>Calls Trump a rapist
>Makes fun of Seth Rich's death
>Shills for (((them)))
>Called Barron autistic
>Calls Trump supporters idiots
>anti funs
>Supports Antifa
Time to bring him down just like Kathy Griffin Sup Forums
>Calls Trump a rapist
>Makes fun of Seth Rich's death
>Shills for (((them)))
>Called Barron autistic
>Calls Trump supporters idiots
>anti funs
>Supports Antifa
Time to bring him down just like Kathy Griffin Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Remember this bill?
oh boy, this racist guy using his RACIST slurs, i can`t even imagine how people can believe his FAKE NEWS. i bet he hides FASCIST AGENDA in his work, what a RAYCIS!!!!
Maher is the biggest piece of anti-white crap there is. Literally wants to destroy this country
He is a divisive figure of the left that keeps counter signaling his own side, let them eat themselves.
/ourjew/ /ourjew/
I've noticed a surprising lack of butt hurt from the left regarding this. I woke up this morning expect riots and and hoards of people demanding he be fired. Not see too much of that.
Of course, we know why (((that is)))
(((Bill Maher))) is one of (((them)))
(((They))) are trying to memory hole this shit and we can't allow that. We failed at trying to get Colbert fired but that was a long shot. This time we can definitely succeed, all that we need to do is rile up the left and boom. Goodbye (((BILL MAHER)))
he looks like someone wearing one of those ultra realistic latex masks, creepy
The fact that the left is completely quite about this shows how high up the (((totem pole))) he is
To look at who you overlords are look at who you can't criticize.
This sick fuck even accused Trump of having Sex with Ivanka
The left will never attack Maher because he is the leader of the left.
In germany he would have been the first one to be "dealt with"
He's very high up. That little kike has been one of their best goy brainwashers for years. Getting Bill Maher fired would be a huge win for us.
The left is a crumbly pile of rubble. Let them kill each other on the steaming heap.
And here's a picture of a duck.
this guy makes me sick
also /rare/
fucking Aussies taking American jobs
>tfw the left is tearing itself apart
feels cozy man
Sorry bro :(
You can't say nigger on HBO anymore?
It's like they are just begging for the internet to out do them
Thx user. Pretty sure it gets worse then accuses Trump of sex with his own daughter
During pizza gate some anons connected Maher to pedo parties
A clear effort to slide these threads today
True, though he is red pilled on muslims and liberals don't know how to react when he talks about it.
Who is this guy?
Didn't he smoke a joint on TV and act like he was so cool because of it even though everyone thought it was actually kind of gay?
He's the definition of a kike. The only reason this hasn't blown up in his rodent face is his kike buddies are protecting him. I'm seeing more criticism from the msm of the senator he had on the show for simply laughing at what Maher said.
He is pretty terrible but I like having one voice on the left that's willing to point out how terrible Islam is. Should he really be targeted?
This. The liberal MSM is completely covering for this jew stooge.
Absolute anti-white garbage. If you're not one of the chosen ones (((Maher))) will shit right on you. worst of the worst
The only reason he doesn't like muzzies is because he knows what they'd do to (((someone))) like him, not because they're destructive to our countries. See also: Sam Harris.
does anyone know what the context was?
Who cares about your shit hole of a country anyway faggot
CNN suck Maher dick all day. They even make him seem like some modern Voltaire, going to the effort of describing his interviews in writing when we can just watch for ourselves.
Wouldn't it be beautiful if niggers, the main tool the of the jew to undermine and demoralize white americans, ends up destroying the jew itself?
Please use archive
>edition cnn com/2017/02/09/us/maher-spars-with-trump-supporter-cnntv/index.html
Did he apologized for dressing up as Steve Irwin for Halloween? I don't think he'll apologize this time
Let's repost this user
>Calls Trump a rapist
>Makes fun of Seth Rich's death
>Shills for (((them)))
>Called Barron autistic
>Calls Trump supporters idiots
>anti funs
>Supports Antifa
>Accuses Trump of molesting Ivanka
Absolute jew filth. Talks bad about Islam to get sympathy for (((them))) doesn't mention about jews funding ISIS
Attacks Christianity, whiteness and everything decent. Only cares about Israel. A real degenerate
and a pedophile
My bad, Sven.
