Trump's plan to bring back coal completely misses the point, and is part of a larger problem; namely...

Trump's plan to bring back coal completely misses the point, and is part of a larger problem; namely, the failure to address automation. Whether we like it or not, technological progress will eventually eliminate the low skill, blue-collar jobs of the past.

Right now, there are far more clean energy jobs than coal jobs. You may try to blame Jews for this, but the fact remains, once people find something that works, they don't go back to the old ways. Landline telephones are on their way out. Manufacturing will be done in, not by China, but by automation.

Unless we prepare our economy to absorb thousands of low-skill workers and/or retrain them, we are in for a world of hurt

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Dipshit, the Chinese are buying the coal. Fuck off to shill elsewhere.

Fuck she's beautiful

who is this smegma jinn?


wow what a beautifull woman I bet her VAGINA smells so good :D:D:D:D:D

literally a male kek

Selling coal to China is like selling smack to a junkie. It perpetuates a major problem (pollution) and it holds them back

What's more hilarious is the fact that coal produces barely any jobs

Trumpanzees are too cucked and they just accept whatever trump says without looking at the fine print

Goods will be extremely cheap and people may only have to works 20 hours as full-time employment.

>trannies are gros-

I voted for Trump for immigration issues. If he can't fix that, he's worthless in my book.

Less immigrants = more jobs for Americans.

you don't know what you're talking about pablo
go back to shitting up your own cartel-infested "country"


confirmed faggot


I'd mine her coal

Theirself got fat though.

>the failure to address automation.
It's not a failure to address automation, it's merely exhausting every resource we have before finally going fully in that direction, no one is trying to stop automation, America just doesn't want to fall behind financially and militarily while China and India are allowed to increase their coal industries for more than a decade.

>white savior complex

go on

>you don't know what you're talking about pablo
How so?
>go back to shitting up your own cartel-infested "country"
This is what trumptard mad cuckposting looks like

>overpopulated literal shitholes have more short term growth than us
>we need to try to catch up

In another two decades India will be a Petri dish of deadly disease and china will be an uninhabited giant cloud of carbon monoxide.

Thinking in the short term is a nigger trait, try to be more European pls

>failure to address automation
Automation requires electricity which requires coal.

When did I say we need to catch up? Wrong we need to not let the rest of the world catch up is my position you stupid faggot. You thinking the rest of the world shaming China will do something (it won't), this is literally your position.

>Thinking in the short term is a nigger trait
Then you should probably stop doing it nigger.

I want to suck her cock so bad

>natural gas
>easier to produce
>bigly amounts available

The absolute state of France.

Coal is still easier to transport/distribute to most of the world.

t. Ahmed

Climate Change. It's just a big tax scheme to rob the US and redistribute it to every other country. The US was the only nation giving out cash, due to Obama's unconstitutional acceptance of an agreement without the approval of house, congress, senate, etc.

Automation and coal jobs are not mutually exclusive. Sage for faggotry.

I hope the paris deal seriously starts a trade war. If that happens, automation will be here in a few years.

The world will be crushed under our feet.

>Dipshit, the Chinese are buying the coal. Fuck off to shill elsewhere.
>Sending coal to one of the world's largest polluter
Us confirmed to the world's meth dealer.


I'd let that dude suck me off.


yo homo


Bailey Jay

omg i love bailey jay

Ah shit well "he" does pull it off really good
Just more proof men do everything better

he's fat now

>my level of faggotry > your level faggotry

wow impressive
kill yourself cuck

Post more of """her"""

Gotta say, he's fairly convincing. How many years worth of hormones do you have to be on to make your hips look like that?

probably some chirurgie too

I'd let her(male) deepthroat me until my dick started bleeding, but fucking is out of the question, I hate fags.


I dont understand why guys like Bailey. I think she looks gross and has a giant man jaw and jew nose.

Also, natalie mars looked better as a Crossdresser and is getting uglier by the porno


Who is she ?

it's a wig he's literally balding

Can you think of a tranny cuter than Chloe Salpa?

How do I find a trad qt gf like this one, user?


Automation will only be a real threat when human labor is no longer profitable.

Without the wig, the male pattern baldness is a hint.

Bailey Jay/Linetrap (shes a dude)

Natale has arguably gotten better in the past few months

>the failure to address automation.

tax the owner of the machine as much as you'd tax workers replaced by said machine. spend money on retraining, reeducating or outright retiring obsolete workforce.


moonmons ?

Bailey Jay. Tranny porn star.

>Right now, there are far more clean energy jobs than coal jobs.

these jobs all rely on subsidies. fuck that. Coal can be profitable without tax payers propping it up.

You know what? A coal plant probably isn't the newest cutting age technology. Neither are combustion engines or butter. But they work. And people all over the world exploit their benefits.

Chyna exploits the benefit of coal. Why wont you?

