What about this? EU's bitch? USA's bitch? Waiting to claim back the true Roman heritage? Future leader of poor EU countries? Dead in 10 years by Troika's grip? Discuss
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Waiting to claim Roman heritage. All you have to do is start worshiping old Gods as archetype of dominance, and you'll be on your way to success
>mussolini basically BTFO'd the mafia untill the ((((liberators)))) came
Ahi serva Italia, di dolore ostello,
nave sanza nocchiere in gran tempesta,
non donna di province, ma bordello!
Quell' anima gentil fu così presta,
sol per lo dolce suon de la sua terra,
di fare al cittadin suo quivi festa;
e ora in te non stanno sanza guerra
li vivi tuoi, e l'un l'altro si rode
di quei ch'un muro e una fossa serra.
Cerca, misera, intorno da le prode
le tue marine, e poi ti guarda in seno,
s'alcuna parte in te di pace gode.
most worthless country both world wars
Check 'em.
in ww1 we were as worthless as you were during ww2
not remotely relevant enough to be anyone's bitch. a cog in the EU wheel
you were useless in ww1m but you had the privilege of fighting the retarded austrian army
I have one Italian friend on other website. She is awesome and redpilled.
Someone explain to me this meme, Japan was a much worse ally. They managed to win against chinks and gooks who at the time were dirtpoor farmers. They just gave USA an excuse to jump in on the war.
this is a thread about italy. only italian slovenians and amerismarts accepted
i just came to state a fact
Cant wait to see this fucking boot crash and burn completely
I'm currently in the process of adquiring italian citizenship through ancestry.
Should I move there in case my country goes the way of venezuela? Living in a small alpine town seems comfy as fuck.
Very interesting read and that's part of why I say USA's bitch
As if you ever did anything that doesn't directly help lobbies and israel
Absolutely wrong, both the history and the size make it very important for the EU as a whole
Look into the abhorrent human testing that Japan did in the 20th century. The US took their data and further worked on it
That's pretty harsh but I can't say I really disagree
If you can live in a small alpine town, and you have a steady income stream, it's definitely a paradise
I love Italians. They're literally good at everything - singing, painting, poetry, film making, architecture, science, music. Land of Da Vinci & Shadilay. Too kind tho - just let the migrants fucking drown.
>Believes Air Conditioning will kill you.
>Believes you will certainly die if you swim after eating.
>Lives at home into 30's
>No clothes dryer in house
>Can't get a job without knowing someone or nepotism, patronage.
>Shit tier GDP due to not working more than 5-6 hours a day.
>Believes wearing a scarf will prevent bronchitis.
>Believes fans cause neck/muscle pain.
>Many leave H.S. functionally illiterate.
For the last time, italians had no say in that decision. We haven't had regular elections since 2013 and even then they just ignored the will of the people because of MUH STABILITY. All of our last rulers have been EU shills without any real democratic mandate nor vision for the future, all they're interested in is appeasing EU bureaucrats.
>Lives at home into 30's
>Many leave H.S. functionally illiterate.
These are true. If we want to play this game, don't forget that you're so dumb you need preventative stickers or you will drink scalding coffee
Well Syriza was regularly elected and they literally ignore the outcome of a popular referendum, so it's not like having elections would help. And now, all these talks about the need for an Italian Macron to bring ((((stability))))
lol half of those things are actually true buddy
>mfw italo-american
nobody likes us
Come on now, our media isn't as bad as in other western countries. Anyway I see that , "italian Macron" is just code for Renzi and I really doubt italians are up for that
If you don't know the basics of italian history and language you are not italian, you're a calabrese.
Your fate is decided. come sit by me and enjoy some barilla.
what do you think of Beppe Grillo?
im a 2nd gen immigrant
my parents didnt want me and my siblings to learn the language or carry on any traditions because "muh anyone can be american"
but im trying my best to re-learn it against their wishes
idk why youd just scrap it off like that
The Italian people have no serious patriotic spirit. They'll get hugely upset over personal family drama, then when you tell them their country is being invaded you can tell they don't like it but their eyes just kind of glass over and there's not fire in them to make it stop. Like they are an already defeated people. Not to mention the vast majority of the current younger generation of men are skinny and effeminate.
