ITT: Unpopular opinions, even for Sup Forums
I'll start: I think adultery should be illegal again
ITT: Unpopular opinions, even for Sup Forums
I'll start: I think adultery should be illegal again
I think black people are less intelligent than whites on average but are entitled to the same dignity and human rights as white people.
All these e-celebs people fanboy over on this board are usually almost always degenerates I'm some way. But these cucks fail to address it because "muh redpiling da yuth nd normies".
I was always treated nicely by gay people and I think their rights and integrity should be protected from muslims and niggers.
Rape is justified if you were dressed like a slut.
nu-pol must kys itself
just have a clause in your contract, don't spoil the party for everyone else.
traps are gay
If you are not at least fucking trying to get fit you are a detriment to your cause.
If you don't breed you might as well not exist and all the people who are now incapable like Herbivores and MGTOW are being removed from the gene pool and the world is better off because it.
Back then adultery meant racemixing.
Europe should be doing more for the refugee crisis.
Tamest most uncontroversial opinion ever. Are you new here?
I miss these guys.
That's not even an opinion. That's just you being stupid.
Sadly since we have cucked governments we can't just wait at the beaches with machine guns.
Black and arab women are the best types of women
>good cooks (especially fried chicken)
>crave white male cock
>familial values
>want to be homemakers
when will you swallow the sand/chocolate pill
That should be illegal too
I think having multiple wives could easily be a good thing
okay, i'll play along. opinions i have that i think would be unpopular here specifically, though not necessarily on a bigger scale:
>marijuana needs to be legalized COMPLETELY
>universal healthcare is a pretty solid goal (this is the ONLY far-ish left policy i like)
>the holocaust happened, it's just grossly misrepresented
that should get the ball rolling.
Get cancer and die squealing you unfunny creepy kraut cunt
That's super hard to enforce though. Plus think of how many false adultery cases there would be instead of false rapes.
Just because they have to compete harder to find a white husband doesn't mean I would want to racemix
How is this an unpopular opinion on Sup Forums?
Reparations to blacks needs to happen. More specifically it needs to be offered ONLY to those whose ancestry is traced to slaves, and it is updated to be a modern provision of means: free education in a degree or a trade, affordable housing with good opportunities to work. And it needs to be offered once and ONLY once. If you don't follow through on your education or your job, get fucked you don't get a second chance. And if you turn it down it does not get passed to your children.
It happens, it is done, and the book is closed once and for all so no one can ever rightfully whine about it again.
Rand Paul would have been the best choice.
Sup Forums seems to hate Germans, but I think they're great people.
Rights don't exist
How do you feel bout family incest ?
Because most of Sup Forums is reddit normalfags the are just right wing
how do you feel about mormon favorite daughters ?
daddys little girl , dont let her out of your sight
I think Big Bang Theory is an all right show.
incest ?
>it happens, it is done, and the book is closed once and for all
I'm guessing you missed the last few decades of leftist identity politics then? It's never "done" until they've drained the host dry and abandoned the corpse to find another
Did you consider how hopelessly delusional and naïve that statement was before you posted it?
I don't think this is necessarily unpopular. People who obsess over faggotry are not recognizing it as a symptom of bigger problems rather than a huge problem itself. I've never supported wanton violence against gays. The (((forces))) subverting our society must be dealt with, that's all. Fags that aren't engaging in illegal behavior are harmless and small in numbers.
I think both far left and far right politics are inherently negative towards national unity and that centrist politics are the only responsible way to govern the body politic; and a spirit of cooperation between political parties achieves the greatest outcome.
>Adultery should be illegal again.
Adultery is such a devastating thing that it absolutely should be illegal. It destroys families, drives people to abuse drugs and alcohol, causes murder and suicide... By God, it's such a fucking social disaster that it should be taken seriously. If we can define what is and is not rape on the fly, then an actual crime of the heart like Adultery should be fucking illegal.
Nah we have cucked people. Even if that happened half of the population would want to act as human shields for them, should still press the trigger desu.
And what if one of those political parties is completely un-American and basically "Communism-Lite"
>Did you consider how hopelessly delusional and naïve that statement was before you posted it?
