Sup Forums I want to ask an honest question. Let's talk in an hypothetical situation you encounter a black person who isn't a "nigger". I mean someone who isn't uncivilized, has a proper education and it's in fact intelligent and you can have a really deep conversation with him.
what do you do?
Judging inviduals, not grups
A civilized black person is a fine person, but they're not one of my people. They'll never view me as one of them and I'll never view them as a part of my nation.
What does it matter? We are going to be replaced by AI anyway. Start embracing the future.
>Implying anyone thinks all black people are niggers
>Implying that assertion isn't judging by groups
>Implying Peru has any moral high ground for anything
Fucking saged you mango
Only a moron or a completely insecure person would say that generalisations of a group must be applicable to literally every single individual of that group and there are no exceptions.
Regardless, what a fucking awful thread.
What do you do? What does that mean? Fucking retards making garbage threads.
>Imagine something that is both A and Not A at the same time. What do you do?
I implode with the rest of the universe.
>Hypothetical situation
That's my daily life. I work and live with tons of black people, and I strive to treat each of them as an individual. Some are hardworking, earnest, funny, sensitive - any virtue you can name, I probably know a black person who exhibits it.
That doesn't mean I don't recognize that as a whole, blacks are less intelligent, more violent, and less empathetic than white people. You have to learn to make individual decisions based on individuals and group decisions based on groups.
If our country actually loved up to the idea of "equal protection under the law," I'd probably be a lot less right-wing. The problem is that we go eat out of our way to cater to blacks as a group, by giving them preference in college, housing, benefits, etc.
I'm not implying, it that was the impression I made I'm sorry. I don't consider my country to have higher morals, I'm talking as myself, not my nation.
I think giving them more just cause they are less it's stupid. Given them the chance to actually escape the shithole where there are would be better, and letting the scum stay as trash.
I have a hard on for black stacey
I thought this page was about discussing things. I just want to read other people opinions about a subject.
>Judging inviduals, not grups
disagree with me all you want but I believe the anonymity provided by Sup Forums and how we can all talk about anything here is a great example how most here aren't real racists but we just like to use the words to make fun. As long as someone isn't getting all pissy (irl) then they are ok.
Sometimes things aren't as simple as they might look like, maybe this is as simple as it is.
Well, maybe you should go for it.
I don't disagree with you, I just started to look into this page and I want to know more of how it works.
All black people are niggers you fucking dumb monkey.
I give them respect, shake their hand if they want, and treat them like a normal person. The very second a black person refuses to be a nigger they become something else to me. Just an American. They speak like one, dress like one, behave decently. That deserves respect.
Had this happened before and the very second it does I don't actually see them as " black " anymore. Just a person.
But I hate most black people with a burning fucking passion.
Then they are, but have you ever meet more than one? Judging for a far perspective can be deceitful.
It's us versus them. There is no place for weakness and emotional arguments.
Kill them
I like your point of view. Here in Peru we usually hate people from the highlands mostly, the ones that imigrated to the capital and whose ideas are far from ours. Those savages think communist is the answer to all their social problems.
I have dated a few black girls who are educated and don't act ghetto, they appreciate me more than white women ever have.
I would talk with him about the subject of white genocide and try to convince him that seperation is the only solution.
World peace = hetrogenic world with homogeneous peoples
How? Like concentration camps? Wouldn't the economy be better if you keep the useful ones as the loworkers as for example, bus drivers, swearer cleaners or all the other dirty jobs you need people to do until you develop better machinery?
It's kinda hard to judge people as individuals when they only identify as a group
How do white girls treated you?
Explain please.
What if he already don't like the idea of white genocide?
High iq non whites are more dangerous because they can recognize our system and exploit it for their benefit.
That doesn't make them one of us.
Indeed, but there is always someone, and I believe he should be help not being classified as a stupid nigger.
Here is the thing about stereotypes they are usually true. But the word is usually.
People should be treated with respect until they show they don't deserve it. This could be the instant they show up dressed like an uneducated thug or like they are going to the Walmart Prom.
I grewup in a "Multi-cultural" neighborhood. I was friends with many black, hispanic, whites etc. But I was never surprised when they reverted to stereotypical behavior. One in particular waited until her 40s to show her "nigness". "But if you do that you will ruin you credit" "Fuck that I am out"
Treat black people with respect but hold onto your wallet and avoid dark alleys with them.
I have had several Black friends
These people have been smart and funny, as well as very well mannered.
But these are deviations from the norm
When I judge people as a group, I say "Most X group are like Y, but not all X are Y, just, most are"
So while I accept that black people like you described, I understand that they are few and far between.
Pic very related
Nigger lover.
He is doesn't sound as a nigger lover, just someone who doesn't dislike them all.
Pic unreadable dude
Then I would ask him how he would feel in my situation?
And I would point out that his thinking is very selfish.
