I've been dealing with the fact that I am apparently asexual, or at least close to it. But it is relentlessly depressing to not want sex in a world that seems to be absolutely obsessed with it. Every movie, every TV show, every popular song is about having lots and lots of sex. I just watched Girls for the first time, and surprise: the core message of the show is that the sex you are having is the most important facet of your life. It's supposed to be smart entertainment, but like every other form of entertainment, the take-away is that if you're not engaging in intercourse, then you're dead inside.
Sex is everywhere, and I'm tired of it
Did you become asexual because you can't get any? Don't lose hope - pay someone for sex.
asexuals are just brain damaged. your dopamine center has been destroyed by some toxic shit or another so you cant feel pleasure anymore. fix your shit or commit suicide, you are a genetic dead end otherwise.
I agree with you OP.
Humans are just animals in the end. I'm not asexual but would love to be one because hate to be addicted to women pussy and all the time i have wasted on sex and masturbation...fuck
Stop jacking 5 times a day. Your drive will come back.
No I totally feel you.. I don't really fuck anymore bc of the way that bitches are these days, but yes sex is every where..
1. Girls is not smart entertainment
2. Turn of the electric Jew
3. Bury yourself is work that benefits you and only you..
4. Society is mostly trash.
kys you subhuman mammal
I just can't give a shit. i just focus on studies and in spare time i just focus on hobbies or passions.
Is this just a form of mental gymnastics to avoid confronting the fact that the reason you aren't getting laid is you? Sex is the most important milestone for a man to transition into adulthood, because it shows mastery of ability to communicate with other people. Inability to get laid is from a lack of ability to master human communication because of autism or some kind of mental disorder.
Perhaps i'm further among the evolutionary line and preparing for the future of artificial births. Therefore my animalistic nature is no longer needed
>I'm asexual
>I'm a unique snowflake instead of an ugly, boring loser
You're not kidding anyone.
It's not that i can't get laid. That i just am not interested. Why does everyone have to believe that if i am isn't engaging in it then it must be because he can't attain it. It doesn't appeal to me, therefore i don't care
Many brilliant people were asexual: Kant, Spinoza, Tesla, etc. They contributed in ways other than reproduction. Of course avg asexual person is not up to their level but still serves a purpose sublimating sex drive into other things.
You're just an idiot. Not once did i mention that i couldn't get it.
sex is a drug. people obsessed with it will never admit that. There is a reason it must be controlled to obtain consciousness.
goverment needs more slaves dude.
Is that really true, or is it just your self defense mechanism to avoid confronting the brutal truth?
Sex is for the weak. I am better off for not having too much. My business and assets have never been better. I focus the energy into my work.
Promotion of degeneracy. Hmmm, I wonder what force could be behind that...
Hmm? Link please
This is pretty much how I feel. I pretty much don't give a shit a really could care less than to have a relationship with anyone.
Spinoza too?
Who cares what most of society is doing? Shouldn't have an effect on your self-worth unless you're basing it off what everyone else thinks of you. There are plenty of things for you to do in this world that don't involve sex. Go play with the kittens at the local animal shelter and consider volunteering your time there. Plant some bonsai or an organic garden. Start a stamp collection. Learn how to play an instrument. Most of all, stop being a little bitch who complains about what other people are doing, especially since other people having sex doesn't even affect you.
High intelligence, being stressed and low sex hormones make you way less horny. You just have a phenotype which is adapted to being more cerebral and less hedonic. I feel asexual as well when I'm doing 12 hour days and taking certain cognitive boosters. If you took a long holiday, took drugs and used roids you would be jerking off 8 times a day. If you're comfortable the way you are then that's great, but normies are always gonna be brain-dead and horny that is life.
wow that's an old meme
not gonna bother reading this thread, I'm sure it's been productive
I had my first kiss when i was 7 , i fucked my first girl when i was 11 and had first gf when i was 13. all of that probably happened because i'm a curious person. i find myself not giving a fuck a few years later.
Yea, I seem to want it when I dont have it but when I have it I dont really care if I do. You know. Same with a gf, I have one right now and she is cool but... I seem to want one only when I dont have it.
This is the most tolerant, least pressure to conform time in history. There's literally nothing pushing you towards anxiety about your asexuality other than your own obvious guilt and self-consciousness about it. If you are really asexual, you wouldn't worry about it, but it seems to me you are more likely incel.