Did you consider that you're a fucking idiot? I didn't say "I hope they'll let it be done." I said "It's done." Once you've actually addressed the problem you have no legal or moral obligation to listen to the whining any longer. That shit can get shut down as it deserves. And in an optimistic scenario you might actually make some productive citizens out of those who make use of the offer.
It cannot ever just be gibs like the bitchers want it to be, and it will never stop until at least something is done. So why not do something with potential returns for the nation as a whole?
Only a practicing Christian can even hope to be a "good" person and even then it is nearly impossible. Anyone who is not a practicing, devout Christian is by definition a bad person and should never be trusted with anything.
I think blacks should not have the same equal rights as real humans.
I want nobility to still be a thing. I want them to be able to carry around swords, and be able to cut random people down if they piss them off, or even just to test their sword's sharpness.
>It is in the UCMJ
>Govern congress and Fed workers by UCMJ
>Easiest way to clean up Washington
They might be faggots, but they're our faggots. The right to be a raging fairy is what sets our civilization apart and is an indication of what our society really is... Naturally, we shouldn't let faggots dictate policy and their rights need to be balanced against those of the majority, but ultimately it is the freedom to be a big time homo, amongst others, that define us as a culture.
To allow Muslims and members of other civilizations that immigrate to define what our faggots do is also off the table... We are the west and we actually are tolerant. Not tolerant in the SJW paradigm of allowing anything and everything and turning the other cheek to Arab supremacist terrorists... but tolerant in that if you are fucking another dude in the comfort of your own home, we will put up with that.
That wasn't even a common thing when nobility was a big deal. You know what slaughtering some random peasant meant? Wasting your own resources. And if you killed some other noble's peasant he was liable to kill you for destroying what was his.
The biggest issue is all the effeminate faggots who shove being gay in people's faces 24/7 whatever you are shouldn't be a crutch to not developing a likeable personality.
I think Russia is pretty close to that. Oligarchs, rich businessmen and politicians are the nobles.
What good does it do for the rest of us if Mr. Shekelberg can have people assassinated and get away with it?
only unpopular opinions so far
Calm down Muhammad.
Kathy Griffin is one of the better female comics
Single payer is comfy but it reduces what the state is capable of. If we shunted the $55 billion tax burden of single payer insurance towards the military, Canada could be an active hard power in international politics. That money could be used on other budget items that could progress humanity and our nation big time. With an additional $55 billion dollars, the Canadian Space Agency could land a team on Mars... Colonize the moon and establish mass drivers and launch pads all over the country.
Single payer Healthcare would reduce your nations political capabilities massively and give ground to low cost economies that seek to challenge American dominance and that is why you will never get it at the federal level.
your Human rights are null and void the moment you choose to ignore another persons human rights.
Jews are the master race. How else can they keep getting away with it?
they look welcoming folks
While blacks are on average inferior, they should qualify for the same rights as everyone else as long as they are able to prove themselves.
> Geert Wilders is a jew
Poor, working class white people need to stop blaming everyone else and learn how to adapt to a modern world.
nobsweetie fags are degenerates that burn in hell. They should be killed.
Jews just have balls to not care what they do. They're equivalent of China, you can criticize them for whatever you want but they don't care. Meanwhile you can criticize whites for 200 years old slavery and everyone will feel sorry.
I don't think your point about the holocaust is really unpopular, most of us realize they were put in camps and many died for various reasons. We just realize the gas chambers and other described methods are complete bullshit. Most of them died of war circumstance, not by an extermination program.
If you deported your parasitic classes (third worlders) you could probably afford having single payer and do other things.
America is too diverse to do this, though. We have too many parasites who contribute nothing towards the system.
>niggers fucking rapidly
>world is better off because white males you disagree with won't produce more white males
Nigger detected
>being a normie
I am pro choice because most of them are a form of eugenics.
>if you don't breed you might as well not exist
George Washington confirmed for lesser man than gypsies living in Romanian dump.
95% of Sup Forums would fuck milo in the ass and enjoy it.