Rare indeed
His guest made a joke about putting him to work in the fields of Nebraska. Naturally any kind of labor is anathema to a jew, so he said no thank you, I'm a house nigger
why does he have the name "Maher" in his name its arabic orgin?.
The only reason I'd want him fired is that he is forcefed the last dose of the red pill on the regressive left that he partially acknowledges, mostly about Allah. Then he will be turbo redpilled.
kek holy shit
neah. He hates Trump on a personal level because he sued him that one time.
Maher is actually red pilled on islam and shitty liberals. He is actually a white supremacist
you guys shouldn't want him fired. he's going to be replaced by someone who's PC and even more left wing.
CNN spends hours everyday kissing the ass of Muslims and praises (((Bill Maher))) who constantly shits on Islam. Makes a lot of sense. The left totally has their ducks in order.
and with this jew goblin gone their ratings will bomb even more
Based leaf
This guy gets it. Blacks, Mexicans and Islam have been used by the Jews to destroy white identity.
(((Maher))) is a shill pretending they have nothing to do with these hoards invading.
>"The jew yells out in pain as he strikes you"
Bring him down? Why? He said nigger, lets make saying nigger normal instead.
I gotta say I don't think we should try to get Bill fired over this, and to be clear, I hate his guts and would love to see him off air. I also supported trying to get Colbert fired. These people are scum and they don't play fair.
Folks, we can't give the word "nigger" so much power. I don't want to live in a world where so much as saying a single word can end your public career and life. When it comes to nigger this is 100% about defending free speech. The first amendment is at stake. We need to go after and oppose this man but it has to be on a different subject than this IMO.
>you sure about that?
Hes a Jew
I don't mind Bill. For a liberal he's pretty based. Redpilled on Islam and SJWs and is usually respectful of conservatives when they're on his show. There's way more unbearable lefties out there, way more.
He's not only a shill but tied to pizzagate
>The Bill Maher Show Used To Be Produced By "Kid-Love Productions"
>Bill Maher made a movie in 1991 called PIZZA MAN. It is full of pedophile innuendos.
The word nigger already has power, whatever happens here will not diminish or increase it in the slightest.
Honestly what a fucking stupid pathethic loser, wannabe comedian. These kind of people are the scum of Earth.
The joke is actually funny, though, and I hate that man. I wouldn't consider what he said to be racist. He just uses a metaphor that relates directly to the enslavement of African-Americans, so it's in poor taste for mixed company, but it's HIS COMEDY show.
t. Bill Maher super-hater
he also makes fun of white guilt liberals and is anti race mixing. He's really mad recently, just let him die of old age, no need to bring him publicity.
WOW JDIF out in full force to protect their (((investment)))
So I guess let's call him a Kike then
The N-word kryptonite of USA, everything else is allow, just not this.
The PC machine is out to get him, he's fucked.
So freedom of speech is on a case by case basis?
So, I'm JDIF because I think the joke is funny and not actually racist.
This. Muslim isn't the redpill that's christcuck Jew slaverry. The redpill is knowing about the kikes
another user reporting for duty sir,
let us fuck his shit up
keep your fridges back in your own damn country
If anything we should try to use this to redpill Maher on how petty, fickle and cannibalizing the church of leftism is. Show him they can't be pandered to and they'll turn on anyone like squealing pussies if they violate the sanctity of their SJW doctrine.
freedom of speech applies to everyone you nigger
I don't know who this is but I looked it up to know the context. I just want to point that if the same thing happened to some other character you like, you'd be defending him saying that the context matters, but since it happened to one you don't like you take advantage of it to try to get him fired. What you don't see is that to do this you push a culture of intimidating speech censorship that once established will also apply to you and everyone else. Either you don't think much, you really love social justice and PC, or you really hate freedom. Or all of them.