Bernie Sanders with a tinfoil hat, he shills for NEETbux and is further-left on immigration than PD. Some retards like him because he talks shit about the establishment but he wants to enact the same exact policies of said establishment with the addiction of MUH TRANSPARENCY. He also explicitly said more than once that if it weren't for him all of the populism would have been absorbed by the far-right and that we should thank him for that.
>our media isn't as bad as in other western countries
TV is an absolute joke and newspapers actually have news, but are far too biased one way or the other to be honest in their job
>"italian Macron" is just code for Renzi and I really doubt italians are up for that
I can also see a center-right candidate claiming that title, for the good it will do. It's a disaster either way
About him personally, I don't really have an opinion. I used to love the movement when it started, but it really had ups and downs. I really wish they had a firm (yet open) opinion on immigration, economics, EU. I'd vote for them in a heartbeat.
Learning the language is not the best effort, but I very much encourage you to learn culture and history
sounds like the whole europe desu
replied before I could
So your parents are "those" kind of italians, do they come from Emilia/Toscana by any chance? Anyway I wasn't trying to be a cunt, I was just stating a fact, good for you for wanting to learn about your heritage
A charlatan piece of shit, but BTFO'd the left so all good
Why are People in Rome so damn rude? i mean 90% of travelers agree with me on this..
I have traveled through the entire country and i would say that (and you will disagree with me) people in Napoli were the nicest...
Really? If in 2013 Grillini hadn't been total autistic fucks they would have formed a coalition thus giving this country an actual elected government. They are responsible for putting PD in power.
I get where you're coming from. I didn't take any offense. My father is from Sicily and my mother is from Lombardy. I definitely take after my mother in terms of appearance though, I'm far more pale, with green eyes, and so forth compared to my father.
Fuck off pagan LARPER
probably just banter, Romans are known for taking the piss constantly
Rome banter best banter
This is absolutely wrong. They are willing to cooperate on issues, but they don't want to be PD's bitches and that's why they refused. PD finds it way easier to deal with Forza Italia because they are ok with it. How is Nazareno 2 going for them? They don't even pretend to be leftists anymore
Romans are known for being arrogant, vulgar and loud. I don't know, maybe it's the WE WUZ environment that makes them think they're betten than anyone elseI'm sicilian myself so I know that the rapebaby meme burgers spam on Sup Forums is mostly a myth, only a minority of sicilians have arab-like features, if you take most southerners and put them away from the sun for a couple of months they'd look white, I personally have your exact features
>They are willing to cooperate on issues
That's respectable for being an opposition party in parliament but if you want to govern you may need to form an alliance and they're too autistic to understand that. I mean, do you really think they are ever going to get 40%?
I think they are over the top when they say sicilians are sandniggers.
> If in 2013 Grillini hadn't been total autistic fucks they would have formed a coalition thus giving this country an actual elected government.
Coalition with whom? PD?
> They are responsible for putting PD in power.
That's the thing.
Although I don't deem tinfoil args being superior to leftist, at the very least they dispersed the fucking young lefties for good, once and for all.
The long shadow of the '68ini boomers finally died, I agree it left millenials politically without a clue but at least we have a clean slate.
Also we have to thank them for Renzi, which is a son of a bitch but again he showed old lefties the door.
As you may notice I have little love for lefties, boomers specially
I want a BIC inside my asshole right now..
why do you want a french biro up your ass?
I love our country, we still need to reach the point of no return unlike most countries.
They didn't necessarily have to do it with PD, but M5S+PD would have still been better than PD+FL putting in power literal EU puppets who chopped away more of our sovereignity.