Why do you even care what they think of you is a better question. People look down on others to boost their own egos all the time. There's nothing you can do about those types and feeling shitty is exactly what they want. They feel good about themselves when they can make you feel shitty. The lowest form of life. So forget them. Most of them aren't even happy when they get laid. They just need to do it to prove their own self worth to themselves because they're loooooosers. Do you want to fall into the same trap?
you're probably not asexual, you're most likely just suffering from a mental overload because of the ridiculous amount of attention and hype that our society gives to sex. A lot has changed with regards to how we think of sex since the "sexual revolution" in the 1960's. aka the jews did this
>I'm not asexual but would love to be one because hate to be addicted to women pussy and all the time i have wasted on sex and masturbation...fuck
This, when I think how the pursuit of sex or cumming dominates one's life, I wish I was asexual
By the way, those who fall into the trap can never leave it, ever. They already threw away their dignity in a way that can never be redeemed so all they can do is try to pull others down with them. Hope that explains why they try to degrade you for not being like them.
The problem is not being asexual, it's this hypersexualized society, total chaos.
Keep your head up you sexless bitch
"How do you feel about sex, Sophocles? Are you still capable of having sex with a woman? He replied, “Be quiet, man! To my great delight, I have broken free of that, like a slave who has got away from a rabid and savage master”. I thought at the time that this was a good response, and I haven’t changed my mind. I mean, there’s no doubt that in old age you get a great deal of peace and freedom from things like sex. When the desires lose their intensity and ease up, then what happens is absolutely as Sophocles described - freedom from a great many demented masters. However, the one thing responsible for this, and for one’s relationship with relatives as well, is not a person’s old age Socrates, but his character."
Exactly the way I've always felt. At the same time, I've decided I need to start a family as a social duty, but also because families with kids are a healthy institution.
I really wish I'd given a fuck about finding a wife in college or earlier. I feel like it's just easier to go through life in a supportive team, both socially and in terms of day-to-day logistics.
I don't want to be part of the birthrate problem either.
>tfw having sex and getting sloppy blowjobs from two or three girls every week
>tfw barely feel any sexual desire after banning all porn and masturbation from my life two months ago
B-brain's just re-rewiring bros...
Right bros...
>Watches "Girls"
>Doesn't want sex
This is normal. Just turn off the jewtube for awhile and hit the gym, it'll come back.
holy shit are you retarded, you can't fix the brain of a psychopath with working out
>a psychopath
I don't think you know what that means.
Plenty of great men were autistic like yourself.
Go do great things
If you get a boner looking at women, you're not asexual.
Dumb snowflake.
It sounds like your just too much of a beta to get laid so you claim asexuality, stop being a faggot and fuck someone you stupid nigger
You're asexual? Congratulations, you can focus on other stuff than MUH SEX JUNK. Sex is overrated anyway.
Yea, divorced now, I just wait to maybe fall in love I guess. Got tired of treating sex like a game years ago. It's not a game. Serious shit happens.
i'm sorry, i mean sociopath
>Apparently asexual
You're just a betafaggot nerd who can't talk to girls.
You get mad seeing sex in entertainment because it reminds you of your own inferior life.
You are dead inside because of this. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
It gets so much easier when you give up the idea of ever tapping into the sexual market. When the desire to try dies off, you are truly free.
Damn, you got anymore of that?
hi antifa
i'm almost 30 and only had 1 girlfriend for a few months back in junior year of highschool. it absolutely sucked and if it weren't for the wisdom gleaned from the experience of it i'd regret it.
i'm not truly asexual but i've never cared for sex or intimacy with other people and have always felt like relationships are a terrible trap. sometimes i look back on various lite-crushes i've had where i naively dreamed up ways of grabbing the pussy and laugh at myself with a great sense of relief for having made the right set of decisions to NOT get involved with anyone and remain single.
my one experience of girlfriend life showed me enough. i don't like compromising my life with anyone else, i want to focus on my own thing as much as possible. the range of emotional issues that come part and parcel with relationships are just one big source of unnecessary stress.
all my friends are now married with kids, put on a cheery exterior but i can tell they wish they were single still. Sup Forums likes to meme for reproduction but really it's like walling yourself in your own private hell.
to me, being single is some kind of profound truth, it's like open space or an endless expanse of land, it's deep and thoughtful, not confined to a set role and responsibility, not compromised with a woman and kids.
it doesn't bother me at all that society is so focused on sex. i feel uncomfortable when women make it obvious that they want me sexually. like, i'd rather have a pleasant non-sexual conversation than have a girl act like a hungry tiger around me. i totally get the old world meme of women being like devouring monsters.
Reproduction is the strongest drive in life, after basic survival. It makes sense.
I do feel for you, though. It's like when somebody tries to show you a hobby they find really interesting and it doesn't matter at all to you.
Nah, you're just a low T fag. Basically, slit your wrists.
You fucking beta faggots are part of the white genocide.