He has a pretty hard line stance against SJWs and their protection of Islam from criticism. He hasn't learned much from that, so I doubt he'll learn from this, even if there was some backlash, but it looks like there won't even be that. I can't stand the cunt, though, because he never argues logically and just spew rhetorical bullshit as his audience cheers him on and it incenses me. Fuck him.
>Reminder that Michael Jackson was forced to remove the lyrics "Jew me, Sue me Kike me"
Jews push for and are responsible for allowing immigrants into white countries.
The one word you can never use on tv or music is Kike.
You underestimate out weaponized autism.
They are being exposed at a faster rate. It's crumbling around them
Wait, all he said was he's a "house nigger?" That's it?
How do you know Maher's stance on the Maldives?
>supports antifa
He does? Sauce plz
He is the wrong target.
This. Based German btfo out of the jew once again.
Here we go. Operation Kike Down begins
If we get people fired for being politically incorrect just because they say things we disagree with, then we are no better than SJWs.
No, fuck off faggot.
Someone who uses the n word deserves to keep their job.
The word needs to be normalized and shouldn't go punished.
It's a fucking WORD.
Niggers are such whiny, sensitive little babies.
Yeah that's the state of free speech in 2017. A white man is not allowed to say the word "nigger" in any context. Not even as a quote.
Fuck off, Randy
holy shit
>Sup Forums isn't supporting the right of everyone to say nigger
I feel like I'm in bizzaro Sup Forums. There's much more to be gained here from supporting free speech rather than joining the left in successfully shitting on it.
You're playing 2d beer pong simply because you don't share bill Mahers political views.
You niggers are pathetic. Bill Maher is our guy, hes barely even Jewish. So what, Trump is fucking retarded and Barron is an autistic faggot. Bill Maher is here to stay.
Every person shilling to get Bill fired is a fucking redditor trying to blend in to Sup Forums. Fuck you niggers.
I mean, it was bretty cheeky as he is a house nigger.
Using "nigger" isn't fucking racist.
The word "racist" is fucking meaningless to begin with.
Found the Jew.
We're all for freedom of speech but these Hypocrite Kikes like Kathy Griffin and Bill Maher are degrading our society and need to go
We're not doing it because they were being anti-PC. We're doing it because their leftism bastards that want to destroy our country, our race, and replace it with their own dystopia for eternity. They should be shot, being fired is the least they deserve.
What's the issue here anyway ? black people use it every 3rd word, the other 2 being, mufugga & beeich.
>mfw the left is eating their own
>mfw the lefts own political correct craziness backfires on one of their lead figures
The only things Jews like more then attacking defenseless children like Barron is raping them.
This "house kike" needs to go. Sup Forums will destroy him
I'm not for free speech for communists, Jews and niggers.
bizzaro Sup Forums is the one defending a kike
the jews and liberals need to be held accountable to their own rules.
fight them with their weapons is a meme. Let them destroy themselves while you come up with new weapons.
On the one hand I like his use of the word "nigger." On the other hand, he's a kike; and that trumps any other hands. To the wastebin he goes.
>post all day online about how you hate niggers
>ruin someone's career for saying nigger
Sometimes you guys are R E T A R D E D
The joke wasn't funny your just a degenerate who probably has some Ashkenazi dna in you. If I'm interviewing I senator I don't make jokes about black slavery and spout racial slurs? The only people that don't understand that are Jews like bill Maher who haven't a decent bone in their body. The fact that you defend someone who you don't like and someone who thinks non Jews are subhuman makes me positive that you're a shill.
>The word is bad
>The word is dangerous
>The world is evil
How to control a demographic 101
If ((((They)))) would have found a tape of Trump making the exact same joke, ((((Maher)))) would have spent weeks trying to bury him for it.
Let's destroy this KIKE.