>They are willing to cooperate on issues
It's PD that does not want to cooperate. Since they are the first party, they want someone to use as a stool. 5S don't want to do that, but FI and maybe some smaller parties do. That's why there's no alliance in sight, even if they could work together in practice. They might get 40% tho, there is still hope
>tinfoil args
Although there are definitely tinfoil args, I wouldn't dare call them a "tinfoil args" party
> we still need to reach the point of no return
I disagree, I believe we got them there long before, Tangentopoli is some kind of template for ((((arab springs)))) in a non mudslime country, Berlusconi the template for Trump the populism log before the rest of the west -not that I'm proud of it.
We probably should start rebuilding ...
Do you see Catholicism remaining as strong as it has in the past or is italy abandoning religion the same way the rest of western europe is?
I don't get where all this optimism about M5S is coming from since until now their whole platform has been MUH ONESTA, MUH TAGLI AGLI SPRECHI and lefty policies, they are ambiguous on all important subjects like immigration, foreign policy,financial reforms, I bet they're even in favor of Ius Soli...They're only convincing in the justice department for things like fight against corruption,tax evasion and prescription.
Proper catholicism is dying, I think more and more italians are adopting the wishy-washy lefty-compatible version of christianity sponsored by Pope Francis. We're still much more conservative than other western countries tho.
He might be gay
Gib back Trieste
As I said above
>I used to love the movement when it started, but it really had ups and downs. I really wish they had a firm (yet open) opinion on immigration, economics, EU. I'd vote for them in a heartbeat
Ambiguity is something that needs to go as soon as possible, you can't govern only getting votes out of anger. That's why they are still meh candidates. They are for sovereignty, that is something I always encourage. Their detractors can only say that they made Rome into a mess (which it has been for 50+ years) and that Grillo dictates everything (which is more true for other parties)
Catholicism in the common sense is pretty dead, but we still have a parasite state within the Capital, and the 2000-years-old religion makes us much more conservative than we would otherwise be. It's more a ghost than an actual religion
Are Max Bunker's works appreciated in Italy as much as they are in ex-yu?
I'm Italo-American and even I hate us. I have grandparents straight off the boat, and here these fuckers are calling their American grandparents Nonna and Nonno. And the accent, oh my god.
The fag across the street from me bought a fucking Vespa. He takes up a whole fucking spot with this TINY RED MOPED. FUCKING LOOK AT THIS SHIT.
I hate Tristate Area Italians so fucking much.
I've studied Italian history extensively and would bet I know more than most Italians. I've also learned how to speak Italian conversationally.
Have I earned the right to call myself Italian?
Can I come home?
This is pretty much how all Italians in the us are raised. I'm third gen. And no one in my family speaks proper Italian anymore (besides some great aunts and uncles). They assimilated fully into the US, which I'm fine with, however with today's multiculturalism Zeitgeist it leaves me a little resentful
>I wouldn't dare call them a "tinfoil args" party
Grillo started cashing on tinfoil subjects back in the days he was just a coedian, which was in the 80s
I didn't follow them lately but I recall they were strong with novax, chemtrax and illuminati BS, but here's the catch: before the '89 those were fringe lefty args, so they stole that electorate which is good with me since it weakened the left.
> I bet they're even in favor of Ius Soli
Nope, unless they changed theyr mind recently
is comfy as fuck if you are rich as fuck otherway you are under bridges sucking dicks for a piece of bread if you have low degree
They are pro-renewables, pro-green and anti-pharma, but they hold legitimate positions, they are not crazy conspiracy lunatics. A part of their electorate is, but the party is not about that
there is nothing wrong with vespas, they are sold all over the world even in japan, indian and east-asia in general.
GTFO mongrel you are not italian
If you have italian ancestry you can legally have a shortcut for citizenship, the fact that you'd like to come home and that you know about our culture makes you more italian than all of those relativist millennial faggots who ditch their country as soon as they can for a few more shekels, talk shit about it and still dare to vote left while living in fucking Germany. Italy will welcome you with open arms user
Gib back trieste or I break spaghetti, cover it with ketchup and call it italian pasta!
oh mein Gott das italien meme
you don't understand how gaudi a red vespa in america is
I like the Vespa, I really do. It's a nice shade of red and everything.
But he takes up a whole fucking parking spot. He doesn't even drive it. It just sits there day in and day out, wasting space.
