My friends have bought into the "global warming will kill us all and soon" meme. How do I convince them that they're wrong, that most of the climate variation is due to natural variations?
My friends have bought into the "global warming will kill us all and soon" meme...
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Is this bait?
don't bother arguing with idiots, just say "I'll ask you again in 10 years if you think global warming has killed us all by then"
Tell them to kill themselves to stop emitting CO2
Link them to the IPCC report, which represents the scientific consensus and predicts only a couple degrees of warming and 2.5 feet of sea level rise by 2100.
If they think the problem is urgent they're letting themselves be scared by the media.
You can't convince an indoctrinated faggot with facts. They've been trained to ignore any reality that isn't presented to them by one of their Jewish masters.
Amplify and mock their beliefs. They virtue signal for the attention and admiration of others. Do not give them what they want and they will break.
what about
That's a major problem, yeah, and the only way to solve it is to reduce atmospheric CO2.
It's not global warming, though, which is what OP was asking about.
why would death by natural means be more acceptable than man-made consequences?
but what is "only a couple degrees"? It's easy to imagine it's a simple matter for us to deal with in our present situation, but how will this effect the flora and fauna of the world? Mass-extinctions are "part of nature" but how will it effect us? "We'll survive", but how will our quality of life be? I'm sure you could hear someone saying they're a scientist and they think we won't be that effected, but are they a scientist of the subject they're interpreting the data from? and what's the reason why their interpretation may differ? {other than "my guy is right, your guy is wrong" nonsense}
My point wasn't that a few degrees average warming is nothing and that we should do nothing, just that it's a small amount over a time scale longer than our lives. With the trajectory solar, wind, and electric car development are on, there's not much more to be done with any urgency. Markets and technological development will decarbonize the economy over time, provided things keep going as they are now.
Climate Change Alarmism is a religion at this point.
Don't bother, they are going to fall deeper and deeper into it until they are burning trash cans like ANIFA.
I also haven't read it to see if that's what it says, who the IPCC is. but yeah, sure, that sounds fine if true. Last I hear the temperature had already gone up a couple degrees pretty quickly in the past few decades {?}, and what with China and India not getting their shit together and now the USA planning on going back to China & India levels of faggotry...
Strange how China's going to be a leader in renewables while still polluting so much.
Tell them to pick one.
1. Acid rain, global cooling, global warming, climate change are renamed hoaxes designed to make you feel guilty thereby demanding compensation.
2. Above mentioned aren't hoaxes thereby demanding you to pay Al Gore 15 trillion dollars.
Bonus question!
What was the Climategate scandal of 2009?
You can't. All you can do is sow doubts. Learn persuasion.
I heard that in the early 90s when I was a kid...
Show them this graph or any graph that shows the 4.5 billion year history of the Earth's "climate change". Climate change is absolutely real, but also completely natural. The planet WANTS to change, it's actually healthy for the planet. If the planet ever gets too hot or too cold, the planet has self-regulating mechanisms to bring it back to a moderate level. But remember to not push too hard. Simply show them the evidence and let them come to their own conclusion. Even sowing seeds of doubt in them is a victory.
You're retarded, previous high temperatures took millions of years to get there. The rate of growth at the moment is higher than ever before and is not fitting to the trend that should be happening, especially during low solar luminosity.
You're all faggots playing armchair scientist, thinking you know how to interpret data. Fuck off.
Answer this question then: is human activity stronger than the sun?
Do you not have reading comprehension? We're in a period of WANING solar luminosity, yet temperatures rise at record rates. Also, its funny you're also admitting to being wrong without realizing it. Yes, the sun is very what do you think happens when you trap even more of the sun's energy on earth? Schools need to do a better job of teaching critical thinking.
You can't.
This is one of those situations where being wrong feels better (we're making a difference! :DD) than being right.
The Greenhouse Effect has been debunked (by climatologists themselves, no less) so many times I forgot there were still people who believed in it.
>The Greenhouse Effect has been debunked
No it hasnt. You obtuse faggot, the next planet down in our solar system is a textbook example of greenhouse effect, dumbass. Just because some partisan pundit on a blog, youtube channel , or anonymous poster on a tibetan tapestry forum told you its been debunked, doesnt mean it actually has. You havent read jack shit in scientific literature, nor do you know how to interpret it.
