I mean seriously guys, he's actually our president
I like him.
It does. Your delusional burger friends elected him because they see themselves in him.
He'll be the greatest president since George Washington.
Shocking news: Violent right wingers are advocating to genocide all jews.
Source: just look at Sup Forums, youll find it.
Actually, just look at the replies to this post
This guy is definition of America. It's upto you how you see him.
We just had 8 years of a nigger as a president. Trump could dress up like an actual clown and I'd still be less embarrassed.
I love jews
8 years of a nigger who wasn't fat or too retarded for diplomacy like Trump is.
>defending obama
Am I allowed to call you a shill now?
>defending a fat stupid guy
Only if I get to call you a degenerate swine.
He was wrong, I am not tired of winning.
Jews need to keep their shit to themselves and we'll be fine.
Come over here, we aren't violent in the slightest. I'll even take you to a bath.
No patio.
of course he is defending his fellow Muslim brother.
Jews are the best! You're welcome here anytime.
Makes me laugh my ass off. I am still and have always been pro trump, but only because it's hilarious watching everyone cry about it. He is a walking memecow.
He hasn't delivered on any of his promises BUT he has given us plenty of lulz and edrama, along with redpilling millions on just how biased the MSM actually are. Ultimately all politicians suck and life isn't meant to be taken so seriously, we're all just inconsequential animals anyway.
I'm so happy that america elected him. Shows that there still is hope.
He's seriously hilarious. The whole fucking globe is laughing at all of you. Incuding sandniggers jews chinks pakis euros and africans.
>hasn't delivered on any of his promises
You do realize the first test wall is up, obamacare is being destroyed, the paris deal just happened, he's tackling common core in the summer, and he told the Saudi's to "start acting" when it comes to terrorism, and called them out for funding it, right?
>He hasn't delivered on any of his promises
Hitler should have killed way more than 6gorrilian
Loves to propagandize us!
Sup Forums is a board of peace. We should not be judged for the words of a small extremest minority. They aren't real Sup Forums
Suuuuuuure. The Republicans run everything and have done almost nothing.
Not like this Shlomo. Please come by my office later.
We support Bibi in his fight against Islamic terrorism and the perservation of the land of Israel and a future for jewish children. Sup Forums is, and always will be, a zionist board.
He's a good guy. Probably the best negotiator on the planet and knows how to succeed.
This. #notAllPol
Personally, I like Jews. I despise the liberal media, cultural Marxism, and political correctness, but I like Jews.
Best President that we've had in half a century.
Nonsense. We at Sup Forums adore the Jews.
Now please form an orderly line to board the train.
I love when people think diplomacy means making the strongest give all their shit to the weakest. Diplomacy is putting those faggots in their place and making them work to become as good as you.
is trump making another penis joke?
video please
>He hasn't delivered on any of his promises
He pulled out of the Paris agreement a few days ago.
Nice, now I hate Trump too. I mean like you said, hes fat, how could we have a fat president
>Mutti posting this hard
He's done more than Obama has in 8 years
You've got to do better than that, come on kid.