Why is the enslavement of whites never talked about or depicted in movies?
White slaves
It is, didn't you watch Ben Hur?
how is it possible for a superior race to be enslaved?
well the jews (gods chosen people) were oppressed
Hollywood jews have worked very hard to convince everyone that white Americans invented slavery. Why would they change course now?
Everyone seems to forget about them, my ancestors were english white slaves in south america in the 1800s
Jews aren't white.
so whites had the capability to stop themselves from being enslaved (due to their superiority), but they allowed their fellow whites to be enslaved out of altruism?
so you're saying jews aren't superior? i agree with that.
>Why is the enslavement of whites never talked about or depicted in movies?
Because they want the current cultural climate to be hostile to white people, not sympathetic
ummm no sweetie
Because that would break Narratives & History is used for Control.
gu-guys..is wanting to be enslaved by a girl degenerate?
Sigh. Don't give (((hollywood))) bright ideas...
Every group has different priorities.
White Christians were more concerned about freeing muh niggers and spreading da good word of Jesus to the savages.
White Racialists would have wanted to exterminate the subhuman savages and end White slavery only.
Guess which mode of thinking won out thanks to Christcucks?
Implying pic related contains white people
Cause we got over it pretty quickly. Also we enslaved our own all the time. No one gives a fuck except blacks who can't stop finding excuses for overall failure on the planet
Read this. Third Eye opening.
because it has only happened to >white people like Irishmen and Slavs ever since the most basic scientific progress
It wasn't nearly as big as the Atlantic African slave trade. It didn't have such a lasting effect either.
There's also the fact that a lot of the time Muslim slaves could actually rise to positions of power. Some of the best known Barbary pirates were actually Europeans that were captured and forcibly converted to Islam. Or a lot of the Ottoman pashas too.
You already know (((why))).
Finnish white children were captured for sale in slavemarkets around Crimea.
No one talks about that.
Because it doesn't fit the narrative.
It's overrated, my wife is bossy
My country was raped and slaves for 100 years by ottoman muslims, but you will only hear eurocucks crying about how
>muh ebil hungarians hate muslims for no reason
>muh islamophobia
Because we are still slave.
For centuries white people have been sold into slavery, mostly due to extenuating circumstances, and usually it was white children sold by their parents to be servants, or wives to royals in Europe. Why you ask is it not depicted or discussed, well white devils are to blame for all societies problems. Not each individual holding its own responsibility.
2 million whites+ were sold into slavery by muslims.
Not to upset all my nigger friends here at pol..... But i would say more whites historically have been slaved and died as such....... So why enslave blacks? Well they are a very strong yet simple minded people. As the Tommy Soto says .... the strongest niggers died on the beaches of Africa they weren’t worked to death, but shot in the head.
No wonder white genes are spread so far
The white race was never enslaved child. Just a few unlucky white people who were overrun. Not sure why this needs to be explained or why 3 other replies couldn't say it.
Niggers like you and the rest of this thread should read this
i should have said "how is it possible for members of a superior race to be enslaved?"
>Why is the enslavement of whites never talked about or depicted in movies?
>+30 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
because it's still happening in most so called civilized countries
Look at any street prostitute in your average western city,enter any brothel,you are more likely to look at a slave owned by arabs/jews/gypos
Thanks, user. Just reserved this at the library.
>How is it possible that the ussr beat Nazi Germany?
How about you formulate your own response? I'm not even clicking it retard. Learn to comprehend.
Oops didn't see you posting it already but yea this book is the best on subject
is it ?
fuck off nigger faggot.
Russians were enslaved until 1863, yet they don't bitch and moan like you cockholes do..
>Just a few unlucky white people who were overrun.
Stay a stupid nigger what do I care
let me have more sauce
implying gomunism wasnt slavery
It seems to me that the term "indentured" was just a fancy term for slave. A good portion of my ancestors were dragged here from England and Ireland in the 1600's and 1700's and were indentures on tobacco plantations in Virginia and N. Carolina. A lot of these types of people never lived to see the end of their bondage.
Everyone as dept, dept is slavery.
The new slavemaster are the banker and Mega corporate CEO.
The money itself is the new master and is only distinguishable from the last form of slavery because the link between slave and master is intangible. We are still slave to this day.
It's hilarious what you newfags come up with to call me sometimes. Can you explain how you reached the conclusion that I'm a nigger? Is it because I'm not crying and singing the song of muh people about the trials and tribulations of we wuz slaves like you losers?
because they're christian dogs
>>How is it possible that the ussr beat Nazi Germany?
well...yeah. how can losers be superior?
Blacks are over slavery. Whites haven't gotten over it yet.
>Hurr if we ignore facts and see everything as black and white I don't understand how whites could be superior
Did you just put yourself as the nigger here?
Because being a slave is bitchmode and no self respecting people would bring it up.
It's like how Jews are embarrassed by the holocaust, being slaughtered like cattle because each sheenie thought he could betray his fellow kikes and dodge the oven. It's also why Jews try to turn everything in history to a preHolocaust, like American Indian removal. In reality the Indians fought back like crazy. Jews are embarrassed at world historically cowardly.
You said that white slavery was a sporadic spur of the moment case if a group of white people got overrun. That's completely wrong and has no basis in history or facts. I called you a dumb nigger as I expect of the posters here to have a modicum of intellectual curiosity to research a bit and then form their opinion. You cited no sources and I cited a highly research source/book. There's more like it but this one is presented the best in an easy and highly informative read. Who's a newfag now?
but user we got one of the best shows every made, Spartacus: Blood and Sand
see it for yourself and let your throbbing cock bear witness lest words continue to fall from mouth like shit from ass!
Because Jews hate whites and Jews make movies.
It definitely was. They are yet to receive the revenge from Russians for the rape and murder of entire generations.
Takes 100 years for these actions to catch up.
Jew blood will flow, and they will finally get that 6,000,000 sacrifice that the Kabbalah asked for.
It's accepted as being just part of history instead of some sensationalized culturally traumatic event.
Remove yourself to check those digits that were absent from checking before I checked them
maybe you were misunderstanding my original post, but i was always playing "nigger's advocate". please explain the facts that i'm ignoring.
Only slavement of whites is portrayed is from white to white.
Muslim pillage and slavement of Europe is never talked about.
>spur of the moment invasion
is there such a thing outside of ant warfare?
>you're a dumb nigger read this book it's my argument!!!
okay pal.
>Who's the newfag now?
certainly not you now!
The fact that nigger are inferior and whites can be slaves? Your entire point really.
shut up racist