Taxes are a good thing*
*When there aren't any illegal immigrants mooching tax dollars and not contributing anything, and when tax dollars aren't wasted on bullshit
Gibs are shit here, senpai. We don't have hordes of migrants living on them except a small number of refugees that will be pushed into getting good jobs eventually. The lions share of our budget is eaten up by Healthcare. You will find that it is, along with old age security, the most colossal use of government funds. As a portion of the budget, welfare is basically non-existent in comparison. Canada is not a European welfare state.
Hell, a friend of mine is now on neetbux after a few friends killed themselves and he lost his shit and he's only getting $938 per month and he is legitimately incapable of leaving his grandma's house.
That won't even cover the rent on a modest one bedroom apartment. Ain't nobody surviving on welfare alone. Hell, my grandma tried to be a welfare scum and they forced her to get a job at the Canada Revenue Agency after six months.
Stop trolling northerniste
>kys itself
>we should give niggers more free money
If you're inside, jump out the window you fucking waste of oxygen
How are herbivores incapable of breeding?
Havent eaten meat in 9 years here, got a 6 yr old son and a 4 year old daughter, and a mystery blob on the way. I do still eat eggs though, main source of protein, like, 3 scrabbies on toast every morning
Money is more valuable then a strangers life.
Black culture negatively affects blacks at least in part because of the way they were treated by whites of the past. This is not a bad thing, and should not be changed. We need criminal elements in our nation to keep society strong. Murder, crime, etc. keeps the herd from getting lazy and complacent like weak-willed European leaders.
It should be significantly easier and less expensive for private citizens to get high powered weapons and tactical vehicles then it is for a government entity to get access to the same material. Private citizens should have the ability to easily crush the government if it gets out of line.
When politicians, or anyone in a major seat of power fuck up badly enough to be put on trial for whatever crime they committed, a guilty verdict should result in an immediate death sentence. There should be no chance for appeal.
Any country that tries to fight us on pulling out of the Paris Agreement should have an import ban on their country's export goods. We can still export to them, but they are not allowed to ship their shit into our nation until they change their additude. If they retaliate, we should threaten the use of force.
>t. brainlet
I think the European Union should federalise and have a standing army. The European Union should elect a federal head of state. Each country within the European Union should retain control of their domestic policies but negotiate as a block.
t. Europoor in Cuckland
This is our timeline. The timeline of greater Israel.
>only getting $938 per month
That wouldn't even cover 3/4 of my rent
This. Also, the EU should deport all non-whites and have 0% Jewish influence.
Islam is the final redpill
Muslims aren't people. They are infected, and should be treated as dangerous animals that resemble human beings. They should be exterminated or at the very least banished back to the desert lands that spawned them.
you could say the same for black youths.
Jews are more of a human problem, they are people but they are the lowest of humans, always working against you.
Finally, movie previews are bullshit and shouldn't exist, if people want to watch trailers they should just put them up on the theatre's website. And FUCK hardcoded previews on dvd's, there's a reason people pirate things you complete assholes.
get out.
Blacks should go back to being 3 fifths of a person
>paying that much just for existing inside a house you don't own
might as well just buy one and pay that much monthly
Sup Forums hates them because they won't do shit to protect their own country or people. They define "cuck."
I support gender pronouns because I believe in relationship and gender anarchy, traditional classification of relationships and gender really are a form of societal control and engineering that holds back human potential to evolve into Gods/Goddesses, but I actually believe you should be able to identify as an attack helicopter even, at the very least, to troll society
A normal sensible opinion in my Sup Forums?
In response, I believe if we are going to classify the desire to remove a body part of body dysmorphic disorder then transexuals should fall into the same category. No doctor will amputate your arm, why should anyone think you are sane for wanting to cut off your dick?
Sweden should adopt Islam as its official religion
I also support the abolition of gender
>buy one
You are delusional and have never treated with leftists or blacks
the creator has placed unseen moral as well as seen physical laws in his universe(s).
Climate change is real and it's partially caused by man, I'll be proven right in the next 30 years I guarantee
What's that?
Sex between a 25 year old man and a 12 - 15 year old girl was an acceptable societal pairing from the start of time until the 1990's
it used to be if you really liked a movie you'd rent or buy it on these little mirror discs that you'd put into a player connected to your tv. But then hollywood got greedy and put hardcoded previews and ads that you literally can't fast forward on them, and everybody said Fuck This and switched to streaming, HBO and torrents.