My sister has started to date a black guy, when I found out I almost cried a little then drank half a bottle of vodka. But then I decided I would at least talk to him before I freaked out on my sister. It turns out that this guy is actually pretty cool. He likes Donald Trump, he considers himself conservative, he thinks BLM are all dumb "niggas" as he said it.. I'm so happy I took time to think about it rather than chimping out. I guess it's best to judge people on individual merit, i just hope my judgement isn't flawed.
My sister has started to date a black guy, when I found out I almost cried a little then drank half a bottle of vodka...
BASED post. I'm the opposite. I'm white but my past girlfriends have all been black.
fucking lol if you dont kill the nigger and bury it in the woods. you are fucking HOPELESS white boy
He's doing this to get your approval and score your sisters white little innocent pussy.
Niggers with always be niggers, no matter what.
Just instruct your sis to wise up.
Nignogs aren't to be touched or talked let alone dated.
Bad copypasta please commit suicide
Enjoy your mulatto niece and nephews
Bad Pasta and
African Canadians are the worst.
based leaf
my ex wifes husband is black and he's a very nice guy, I've met him a few times
Canada doesn't even try
Your a bad troll, hopefully you have cancer
To be honest
Better to be blacked than leafed.
Hang yourself promptly.
This is old
Based. I'm a white girl who loves BBC and Trump.
I'm white and I respect this.
Stop cuckposting, I would knock his ass out
Patel is right, hes going to impregnate her and leave asap
So were you so shitty that she became a coalburner, or is she such a skank that you couldn't contain her?
It's one or the other
>Wanting mulatto nephews.
They'll never fit
You're a faggot.
We all know what that means...kys faggot
>He's doing this to get your approval and score your sisters white little innocent pussy.
This is something a cuck would say, he has a good job and a car. He is redpilled as fuck, i can sit down and talk to him for hours about current events. I just can't stand to see him with my sister, it disgusts me that she goes to bed with him nearly every night.
thats good for me
I wish every american white girl would love BBC :^)
>Enjoy your mulatto niece and nephews
My sister said she doesn't plan on having kids with him, and she's one of the most honest people i know.
>Considering yourself (((conservative)))
>Likes Donald Trump, Jewish capitalist swine
>If you don't hate BLM you are retarded
you are a retard, user
if youre ok with youre sister being with a nigger youre a beta i dont belive youre story you might be a nigger trying to soft us up with your nigger homo worship
Your sister has fetishized black man tastes. You see, stereotypes about black men are perfectly fine, as long as they are advantageous to them. She wanted to see/feel the BBC, and taste his hyper-masculinity.
That's why your sister is a whore. She prioritizes her sexual curiosity over dating men of good character in an effort to find a good man and make a good family.
she should.
we need a mixed north america
Oh look, this thread again
So, your sister is a turboslut that fuck chimps?
I respected you until these disgusting posts. Nothing wrong with racemixing.
>Your sister has fetishized black man tastes. You see, stereotypes about black men are perfectly fine, as long as they are advantageous to them. She wanted to see/feel the BBC, and taste his hyper-masculinity.
Can you stop? That's fucking disgusting. I don't ever want to think of my sister like that. You're a fucking cuck, now get out of my thread, faggot.
OPs jealous because he wants to date his sister
Contrary to what Sup Forums will have you believe, there are really Le BASED Black MAN xDDD
fuck canada and fuck your family
The Leaf have started working in shitposting teams...
God help us all.
I am fine with my sister dating a black man, in fact i wish she did
t. alpha.
Jesus fucking christ,only a leaf could post something like this....if it was my sister i would honor kill them both and then go and kill as manny niggers as possible(or other shitskins)and commit suicide by cops.
Loving trump means you can be as degenerate as you want and pol will still like you.
I realize this is satire but let's not forget that there are many actual people that think and act like this.
Shit like that makes me sometimes wonder if pol is truly just liberal at heart.
good job on her ending her bloodline
ill beat the sister and the nigger irl but youre too beta to do so thats why i respect only east eu where they beat niggers and browns on the streets with no mercy white women are too stupid women and niggers on av have smaller brain compared to a white male btw they should no have the right to vote they destroy the west
>JIDF slide thread
fuckin' sage
Then you don't see black men the way your sister does. You even just said yourself that she wanted to only fuck him, not have children with him.
Haha, who is the cuck here when one is perfectly fine with his sister experimenting with black cock? The fact that you lack the constitution to be honest with yourself over why your sister is dating this negroid is proof of how fucking weak you are.
Fake and gay
Please do not panic and remain on your seats while we gas this faggot.
Ayyy yo I'm laffin at this thread cuz I'm black and I pretend to be a Trump supporting proper uncle Tom ass nigga when I know a girls family is racist. They easy as fuck to fool when I start saying fuck Black love matter. They really think a nigga so dumb hes gonna basically say "fuck black people". We laugh about it later when I'm givin her this big dick. It's worth it
>ill beat the sister and the nigger irl but youre too beta to do so
Why is everyone on Sup Forums such a tough guy? I couldn't beat him in a fight, and my parents said they would disown me if i try to get in the way of their relationship. He seems based so maybe ill just try to give him a chance.
Regression to the mean ensures even the rare intelligent black man will have retarded nigger children.
All race mixing should be outlawed.
What is the point of this post?
Shill bullshit or attention seeking faggot behavior?
> My sister wants to get pounded by gorilla.
> I'm cool with beastiality because he was wearing a MAGA hat.
Wow, that's really good - there ARE good black people out there I guess. Huh. You've made me think. I may consider changing my racist ways.
Get fucked and dismembered, school project / shillblue / troll.