I don't care, here we eat cevapcici with kran and drink lasko and pelinkovaç, pasta does not bother us
another american thinking like he knows all about europe. fuck you
how can I get citizenship to help out? my dad is Italian but I don't have it
-Non siamo le puttane dell'EU, la maggior parte delle loro richieste sono ragionevoli o non così terribili come ci vogliono far credere e nel lungo periodo ci aiutano. Il nostro debito pubblico è troppo alto basta welfare a gente che non paga 1€ di tasse e mangia mangia solo.
-Eravamo sotto l'ala dell'america dopo la seconda guerra ma adesso ci guardano come appestati. Non gli serviamo più e siamo in crisi. Il brutto è che sono riusciti ad infinocchiarci con +100 f35 di merda.
-Eritaggio romano. é da un bel pezzo che non abbiamo più la forza e lo spirito romano lasciamo perdere questa storia. è inutile che ti scopi una vecchia perchè da giovane era una gran figa.
-Guida degli stati europei poveri? No cazzi loro, non riusciamo a guidare noi stessi figuriamoci gli altri.
ok but i still don't get all this anti-italianism coming from USA flags, not even croats and slovenes are so mad at us and it's really weird. At least they had good reasons
How did an austrian went past the piave?
Ciao Angela, come va con i cinesi?
>Non siamo le puttane dell'EU
Absolutely based. Please annex Slovenia and us and form a new empire. Together we will enslave the pasta-eaters and then acquire oversea colonies.
OP succhia lo spaghetto grande e nero.
Possiamo dire di tutto, ma quando c'era BERLUSCONI, porca puttana se era un pezzo grosso. Nel suo yacht potevi vedere Putin e Bush assieme, era un mediatore e un pezzo da novanta.
Nel clima politico mondiale con lui eravamo MOLTO più sotto i riflettori, nel bene o nel male.
dude grow a pair and burn it or shoot him you are in america! jesus
> A part of their electorate is
But their entire point is doing what their base want, althoug ofc Grillo has the last word which is why I call them cialtroni.
Don't get me wrong, I voted for them with the very intent of destroying the last renmants of lefty marxism and also to see if they were trustworthy, which unfortunately I deem them not.
I have no idea what to vote next, if I could I'd vote Gentiloni, I'd like the return of a class of politicians whose do shit discreetly instead of tweeting incessantly and being general assholes.
Right now we need to keep afloat what's last of our industries and finance trying to resist the fucking french whose only scope is to destroy and dismember us piece after piece.
questo è vero
at least we have something to eat
the only possibile solution for Italy:
What are you doing Hrvoje, we're supposed to open foibe again damn it
You're not italian, never were and never will be.
Most Americans are just above retard level when it comes to intelligence. Just ignore them or post le 56% face.
la cassa è vuota i nostri vecchi e la vecchia classe dirigente ci hanno mangiato la pensione non possiamo continuare a far debiti.
Fa schifo ma è la realtà.
le cazzate come gli 80€ e il reddito di cittadinanza sono strategie per far stare buoni i giovani e raccattare voti
do you want to get exterminated again
If you can prove you dad has italian citizenship it should be pretty easy, you should contact the local embassy.
>choosing politicians for personality over policies
Gentiloni is a literal commie who gave up communism when it became unpopular, he is a Renzi stooge with no plan whatsoever for Italy's future, he's a bigger cuck than Letta
they only ever looked good in comparison with DC's corruption and because they never governed shit
History seems to recall it the other way around mate. You were the one that got genocided.
Besides, y u heff to be med, it only dead spaghetti storage containers. Foibe did nothing wrong
Oh, no, you misunderstand.
I'd love to visit Italy. I'm very proud of my heritage, in fact.
But It's the gaudy American Italians that I can't stand. Even my Nonna and Nonno think they're annoying. They're like bad caricatures, you know? Gives actual Italians a bad name.
>Of course the Austrian cuck is pro communism
Really heats the oven
B-but there aren't enough of us left ;_;
>tfw asking Italians to dump the bodies into holes because all of the few people are too tired after shooting them all day