I hear all the time that they want to help the poor/needy, while Conservashits don't.... is this actually true?
Are Left Wing people really the good guys?
>Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.
Yes and no.
I do t want to help people who don't want to help themselves. Welfare leeches and single mothers who pump out endless numbers of kids can all starve for all I care.
People who can't survive without medical continuous medical intervention need to die.
Normal people who've fallen on hard times do deserve a break though. 6 months of payments should be enough.
I just can't feel down with what the modern day left consider themselves to be when it comes to socialism. Just look at the OP's pic "I am not a self centred greedy bastard" and look at the tribalism that they perpetuate. Socialism is not about helping ones fellow man in our time, it's about identity politics, the politics of envy, and tumblr and faceboo and the 'young people' who can't articulate their political views without calling anyone a "fucking bigot".
>People who can't survive without medical continuous medical intervention need to die.
So if you needed continuous medical intervention to survive, and that care were available to you, would you take it, or would you willingly die?
There is good on both sides of the equation, just the current left take it too far and the current right don't do enough.
I'm all for giving the poor guy a leg up, but constantly funding places and people that have no intention of ever supporting themselves is just wrong.
There has to be a cut-off point, where we just go 'Fuck it, we tried' and leave people to survive or die on their own two feet. Lefties don't want that. I honestly believe the left wing are more racist than the right currently. They coddle minorities like fucking babies, barely treating them as human beings.
>TFW conservative in Germany
>TFW I share more with my people and help my society in so many ways, grudge-holding lefties envy my good heartedness that they constantly oppose my world views.
>at some point you have to give up and let poor people starve, or you're the real racist
>be me
>graduate high school
>immediately get a job
>10 years later
>own house and vehicle
>make enough to pay bills on time and have a little extra to put in retirement
>give money to some homeless/needy faggot who wont learn a lesson but just ask for more gibs
Leftists talk a good game, but they destroy nations in practice. They're basically the embodiment of Napoleon's famous "Promise everything, deliver nothing" phrase. Just take a look at Detroit or Chicago. Dems have been promising to help people there for 5 decades and haven't accomplished jack shit. Leftists are more concerned with having the moral high ground than with actual results.
>>immediately get a job
years later
>>own house and vehicle
fucking how? What career are you in?
actually sweetie to that last part lefties actually give less yo charity
not really. we're all evil bastards.
the right wants to kill you and get rich doing it.
the left wants to kill you and have you thank them for it.
The Left likes to think they have a monopoly on morality, it's retarded.
Plumbing. Im a certified Master Plumber.
If you were the one who was forced by the state to help the lazies, you would be with us.
>I'm going to vote for spending other people's money on stuff and pretend that makes me better than you
Give to charity if you want to be good. Don't pretend making others do it at gunpoint in any way makes you morally superior.
Indeed, on our side of the pond just look at the likes of Russell Brand and any virtue signalling shitpiece to see that. Without drawing attention to the hypocrisy of the British Labour party, with most of their children being in private school rather than the state schools they harp on about being "more than good enough", all they need to do is say the right thing, and the masses who do not do any reading, research or due diligence lap it up.
The left has gone too far and is undermining the structures that make civilisation viable. The far right is no better in that it is just a front group for Oligarchical interests.
These days however everything is the opposite of what it should be and the left are actually the useful idiots of the Oligarchy and the right stands for individual rights free speech and self determination.
I used to be a leftist of the anti war, free speech, pro labour sort, but these things are found on the right these days.
The left has become totally fake. They seek power and control over everyone's life by imposing a hierarchy that puts degenerates, weirdos, and weaklings at the top while seeking to crush independent thinkers and people who want to do their own thing.
Either way, both the far left and the far right are totalitarian.
I just want to be a free man. I don't need any faggots telling me how to live my life.
They want to "help" the poor and needy by giving them free shit paid for with your taxes, and they want to keep them there so they're good and dependant on the state to survive, and so they vote left to keep the free shit flowing/increase it.
Leftists have a lot of high and mighty ideals that they ultimately just run their mouths about. They gush about multiculturalism, but they live in almost 100% white neighbourhoods so they don't have to deal with the bullshit. They want to fix every problem on the planet, by forcing everyone to pay taxes to the state and hope the money goes where it's supposed to go, or that the thing the state is blowing your taxes on is a completely retarded waste of dosh that only exists so politicians can trot it out and the leftists can gush about it
Damn, Thomas Sowell almost copied that word for word.
Would him not taking it remove the policy of offering it?
Well lets see, In the US the democrats are considered left, and they are also the party of the clan. Oooo OOoooo OOOooo I got it, most democrat ran cities like Chicago are paradise for their people. High crime rates, high taxes, high strong drug use. In other words, the left in the US is a cancer on society.
He's saying help has to be offered to some end. To help people be able to meet their responsibilities, not take them upon yourself. People aren't pets.
>It means that I'm not a self-centered greedy bastard.
Oh, the irony. Yes you, the one who claims to know what other people should do with their life and money, are not a self-centered. And you, who wants to take other people's money to benefit your cause, are not greedy.
The Dems are total assholes. They maintain power by making people dependent on handouts. Look at the cities they run. Shitholes where voters survive on gibbs.
Poor people are poor because they make bad decisions. Who is really having their best interests?
The people who tell them to man up and make them work, punish them for their bad decisions so they learn how to conduct themselves effectively, and donate more to charities than any other ideological group?
Or the group that has the lowest marriage rates and treats poor people like the children they don't want to have, by spoiling them, rewarding them for bad decisions, cleaning up after their mistakes so they don't learn to become assets to society, and enforce economic policies that increase inflation, and social policies that increase out of wedlock pregnancies, fatherless children, and etc?
THERE ARE NO GOOD GUYS. THERE IS ONLY POWER. you fight the left with the right. you fight the right with the left...all to gain more power...the fight is all there is! LICK MY BALLS.
conservatives hire the poor and needy.
socialist takes a % of that paycheck and gives it to other poor and needy.
actually to be precise. socialists loan money to spend on the poor and needy and then taxes people to pay the interest.
>Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education.
If you look at the curriculums conservatives try to pass in America, in particular, you'll quickly realize this is an accurate statement. Fucking A Beka.
I think Brexit opened a lot of people's eyes to that
>"No we REMAIN voters are the proles! It's the bourgeois RACSTS like Farage who's in it to make MONEY and keep us all OPPRESSED!"
>Cue multi-millionaire Bob Geldof floating down the Thames drinking champagne on a million pound barge telling out of work fishermen they don't know what it's like to be poor before pulling out because he had a lunch appointment with the CEO of Gucci
I wish I was making it up.
What amazed me was every single member of the elite/establishment/bourgeois/whatever were all pro-remain and people STILL refused to acknowledge it. It shows you how leftists think. To them words speak far louder than actions do. I suppose that goes some way in explaining why they do a lot of talking about what needs sacrificed to improve X, but it's not them they want to be making sacrifices, it's you.
Every single one of them in uni will cry about "white privilege", but not a single one gives up their privileged position at uni for someone less privileged. They're the embodiment of "do as I say, not as I do".
In an ironic twist the one thing they're right about is that white people are the problem and truly it is them.
republicucks are just giant dummies!
Left used to be the shit, truly progressive stuff, now they're just retards.