The reality is that we whites become less and less and the black ones more and more
And without us there will be no prosperity or freedom.
why do people have such a problem with acknowledging that you can judge groups and individuals, separately?
niggers and foreigners in general have a much higher crime rate, but it doesnt mean every single one of them is a criminal
on the other hand, pointing out the law abiding foreigners doesnt make the fact that their crime rate is much higher go away
Then it would be a good idea to have different communities inside the same state, and whoever wants for example to date someone from the other group could do it, maybe having a third community for mixed people. In the end some races would mix but that doesn't mean that all should.
My bad, let me get a better one
Yes, I agree with you in that point. Most of the people who immigrate, for example latinos to USA, are usually poor in they home country, and they go there to find better oportunites. They are ignorant and most of them are not smart.
Maybe you should go Fuck yourself. We will enforce racial purity with the law.
Aqui en Peru hacemos lo mismo cuando vemos a alguien de clases sociales mas bajas.
I've met one individual who was black that I thought was my relative intellectual equal, though he dropped out of college (reasonably so, given the realization of his degree's non-utility). We were on friendly terms but he gave me to understand that he felt aloof from the black community and felt little connection to fellow blacks given his interests and their common culture. He was double majoring in business and Chinese, had visited China, and was into manga. A cool guy but literally 1 in a thousand of any black dudes I've ever met. You don't for your opinions based upon outliers. It's rules of thumb that you have to live by, based upon generalizations, which are in turn based upon preponderance of experiences.
I should. But unless you already have advanced human genetic engineering, your community will have many genetic problems caused by inbreed. Look for example at the Amish
Im part of the lower social class But that dont mean I want to get robbed.
that seems like the best alternative. Maybe it should be done.
There should be purge of useless niggers, save the intelligent, at some point they will be useful like for example to not look like you did a genocide just for fun. Unless you can make every place in the world to have the same opinion as you everyone is going to see you as the new hitler satanic monster or some shit.
I have met one when I worked at retail. College student with the most recognizable visage of a "nerd" that a black person can muster without being morbidly obese. Very well spoken and explained his ideas clearly. A little on the anxious side, but it's expected. Interested in things like trains and other special forms of transportation.
Never talked with him over politics. I simply encouraged him to use his head as well as follow whatever truly drove his heart, as he was suffering from a lack of direction in school. Mentored and supervised him as best I could.
However, I will say this. Europeans will always be my people. We will eliminate the major bodies of foreign scum who refuse to change or cooperate, choosing to behave like an infection. They have effectively waged a racial cold war with us, essentially asking to be culled. If he truly champions having an identity based on ideas, he won't get in our way. Should he interfere with the deportation or elimination of our enemies, then clearly has some attachment to his race and must go along with them. Again, I don't know his politics, but I know what must be done either way.
I may mourn over the loss, but the victory, freedom, and security I gain for the people I believe in will be immeasurable. Europeans have suffered too much from the forced guilt alone. It's time to stop.
dont accept mudshark white women they should be killed
Tell him to have fun in africa at the airport
Would you still let him breed who whoever he would want if he decides to help your cause?
I hope you understand.
Why? Doesn't she have free choice over who to sleep with?
Understand what?
Hahaha, send him to Kenya, to have a Black society at least not as shitty as the others.
Though you're a probably a slave yourself.
I've met "smart" niggers who could impress white folks.
But fundamentally, what they preach, what is in the nice envelope is still nigger tier and it preaches survival and death. Not life and power.
Though you and such people have much in common.
Thing is I doubt he would. There are too many factors that could lead into his demise. For example, perhaps the European peoples leading the revolt accept him but not his family. Black families are an inverse of White families in regards to quality members. For White families, there's usually a chance of producing a "bad egg" in the family. For Blacks, they are already all bad eggs, who may be fortunate to produce a "good egg" like my coworker.
This is a problem as while my coworker may sympathize with our side, he may be too attached to his family of bad eggs who will most definitely be put up for deportation or removal.
I may have talked as if he had any chance of backing us 100%, but the truth is I don't see it. In a sense, you could say that is why I mentored him as hard as I did. It's like supporting a cancer patient. I know he will most likely be done in, but at least I could lead him to living a happy, rational, and just life for the time he has left.
Really, his best outcome is moving away with his family.
That's too racist. Your basically a nazi.
I hate niggers but I have tonnes of cool
black friends. When you meet and connect with a statistical outlier like that it is a really cool thing
I am as race mixed as there could be. My skin tone is light brown. I can certainly assure you I am not a nazi.
That's a shame, Well at least you did what you could under the circumstances.
que "hacen lo mismo" si son todos unos indios de mierda jajajaja
>what are heuristics
No todos, principalemte en lejos de la costa si, pero donde yo vivo, la capital, la gran mayoria es mixta, es muy dificil que alguien sea solo indio o solo blanco.