Why the fuck do you think we're outnumbered 0-100
It's because you betas won't grow some balls and stand up to Chads. Fuck, and when someone calls you out on it you say "hey shill/antifa/etc".
Call out shills if they are actually shills.
Transgenders have a mental illness.
People who are "asexual" have a mental illness.
Wake up or you're contributing to white genocide. Go have a family, get a job, be productive.
You sound overweight
lucky for you. sex is a distraction from life. now you can focus on things that actually matter. protip: watching something called "Girls" is stupid. do something that isn't stupid.
I know the feeling. My sex drive disappeared. The world is crazy and sex mad. Neurotransmitters have immense power over the human mind and free will.
>Go have a family
With whores? I'd gladly wife an amish broad but outside of that I'm pretty disinterested in interacting in any way with the modern slut, it's just not an appealing creature and doesn't activate the "breed that shit" response in me at all.
The mind is a bulwark, as solid as you want it to be
you are but a pinnacle of this degenerate society and you are surrounded by the petty minded materialism of essentially the untermensch minded, even look at how the majority react to your enlightened views, a bunch of fucking pathetic apes
Does this scare you?
Same thing, different word.
If you were really asexual you wouldn't feel this way. You just sound depressed.
>Just not an appealing creature
>I'd gladly wife an amish broad
No you wouldn't. You literally spend your entire day shitposting on this site. You think you'd give up tech? You think you'd embrace that kind of life? You think any amish broad is going to want to be with some beta that probably can't even use an alan wrench?
Be realistic. Grow up. Stop the white genocide, don't be some picky retard with fantasies in his head. You are LITERALLY part of the problem.
It's alright user.
Just focus on your studies and passions.
Someone will come along one day and love you for who you are, when you stop worrying about it. just be the best person you can be. I suggest skydiving as a way forward.
Also stop posting here about it, you're likely to not find many other messages of encouragement.
I like sex, but I hate how everything is sexualized. Really, I could fuck the brains out of a girl any day, but I dislike how sex is almost public. It gives people what I like to call, sexual ADD or ADHD.
It raises the bar for me to get a girl, it makes girls attract other men, and it makes other guys try to get with my girl or the girl I like. Essentially, one big cuck battle where you gotta fend off other guys and try not to get your girl distracted. But since sex is everywhere, it's difficult. Also, the WORST part of this is how sex sells and makes people sell each other out.
I want sexual stuff, but only for me.
30 y/o virgin checking in. Consistently asked out by the opposite sex and have been basically propositioned for sex by girl friends. There are plenty of guys for whom it is not an accomplishment to have sex. It was more of an accomplishment for me to resist having sex.
I used to think I was asexual. Actually in retrospect I was trying very hard to suppress my sex drive because I was afraid of sex and everything that went along with it. Relationships are a huge time sink and then there's STDs, kids, emotional entanglements, loss of individuality, heartbreak, etc. Logically I decided the safer path was to just read philosophy and figure out what the point of life was instead of getting distracted by some random girl.
Now that I'm no longer as afraid of life in general, and realizing that there is no point fundamentally, I regret not having played around in college more. Of course, if I had experienced some of the negative consequences like an STD or something, I'd probably regret not going wizard like I did.
Deal with your emotions (meditation, journaling, socializing, and/or therapy) and make sure you aren't just engaging in avoidance coping. Are you afraid to talk to attractive girls? Are you afraid to socialize? To show someone your naked body and risk rejection? etc. You don't have to have sex or get a relationship, but probably 9/10 times you'll enjoy life more if you aren't alone. Don't worry about society telling you whether you are or aren't a loser. Society doesn't really care about any individual one way or another. It's just for most people who they are dating literally IS the most interesting thing about them. Don't take it personally.
What has you so upset today? Nobody's insulted you but you cannot stop insulting everyone else, it's literally all you've done itt today. Do you need to get something off your chest? Vent some steam? We're here user, you can cry if you need to we won't judge.
scare me? no, but i wouldn't want that kind of intimacy with a woman, not even one i'd consider a 10. part of it is not liking how i feel about myself when engaged in such a mode of behavior. i don't like that feeling of being part of a partnership, of being one half of something rather than fully and uniquely myself.
not really
It means the same thing, the two words are interchangeable.
Good thing you'll never reproduce
didn't know I wanted to be with kstew
This is such a cancerous thread.
Asexuality is not real. Everyone here has the same story. Just a bunch of beta virgins. You realize now that I'm right and are acting like I'm in a giant rage.
I don't want to see my culture die because of my own culture, maybe that's why I'm coming off bad.
You say you don't want to be with "some creature".
When did Sup Forums become such pussies?