With all due respect, buddy, but the timeseries you show here is a rather complicated graph. To even grasp its basic features, you need an understanding of a dozen geophysical processes acting on various time-scales. You have absolutely no idea what this graph shows or indicates.
Try to find a middle ground. It's like how people didn't see a problem with throwing their chamber pots out the window 350 years ago. The world may not end but it's still nice not to wallow in your own industrial waste.
They aren't wrong, you are
You obviously don't even want to discuss this. You have no idea who I am, yet you're completely convinced you know what my position is. You're the very textbook example of a smug self-righteous liberal.
That's true, I just googled "4.5 billion year Earth global temperature" and picked a random one that had a source. That's why I told OP "or any graph like this that shows the Earth's history".
>You obviously don't even want to discuss this. You have no idea who I am, yet you're completely convinced you know what my position is. You're the very textbook example of a smug self-righteous liberal.
No, you're a dumbass. You just admitted to just googling pics online without understanding context. That's the textbook definition of a pseudo intellectual armchair scientist. You dont know shit. You wont change your mind, i might as well get the pleasure of calling you a dumbass.
>Yeah fuck it lets deal with it when it's a major problem instead of when we can solve it.
There is no actual scientific prediction that says global warming will kill us all
>That's the textbook definition of a pseudo intellectual armchair scientist. You dont know shit.
Because the point of my post wasn't a rigorous scientific explanation. I was simply showing OP, who clearly doesn't have a scientific background, the method of using graphs and arguments to debate a point.
>i might as well get the pleasure of calling you a dumbass.
I'm sure you're quite the intellectual yourself. At the very least, I haven't resorted to using insults to push my argument.
>let's give billions to the un for a program that won't solve he problem becuase it's non binding
Solutions should come from local solutions
We won't fix it by paying i to aim giant government program
checked and this.
tell them to practice what they preach and go live like varg in the woods instead of using electricity to post on facebook about how afraid they are of things that may or may not happen 100 years from now.
I wasn't suggesting any solution we had now was iron clad, but it IS a problem that needs to be dealt with as soon as humanly possible.
>Because the point of my post wasn't a rigorous scientific explanation. I was simply showing OP, who clearly doesn't have a scientific background, the method of using graphs and arguments to debate a point.
Yes it was, you were preaching about how you know the earth self regulates its temperature. And even that's bullshit, again, go look at venus. And its laughable you think you've any ground to stand on to teach "how to debate with graphs and arguments" when you just googled shit without context and spoke out of your ass.
>I'm sure you're quite the intellectual yourself.
Much more than you
>At the very least, I haven't resorted to using insults to push my argument.
Which is sad for you, you're both objectively wrong and i still get to call you a dumbass. Pic related, you're on top of the mountain.
Stop being frends with morons.
Embrace loneliness, and Dark Gods.
I disagree I don't think the predicted effects are worthy of spending this much time and energy on it.
North American and Europe are actually going to bennifit from gloabla warming overall so let the fuckinf Indians and shit deal with it.
We can afford flood control and dikes and irrigation
>doesn't know who or what IPCC is
stop regurgitating media indoctrination you ignorant faggot
>Yes it was, you were preaching about how you know the earth self regulates its temperature
The OP itself said "natural variations". I was rephrasing it in a more digestible way for the average "bought into global warming friend". Maybe you need to go back to primary for reading comprehension.
>Much more than you
no u
>Which is sad for you, you're both objectively wrong and i still get to call you a dumbass.
I pity you.
Anyways, I actually have shit to do. Can't be spending all day on Sup Forums arguing with people who can't read.
Dear lord. Go back. I can FEEL the brainlet.
>clear evidence of an approaching issue
>issue can only be avoided if action is taken before it happens
>"lol fuck it its not for 100 years who gives a fuk"
found the baby boomer
I'm 27 why would I give a fuck what happens in 83 years
Why were CO2 levels much higher in the past?
What exactly is your solution? Taxes?