Melvins a black name tho
t. Black guy with senpai named Melvin
Post National bantz
Think about it this way: would any self-respecting cultural European use the term "nigga" in regular discource?
>be me today
>buying a shirt
>shirt has no price tag
>nig retail worker says she'll go get another one
>"the only other one didn't have a tag either," i say
>nig says "some other shirt will have one"
>five minutes later, "i got you the cheapest one"
>bitch thinks she's doing me a favor and helping race relations but all i'm thinking about is what a nigger she is basically stealing from her employer.
if youre a white male and you accept mudshark / coal burning women youre defeated and youre a part of the problem it doesnt matter if he pretends to like trump youre sister trys to humiliate you and your father by choosing a bottum of the barrel nigger over a superior white male its the agenda and fantasy of white mudsharks to exterminate and humiliate white men make no mistake you should dissown her and tell her why humiliate her slut shame her if you wasnt a beta you would whoop her and him
>The fact that you lack the constitution to be honest with yourself over why your sister is dating this negroid is proof of how fucking weak you are.
I hope when u have a daughter she'll end up being a slut for black guys, then you'll know how i feel about my older sister.
Burn da cowl
Pay da towl
She would be cut off in every way. I would never even look at her again.
My german uncle had a "based black guy" who dated his daughter too.
He ended beating her and then he fled, now my uncle is stucked with two ugly nigglets.
You disgust me leaf
>She would be cut off in every way. I would never even look at her again.
Sorry u have no heart, but i love my sister regardless if she dates a black guy, i just wish she didn't. I've spent too many years on Sup Forums for me to completely think a black guy dating my sister is ok.
If a white guy think I'm based, it's not for the actual reason I am. Definitely act different around whites if you want to be successful in life.
>and my parents said they would disown me if i try to get in the way of their relationship.
You proved that this thread is bait. No parents would ever accept their daughter being fucked by chimps
Le BASED black guy, amirite pedes?
i hope they are not living in germany
you should hate your sister if she is with a black guy how can you love her you know she wants to be abused get pregnant and raise a father less daughter that she will teach how to be an blm sjw useless halfbreed slut
>No parents would ever accept their daughter being fucked by chimps
My parents are very liberal, and the guy my sister is dating seems to be good socially so my parents already like him. I'm thinking of moving out at this point.
Do us a huge favor and keep shoving birth control down your sisters throat.
you disgust me
No prisoners.
Have you learned nothing, leaf?
Look we all have a couple acculturated black guy friends who are normal, don't act like a thug, and seem like average people.
That doesn't mean we accept them jamming their dicks into the women that are part of our families. The only tool we have to guide the women in our families is social sanctions, and experimenting with black cock is a cut off. Your dumb sister has been watching too much Keeping up with the Kardashians.
Family means you have obligations to one another and obligations to your ancestors. Mixing with genes of inferior stock, bringing in their high rates of STDs, and lower mental capacity is hardly justified through white women's fascination with jungle fever.
Being a liberal doesn't mean they want a shit future for their childreb
All I see on here any more are malleable fucks folding on their convictions. Seriously, who the fuck is stupid enough to pretend to hate a group of people then fold immediately on finding the first decent one. Fuck half chan, literally ruined by the fall of T_D.
rome fell into the dark ages from a thriving society where people didn't even have to work to eat when did it fell? when women started being sluts got rights and "freedom" society collapses when women are not controled and ruled over by men like slave masters women's freedom and libtardetion = low birth rates
historicly white males always dominated women and niggers coz its the natrual order niggers and women have the brain size of a scrotum you should not accept a mudshark there no higher level of female degeneracy than choosing a weaklink nigger over a superior white man
The irony is that this cuck used to make this joke every year:
>"What does separate the man from the beast ? The Mediterranea"
And now he is paying for two little beasts because he didn't have the balls to disown his slut of a daughter.
I told him how a weak man he was last year, I still feel disgusted that I share my name with niggers.
you're a bad troll, really bad
You posted this verbatim a week ago. Your sister remains a whore. Keep pounding that bottle.
>I still feel disgusted that I share my name with niggers.
Well at least if the black guy dating my sister marries her, she'll take his name and i wont speak to her anymore.
Your one bad troll
>I almost cried a little then drank half a bottle of vodka
I wonder why she is doing it, if the rest of your family has the same reaction.
So she date him only to fuck? A Slut
Come on leaf, how hard can you fuck up? You should settle with rice or white, anything else and you goof'd especially in CANADA of all places.
What? NO. She said she wasn't going to marry him.
Any white woman that takes nigger dick needs to be beaten then jailed. That's at the first offence. Minimum, 6 months. At second offence beheading or stoning to death. It's simple, really.
you are a fucking cuckold you pathetic little bitch
If your sister fucks subhumans she will start to become a subhuman, she doesn't have to actually breed with the nigger to introduce nigger genes into the white race. Enjoy watching her slowly transition into the negroid phenotype. Once he inevitably leaves her you're going to have to make sure she never finds a white husband or she'll cuck him into having a part-nigger kid. It's imperative for the survival of our race that coal-burners never get pregnant, even by a white.
kys poo in loo
say what you want about the muzzies, but they know how to deal with women and fags.
This. Pajeet is wise and knows that the nigger is self destructive and can never be 'based'
Fucking reddit shills get the fuck off my board
Holy fuck this is based. My dad is a nerdy rich Jewish guy who inherited a law firm. My mom however was a stacy and had sex with many many guys in high-school, manly jocks. So i get best of both. I get my dads name and inheritance and Chads genetics. This is probably why me and my dad are so different
> hates islam
> At second offence beheading or stoning to death
are you retarded ?
Muzzies are on point with respect to Jews, women, and fags. Give em credit where it's due; just make sure to deport them after said credit.