There trying to silence the only liberal voice that speaks out against Islam
There trying to silence the only liberal voice that speaks out against Islam
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and he is a flaming fucking faggot
KYS for respecting him in any way.
What did Maher say about Trump's travel ban? Oh right he's a lefty faggot.
Let him burn.
Show no mercy.
Spare these rats no quarter.
Take from them everything, and leave them with nothing.
If given the chance they intend to do the same to you.
It was only just a few years ago they were telling you how damned you were, how the country was lost, and you could never win again, you could never be relevant again, and that your existence wasn't a future but an extinction.
To hell with these people.
Damn them, and curse their message.
Liberals and leftists are turning on each other? Gosh that's really sad.
Good. He's a scumbag.
>defending a travel ban that didn't ban suadi arabia, a country where all islamic terrorism is funded from that Trump bends the knee too
Broken clock right twice a day, etc.
Reddit spacing and calling me a faggot
he must be sacrificed to moloch
he's an idiot atheist faggot
I really don't get Maher. He understands Islam is evil, yet Trump is somehow Hitler for wanting to address the problem in the United States.
Let the SJWs eat him alive for all I care. There are plenty of other people who speak out against Islam that aren't so morally compromised.
>be thirsty
>get half a glass of water
>throw it away because you wanted a full glass
You're a literal retard.
He only cares about islam in proximity to jews. He doesn't give two shits about europe or white america
sorry nigger. I'll gas you when you are worth the time kike. The irony of a lefty faggot thinknig they belong here
Didn't realize Benny Takbir posted on here
Leftist is a disease, and leftists ought to fucking eat their own. One less shitlib on teevee.
SJWs are more of a threat than islam.
>say a woman fucking a 12 years old is ok
>say nigger
oh my god fire him!
>come on Sup Forums! let's save /ourguy/ Bill Maher!
fuck no. that smug kike has it coming
Good, let the left do our fighting for us.
society has to exist before you can have social justice you stupid fucking faggot.
You sound like such a fucking faggot
He is the fucking enemy, faggot
just b/c he is correct on one issue doesn't mean he doesn't spend 99% of the rest of his show being a shill
link to his statements?
I guarantee I'm 30 times more white than you and I don't live in my truck with my brother-uncle
Why the fuck do I care about liberal voices, you slime covered communist piece of shit?
Maher is incoherent because he's still a leftist and the left is obsolete. The left is based on outdated science and denies biology. The only 'science' it cares about is climate modeling and they don't defend it with reason and evidence, dialectic. They defend it with rhetoric. There's only so much to work with if that's where you're coming from.
>Being this edgy
Not reddit just 14
Nice proxy Ivan you've earned your shot of vodka and piece of bread
No, he doesn't.
>left is obsolete
You're a giant faggot who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Get off Sup Forums. You're too young
maher is the original redpill
Yea he sounds way too serious, you actually learned to enjoy your life you wouldn't sound like such a faggot either
Thanks for exhibiting a case in point. The left is observably out of step with science and social trends.
Ahahah so delusional.
I'm starting to suspect this is an Antifa topic. At least two unconvincing shit slinging leftists. Can't win arguments when you're on forums where you can't have posts that disagree with you deleted I guess. There's be no information value in any of your posts.
In ways i agree because if not for opening the door islam would be doing the same shit but keeping it in the deserts as it had for past 5000 years.
Traitors are a bigger threat than mere enemies.
what did he mean by this ?
>Reddit spacing
That's not a real thing.
I'm not going to attack him or shill for him. He's been ok on free speech issues and the muslim thing, but he attacks the right all the time. If he wants me to shill for him then he should pander to the right more like he does to the left.
>He doesn't know we hate trump and are actively trying to destroy him from the inside
Laughing in lieu of actually making an argument is a tell for cognitive dissonance.
How about no. Fuck off with this gay shit, Bill Maher has always been an annoying fucking liberal. No one has ever liked him
He is just promoting a new rap album
Am I the only one that doesn't want him t get fired? It is funny to watch him lose his mind every week because of Trump.
Not sure how this is going to go over.
Liberal scum getting eaten alive by their own and you want us to stop it. Hahahahahahaha. Fucking love it.
Bill Maher will pick any side that allows him to be a condescending asshole.
10 years ago, it was christfags.
Now it's SJWs.
He should be gutted-I hope they eat him alive. It's what he deserves for bit defending Milos commented that echoed sentiment Maher has delivered in the past
Nah, I don't care either way. He won't lose his show over this. His show is concentrated cringe but it appeals to his peanut gallery of an audience so I doubt it's going anywhere.
Really I'm Antifa lmao don't give me that shit? When u get out of your little circle jerk bubble your first reaction is to call someone a shill
but why ?
He only criticizes islam because he's a fedora tipper and wants the US to play shabbos goy to Israel. Even when he's right he's wrong. People actually coming to his defense are either shills or retards. Liberals are eating each other alive with their PC bullshit, it's best to just shut the fuck up and enjoy the show.
his audience is HBO executives
more like
>be thirsty
>get a glass of whiskey
>throw it away because you know it will make you more dehydrated
if you don't go after saudi arabia everything else is just a smokescreen for sheeple like you
that mormon-themed porn site/channel is pretty choice though
He's a Jew. He is only concerned about Islam because it is bad for the Jews. He still hates Christians, and he still fears a White awakening.
He is a pro-Israel libshit, that is the only difference he has from most other libshits.
I thought (((redditors))) was just a meme, but wow.
We are the elite Sup Forums haxers. We will raid anyone that perpetuates a injustice on society. BUT WE AREN'T THE SJWs
>> implying 75% of the American public's voices dont matter
Maher didnt get Hillary elected. Wwe got Trump elected.
Bill Maher deserves to be thrown off a roof.
He is the prototypical anti-white television jew
hes literally slept with every woman in hollywood. hes got a thing for blacks though
he didn't mean that kind of flaming faggot you flaming faggot
Watching libs turn on each other is like watching a snake eat its own tail.
What a time to be alive!
Wow HBO actually commented
What are you even doing here?
>(((liberal voice)))