You try to deflect your own insecurities on to me now. You try to bring me down to such a pathetic, self loathing level. They don't even need shills anymore with people like you.
maybe the core deficite is the same. people divide between them
She's a fine lady, user
Wew lad, now do yourself a favour and go find a religion.
You're not asexual, you're trained by the liberal/regressives to stamp down on all natural inclinations.
>Women are too pedestalized by feminist propaganda for you to even imagine fucking.
>Men are threatened with being branded as rape animals at every turn.
>A good goy will rise above all this, that's what Netflix tells you.
So enjoy your praise for your "alternative sexuality" i.e. another mental illness and having learned to supress your feelings and natural state completely and adopting the language of regressive degenerates. You might get a pat on the head from a feminist sometime before you have to kill yourself from being unmotivated and unemployable.
Just open up, angry-user. We all know why we should want to breed with white women, but we also live around white women nobody would want to breed with. Just tell us your feelings and let it go, friendo, we can all tell you're upset and we don't want that.
Incidentally I don't think asexuality is real either, but not wanting to fuck disgusting people surely is, as you put it yourself when you say women wouldn't want to fuck any user here. That feeling is mutual, so what's the issue causing you to need a tissue?
the people ripping it into OP that its cause he "cant get any" or "mental illness" not taking into account OPs reasons, or how celibate people can contribute in marvelous ways to a society shouldn't be on this fucking board
Matthew 19:24
>>For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."
You assume every white woman you come into contact to is some unfuckable whore.
What the reality is you're an unfuckable virgin who only comes into contact with unfuckable whores.
You can't actually have real conversations or get to know anybody, so you just make assumptions that anyone attractive and intelligent is an unfuckable whore.
Be who you want to be with faggot, you'll see there's a lot of good women out there.
>Be who you want to be with faggot
I am. Need to vent more? We're here for you user, get it all off your chest. Clearly you have a lot to say, we'll listen if it makes you feel better friend.
Just admit you're an anxiety-ridden dolt that would ejaculate prematurely if you didn't have erectile dysfunction.
Really, people who claim to be asexual just haven't found sex they've enjoyed, and they're too narcissistic to put in the effort to find it. If you had the capacity to be honest with yourself you'd admit you're probably a sadist who enjoys spanking people but your slave morality holds you back from being fully able to enjoy it.
It's probably an advantage, tbf. I imagine an asexual psychopath is probably the best combination of all. = a focus on career and making money over everything else that fills the everyday mind. Even without the psychopath element you'll probably end up a millionaire. Sexual attraction is just a waste of time, mostly, something most of us can't get away from, although we need to. Sex itself is great while you're having it, the other 99.9% of the time you're just thinking about having it. Colossal waste of productive time
yeah you worthless fuck.
You literally have had no argument this entire time.
The beta is strong within you.
Have fun living in denial friend:)!
>scare me
bore me
You're noticing how disordered modern sexuality is. It's been divorced from love and sold as a token of self worth. It's fucked us up.
I am not crazy about it either.
Sex is fun to think about, but at the end of the day, it is more efficient and feels just as good to jack off and get on with the day. With the incoming flow of artificial sex robots and stuff to stimulate your dick with electric shocks that is infinitely superior to getting laid, there is no reason to seek out pussy. If you feel no emotional attachment to women just move in with a bro and fap to get your fix
sex is a great servant, but a horrible master
I feel the same way, at a certain point you realize sex isnt that great. There's much more to life then chasing women.
You're not even listening to what they are telling you. Also assuming "everyone has the same story" has to be the most telling sign of a low sense of reality and no wisdom.
I'm 29 and have had 5 different GFs - but in the end I'm -=VERY=- happy none worked out. The last GF showed she was a feminazi and I cut her off - I've never felt such freedom. I didn't spent all night thinking about how I lost a friend/lover.. didn't sulk and let it impact my friends... I didn't make rash life decisions in order to shake the feeling of being heartbroken. It was great! I continued to exercise and chase my career.
You actually have in your head, and in your dreams, the ideal companion and the hardest obstacle to a good relationship is learning to say "no thanks" to a girl when she strays from your idea. It's very difficult when they have that ass and titties, but boy, you will feel like a king should you have the mental power and wisdom to reject women on this basis.
So, my American friend, don't talk so loudly lest the world hear your moron thought.
that she is. A very fine wamman
you know what is worst
wanting to have sex but beinga fucking faggot that cant talk to girls
porn fucked me hard
>You literally have had no argument this entire time.
Never tried to have one, that's all on you buckaroo. Some people just won't bother trying to fuck until they meet someone worth trying for. You seem to have a pretty hard time with that, so I'm trying to get you to open up and tell us why you're such an angry young man. We're all friends here, you can tell us user.