Innovation is the solution and not government subsidied innovation either.
This is now the part where you argue against pollution. Which everyone agrees on.
baby boomer at heart
>Why were CO2 levels much higher in the past?
In the very, very distant past, due to higher solar luminosty and positive feeback loops that took millions of years to build up.
>What exactly is your solution? Taxes?
No, why is this such a boogeyman for you guys anyways? We need to invest heavily in solar and nuclear, perhaps hydro where applicable. If we can acheive high efficiency in solar alone, we can definitely ween ourselves off of fossil fuels quickly. There are also some detailed emissions reductions we can do in the meantime that I dont have the energy to post. We DONT do that by digging for coal and oil like its the 20th century. We need to make a solid plan to switch our grid to renewables.
Listen leaf nobody is stopping you from working on green energy or having your province switch to all Algee food consumption or whatever the fuck you want to do
What is this obsession with forcing THE ENTIRE WORLD to behave the way you want them to behave
It isn't necessary we don't need a giant beurocracy of pan national rule makers directing how we do climate research
It's, as usual, a giant fucking waste of money and a thin excuse for power and control
this is the final climate pill
Same. My friend's got a master in environmental science and somehow he thinks he knows more than the people on Sup Forums. lol, what a fool!
Lava records.
Your friend has a masters in encormoental science and he thinks the word is going to end?
Sounds like he is terrible at his job
Doesn't matter if the consequences of pollution will manifest themselves sooner or later
It's still illogical to ruin the planet for future generations
Subhuman right wingers and trumptards don't care about it because they're useful idiots and cannot into long term thinking
I won't wait because it won't you Mexican intellectual
you think instituting global government under the guise of a carbon tax, controlled by big banks, will do anything for the environment?
did you also believe the media when they told us we had to invade Iraq or we would face mushroom clouds?
I'm all for responsible living, but the internationalist financiers that essentially helped create the problem by steering the world away from electrical and ethanol based tech (not even Tesla level stuff which they already have, too) 100 years ago to oil and petrol due to owning those reserves will not create the solution towards that problem. They fattened their pockets while depleting the world resources before having to switch over last minute when we would have no other choice, and using the cyclical global warming symptom, not main problem, that happens with the pole flips to further terrorize the populace into further obedience. This is only a small slice of their plans, too. If you check the lava records, which real scientists have done, you'll see that global warming has happened before to the exact same levels you can align them on top of each other on a graph, and that no mass extinction has taken place around those times either.
Or, you know, a reasonable cost-benefit analysis leading to a long-term mitigation plan, rather than WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE EAT MORE KALE DON'T HAVE KIDS
...but you're free to panic over a slow-motion crisis if you like.
>everyone I know thinks Trump is a Captain Planet villain who only cares about profit and not the environment
They are also heavily anti-nuclear
Fuck, man, they keep giving me that fluoride stare
jfc this thread
Explain to them the real solution to climate change and see ho quickly they drop the whole thing once they realize whats necessary if such a problem exists.
If you actually want to solve the problem you believe exists, then turn your focus to the third world shit holes that dump chemicals into the ocean, pollute the sky, and deforest on the daily. The western world is clean compared to how these countries handle clean energy, its not our responsibility anymore so stop bugging us about it you UN shill.
Ask them to put a yardstick by the sea with their predictions of the change in levels. Point out that from the profits made from 'an inconvenient truth' al gore bought a beachfront mansion.
Genesis 8:22
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
King James Version (KJV)
Tell them to read their Bible.
Just bring up that CO2 couldn't possibly be the source because 7 billion people breathing out a huge amount of CO2 daily, combined with pretty much land animal, and all the animals and humans in the past few thousand years have been steadily producing CO2, yet the Earth is still here.
How is anything in this chain of replies related to Paris, you dumb fuck ameriburger intellectual?
>you think instituting global government under the guise of a carbon tax, controlled by big banks, will do anything for the environment?
When did I say so?
>did you also believe the media when they told us we had to invade Iraq or we would face mushroom clouds?
Why do retards equate caring for the environment with muh globalist elites and muh NWO?