>Post industrial revolution
>Technology advancing since the stone age
>Economically illiterate morons unironically think automation will decrease jobs available

This is a meme Silicon Valley leftists are using to push UBI

newfags :DD

>as a % of total jobs

Jesus fuck you kikes are getting desperate


Leftist sources of energy already produce more jobs than coal in every US state you dumb nigger

What about the clean coal, Sup Forums?
What did he mean by that?

>these jobs all rely on subsidies.
coal got subsidies amounting to $104 billion dollars in 2010. all renewable energy sources got $88 billion dollars.

coal jobs, like military, is just a different way of saying welfare


we use the same word as you :)

No Trump and his administration unironically believe coal is the best power source

>Trump's plan to bring back coal completely misses the point, and is part of a larger problem; namely,

Natural gas is dirt cheap.

Automation is not a problem

Increased efficiency has never resulted in less "jobs".

Automation is a good thing it will make products cheaper

>it's different this time

No it's not, we are literally centuries away from realistically replacing people with robots that can self replicate and self improve

We are fine

I bet most of those "subsidies" are tax cuts.

Renewables, on the other hand, need to be paid out of tax payer pockets.

I know that feel Pierre.

Start doing sports and stop eating oestrogens, you will be disgusted at trannies and go back to normal porn.
It's just your brain getting feminized and wanting to be dominated.

he meant you can filter particles and remove chemicals like sulfur from the burnt air

>Right now, there are far more clean energy jobs than coal jobs.

lol news anchor made the same argument

>there's only 50k coal jobs, but 80k clean energy jobs
>doesn't know that 50k+80k > 80k

then they just go on kvetching, the rest of their points can be summed up as

>it's the current year. I mean, come on...

We need a radical change in our society and economy. We can't keep up this meaningless consumerism forever. If at any point we stop buying more crap, this pyramid scheme collapses. You're right that technology is what's making this a problem. Everyone needs a job to get paid but human work is becoming less and less necessary to produce everything. We should continue to automate things and let people have more free time but we can't do that with the current system where everyone is desperately cometeing against one another for shitty low paying, unsatisfying jobs because they owe everyone tons of money. It's literally wage slavery when there's no need. Societal structures could be created where people are able to live lives without being slaves.

Lol this

It's either coal OR clean energy


Here is the real truth, we aren't GETTIG off traditional fissile files anytime soon.

Maybe I'm 20-30 years as clean energy becomes more efficient and affordable but until then nope sorry

Those jobs aren't in energy production, they're in massive wind and solar capacity build-outs using public funds. They're nothing but Keynesian post hole-digging projects because wind and solar will never be viable stand-alone energy sources.

People adapt. If they can't find low skilled manufacturing jobs, they will find low skilled services or entertainment jobs.

Robot makers, technicians, programmers can't be working all the time. They need other things done for them and they want entertainment.

This is the right hand of the market.

If they can artificially keep us on combustion-based propulsion systems for hundreds of years, they can artificially delay automation a couple hundred years.

>taking autistic factory workers and forcing them into the service sector

This will end well. Kill yourself degreecuck

she's hot i'd let her peg me with a strap on

hey stupid, you broke one of the most important rules of posting on Sup Forums:

never post a picture more interesting than your topic.

Gayyy. Everyone in this thread is gay.

You mean his fucking dick that he has that's probably bigger than yours you faggot

ya i was just memeing i know she has a dick, i'd deepthroat her

and ya her dick is bigger than mine im only like 7" and not that thick, good enough but hers is definitely bigger and hotter than mine im jealous

why are we not just building lots of nuclear powerplants?

Why is her(male) porn so gross? Someone link me a nice deepthroat video.

White collar jobs are going to go first, it's already happening. Blue collar jobs are hard and many require a lot of skill and training. You ever see Undercover Boss? Presidents of multimillion dollar companies too fucking inept to pick up trash or operate a forklift. CEOs and middle managers are mostly borderline retarded.

They're buying coal yes, but they just cancelled the construction of over 100 coal plants and they're one of the biggest investors in clean energy. Their coal dependence will probably end in 50-80 years.

>CEOs not knowing how to pick up trash is a problem.
>Not being accustomed to basic labor when your job focuses on more complicated things like infrastructure and trade is a bad thing.

Bailey will age terribly, I'm telling you.

It is funny how people fixate on blue-collar jobs when white-collar jobs are far easier to automate. Blue-collar jobs are done by robots but white-color jobs are done by algorithms.

Too bad he's getting fat and going bald.

Even if she was cis nobody would care about Bailey after porn.

I remember her(male) when she was a camwhore on Sup Forums before she(male) became famous and started doing porn.

No OP it really won't. But it is a good excuse to throw poor people under the bus and say "too bad, accept these shit wages, eat shit and die blue collar faggot"

It's just classism OP, just classism.