This is the Australian military.
This is the Australian military
just one fatty
whats the fatty rate in the US army?
Nice job copying our state park ranger outfits
Too fucking many because of kikes pushing their shitty unhealthy products and allowing fatties into the military
The Australian army has no function anyway, other than to occasionally bully shithole pacific islands.
We can never stand toe to toe with China or anything else in Asia. the ADF just sits there as a token force because it has to.
I don't know, how many fatties in your military-that-couldn't-last-one-month-against-the-U.S.-army?
your standard troop is shit tier, they cant even into proper camo
>They have manlet chinks in their Army.
Kek. Even little emus can defeat them.
Says the nation that relies on NATO (i.e., the U.S.) for its protection.
Is that why your country is training with them? :^)
>forcing women to show all that leg
what kind of sexist shit is this?
As a service memeber I'll go ahead and admit the answer, a big fatty rate. With that said, our standards have been pretty low for the past 16 years because we've been shooting and bombing Muslim countries into oblivion. With current rates of "draw down" a lot of fatties are getting blocked for reenlistment if not getting a boot right on out.
Also, you don't have to be a full out fatty to be an unfit, weak piece of shit.
>implying the ADF does anything
The special forces do. Rest are just there. The Navy protects our borders. The army does nothing.
>when you joined the army because you fell for the 'fuck off, we're full' meme, but end up being forced by the government to march in a gay pride parade
This is the US military
I've worked with Estonians. Your guys drank up all the training we provided like it was the fountain of youth or some shit. We also wear OCP(Multicam) now. So we're pretty into proper camo.
More cannon fodder for our 1st brigade
yah, we have to teach how to dig a foxhole, not drowning the tank in a swamp, proper clothing and convoy operations in heavily forested area
This is the Polish military.
>yah, we have to teach how to dig a foxhole, not drowning the tank in a swamp, proper clothing and convoy operations in heavily forested area
I appreciate the reciprocation of knowledge. We've been killing the shit out of brown people in the desert since the early 90's. We need to get brought up to speed on fighting "inna woods" if we ever find ourselves actually doing that.
really? Maybe i just got the absolute shit end of the US military, because the guys we were dealing with had no fucking clue. we were told by the company commander not to even try this shit.
That is just the chair force
kek you can see th moose knuckles on that red haired orc
They never recovered from the Emu Wars.
This is the Australian Navy
*breathes in*
> It's a trap!
Army engineers do a lot, they're the cunts that protect and restore infrastructure before and after Australian weather happenings.
>Maybe i just got the absolute shit end of the US military
Most likely. The guys I worked with were some of your top tier guys.
Pretty much this. Navy and Air force are Australia's biggest armed branches (you know, cause entire continent being the country).
holy shit
>snake, her name is mona shindy, the lady of the fire
>lady of the fire!?
>yeah she was leading the flamethrower squadron into the pits of fallujah. they were surrounded by insurgents and nearly wiped out. it is told that she set her fuel pack off in order to turn herself into a firestorm. she turned the entire place to cinders.
>firestorm, huh? so why the burqa?
>it's for public relation purposes. she turned so many iraqis into coal that they had to make up a story to appease the population. in reality it is to cover hideous burns covering her entire body.
>coal, huh? nights can get cold in the desert...
funny that you should mention that
Man your military sure buys a lot of US equipment
we used to make most of our own shit and design much of it, no longer
stop taking low blows. Try to be classier than that m8. We have the worlds best military no need to push it in everyones face all the time, Aussies are alright.
are you in the same thread as eveyone you coon feces eating mongoloid
get a grip obama
>starting a military shitflinging contest
the entirety of NATO including the US live in glass houses in regards to military cringe
>worlds best militaries
>collectively BTFO by zipperhead rice farmers with sticks and shovels
Why do they march like they're on some fag parade?
Yea how about Americans stop eating shit food and start losing weight
We're trying the kikery is too fucking much. Fat acceptance and all.
And mexico dethroned us some time ago
American military
>be american
>get married to a guy
>America could never take our shitty swamp!
t. estonia
of course, you americans are good at making aeroplanes. probably because you need them to fly the corpses of your soldiers out of afghanistan every 5 minutes.
>why do they march like they're on some fag parade?
it literally is a huge fag parade
Yea but the same kikery problem is happening globally
To eat healthily without all the GMO and other chemical bullshit, you have to sacrifice a fair portion of your income
Parade of professional shitposters
This is the Australian military...
And the Israeli military
And the German military
And the French military
And the British military...
Mincing Matilda
Hahahahaa, what a bunch of pansy ass cucks. AKA, your typical burger.
you lost a war to fucking emus dude
I appreciated this post.
Thanks Americunts
Awww how cute, they even dressed up one of their little pet monkeys and let him march in their parade right next to them! Adorable!!