There could be a unilateral push or organization between countries to develop clean sources of energy like nuclear plants, or experimental sources of energy, a global government isn't needed, we just need to band up together and sort out our energy needs without compromising freedoms for anyone
Yet none of that happens because all of the interested parties are comfortable selling shitty sources of energy like coal, such as trump, or are too afraid of muh nukes
None of this is real anyway, they're just trying to see how we'll react.
So if you're against a global climate tax scam, which is what the Paris agreement was, then you should be thanking Trump for pulling out of it...
Unless you're an idiot, incapable of seeing your own contradictory logic.
>I'm 27 why would I give a fuck what happens in 83 years
Because if people prior to you had the same attitude about the future you wouldn't even reach 1 year of age, it's called long term thinking, subhumam
Only people with no identity say shit like that. I don't believe this manmade global warming bullshit one bit, but I still care about the world I will leave behind for my children. If you don't care, why don't you just kill yourself already? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
>So if you're against a global climate tax scam, which is what the Paris agreement was, then you should be thanking Trump for pulling out of it...
I would probably be in agreement with a tax if the money was put into projects to revamp the energy sources of the countries that pollute the most and are in the most need of better energy sources.
That money could also go into research for future sources of energy.
I don't entirely disagree with a tax of such nature as long as there is a clear potential and benefit to it.
>Unless you're an idiot, incapable of seeing your own contradictory logic.
How is my logic contradicting? Trump can stay out of an agreement and still push for global pollution
AGAIN, why the fuck should the western world take responsibility for the polluting that the third world countries do? You either believe they have some semblance of responsibility to make some shitty solar panels or you believe they are too subhuman to even manage that. Even if any organization comes together to tackle climate change, they same shit will happen just like it is going to do to the paris agreement. Most of the money will line the pockets of the UN bureaucrats and even if a fraction reaches the third world, it will be siphoned off by warlords and cartels, all the while most of the pressure will be put on western countries who already clean up after themselves.
what kind of bait is this
Oh, so now you ARE for the carbon tax scam, run by big banks who will be able to create carbon credits out of thin air (what could go wrong)?
Thanks for confirming what was already obvious, despite your incoherent "muh drumpf" ramblings.
>Oh, so now you ARE for the carbon tax scam, run by big banks who will be able to create carbon credits out of thin air (what could go wrong)?
When did I say I wanted it to be run by big banks? When did I say that carbon credits should be able to be created out of thin air?
You are assuming that just because I have an interest in forming some kind of coalition against pollution and climate change I must also agree with the Paris agreement or whatever schizo fueled NWO shit you are babbling about.
Give examples of how warlords and cartels will control renewable sources of energy in countries like Mexico or China before I dignify the rest of your defeatist meme fill shitpost
But china and India are already doing more than the US
Solar luminosity increases over time, it was lower in the past
Tell them no, you will die in a terrorist attack way before the earth kills you.
Can anyonr epaborate on this?
ask them if they're vegan. if they say no you can say "wow must be a real big catastrophe we're heading towards if preventing it isn't even worth a small lifestyle change"
Maybe you should actually look into something before taking an opinion on it.
care to explain that 'anthropogenic component' graph...
anomalous to what?
Even if a fraction passes the pockets of the bureaucrats and reaches the third worlds, most of the solar panels wont even be built because it will cost way more than it actually should and the ones that do are probably going to be destroyed by the warlords or dictators that infest the third world and run everything behind the veil of shoddy government. They did it before in the middle east and if you dont think it wont happen again in Africa or some other poor country then I think you'll be surprised in 10 years when the entire operation is concluded to be a disaster.
>defeatist meme fill shitpost
Keep on forming your plan to solve a propaganda saturated meme issue based on John Lennons Imagine you fool.
>solar panels
>clean energy
Pick one dumb nigger
You also failed to substantiate your meme outcome claims
That shows the pollution that humans have added to the system. The natural factors have not shifted in anyway to cause the measurable warming.
>Estimated temperature response to anthropogenic forcing, consisting of a warming component from greenhouse gases, and a cooling component from most aerosols. (IPCC AR5, Chap 5)
So us not giving our money to 3rd world shitholes means we are suddenly going to start polluting like China and India?