>visited relatives in England in the 80s
Britain no longer counts as eurofags, but they've still got some work ahead of them. ITT, mostly fuck france, germany and sweden. Switzerland is based except for the crazy minimum wage. Why can't you faggots keep the sandniggers out? Islam is designed to destroy your culture, your religion and you.
>have no intention of visiting any country across the Atlantic until you unfuck yourselves

My parents are from Iraq but I was born in Sweden. Am I okay?


Sure, in Iraq.

Go die

well the EU didn't make us have any sandniggers, just allow them to pass through our borders so we don't really give a fuck
the EU can crash and burn for all i'm concerned, we belong with the balkans (serbs are brothers NEVER FORGET 1995) not with the krauts and the baguettes

Deus Vult when?

Make aliyah when?

Did you got a 10 talking points list and you just copypast them?
Seriously 0 (zero) passion.

>not really caring as long as you don't try to come to the USA but...

>just allow them to pass through
and shit publicly and rape your women
>no big deal
when you make decisions like this as a country, it makes americans want to keep you from even visiting here. get based faggot!

when eurofags start paying for nato and stop banning guns and instead start blowing sandniggers' heads off when they try to rape white women

i stopped listening to black music after funk

fuck yourself in the dickhole with a thorny branch.

>Switzerland is based
>Literal mountain Jews
Fuck man, I hate niggers and even more do I hate sandniggers, but jews take first place as always.

I do want to keep them shitskins out, and I voted Le Pen for that, but really France is cucked til we all get bombed and turn around, kill every single one of this inbred goatfuckers and finally break free from international jewry. That or moderate fascism gets popular again.

they attack their people or volunteers. We keep them in camps
zero reports (or 1 amongst 200) and trust my if there were any, people would get lynched en masse and it would be huge in rightwing news outlets - there have already been some stabbings in island by locals that are anti-shitskin for pretty much no reason

we don't want to visit america desu
shit country with shit people
maybe when you get outbirthed by beaners we'll visit, i like mexicans more

i like you. you may be right about the swiss. i pity you since your election was probably rigged against Le Pen. Maybe in the next election you won't be defrauded. don't give up!

>loving mexicans
this is why we're building a wall. what's your impression on what happened in 1995 with bosnia/herzegovinia

srebrenica happened in 95

i don't know that word. i was just a kid back then.

>I was born on a plane does that make me a bird
I know this is bait, but what does place of birth have to do with anything?

OP here. i'll TOPKEK when your magic rock gets bombed to shit and all the stupid faggots walking around it are turned into burgers

Keep bowing like your presidents, faggot.

you're thinking of the last one. your faggot princes gave God-Emperor a medal. it must suck to have no industry or technology. sorry, but we have American oil now. You're completely fucked.

A curtsey like a little bitch is also acceptable if you're orange :^)

Bait? if you truly are a shitskin, then know that you have no future in sweden. In 10 years or less shit will hit the fan.

sometimes you have to squat to get down to the level of sandniggers paying homage to your awesome power. maybe in a few hundred years you'll learn how to irrigate land and your people will have enough food to grow over 5 feet tall.

you stupid faggot

y'all really need to speed that shit up.

>being in this much denial.
A curtsey after the medal was already given is so that the medal can be given, makes sense. It's ok tho, you can practice your curtsey in your mom's basement, nobody will see until you perfect it like the orange one.

who's ur daddy faggot? SAY IT!

Haha, your screeching after being BTFO pleases me almost as much as a curtsey, so it will do for now. I still expect a bow (or a curtsey if you're orange) as soon as you perfect it :^)


i missed the part where i was "BTFO."...you stupid faggot. all your country has is historically advantageously located real-estate which has become irrelevant. your culture is shit. your technology is shit. your religion is shit. your horticulture is shit. fuck off and die. nobody needs you.

You need someone to bow to :^)

Euro/pol/ discord


you need to remove the pig cock from your ass and/or kys


Thought you were the German guy who says ":^)" a lot.

Can't hear you over the sound of your presidents' bows and curtseys.

why does this have to be an "app"
>hating trendies a lot today

It is the perfect smiley to use when replying to a dumb triggered burger innit?

Yeah senpai.

you have no idea how much danger you are in

Oh getting edgy are we?


>muh islam is the religion of peace!!!
>kills randoms

And with impunity too :^)

you just literally admitted muslims want to violently take over the world. fuck you. you need to die an early death. i'll do what i have to do to make that happen.

there's plenty of badass motherfuckers that are well ahead of me on this shit, but there's also TONS of regular Americans capable of going full badass who hate faggots like you and who only need a little bit of training. DO NOT underestimate us YOU FAGGOT!!!!!!!

It's impossible to underestimate you tbqh.

Can you prove that you have a higher number of brain cells than the number of pixels in pic related.

Hint: You can't.