are just anti-whites and anti-british. They see it as some kind of regressive, privileged colonial hate symbol.

You have to be over the age of 18 to post on this board.