This is the face of the Alt Right
Richard Spencer
According to CNN and antifa. Hardly anyone here gives a shit about that probably queer autist.
He doesn't look bad anyway.
Well, seeing that he literally invented the term Alt-Right and created the movement before you were even born...
Why don't you like him anyway? Be specific
> invented the term Alt-Right
which is so vague he doesn't fit in with most of the people under that label anymore. maybe 2 years ago when the term was first used. Its outgrown him.
>and created the movement before you were even born.
What movement are you even talking about?
does anybody even unironically identify as "alt-right"?
Just because some uninformed faggot larpers call themselves alt-right without even knowing what it really is, doesn't change the meaning of the term.
Yes, you need to leave Sup Forums for a bit and see what's going on in the adult world of WN. Check out Red Ice, Jared Taylor and American Renaissance, read Radix etc. In Europe we are known as Identitarians but Alt-Right when we're speaking to anglophones.
That's a big belly
Spencer is legit, the constant desperate shill jobs against him should tip you off.
a) he's wearing a bullet-proof vest, which bulks him up even in the un-shopped version
b) it's also shopped
Mostly people who browse TRS. Everyone else knows he's a commie larper
>What is FBI plant
No, I am.
Yes. It's the name of Our People's Movement. Any right winger against the GOP is alt-right, aka any pro-white anti-jew
Jesus christ, that goy would go straight into the oven.
Good for him, being the face of a media-coined all-encompassing term for everyone beyond centre-right.
Now fuck off back to ribbit and take your alt-right, autistic, kek flag waving, frog posting friends with you, this here's far right country.
Reddit. True Sup Forumsacks are either national socialists or at the very least libertarian.
Very disrespectful.
r/the_dildo refugees arrived
i always wondered and this time ill ask the question
ive been on pol long before trump even announced his candidacy
ive been on pol pretty much every day since that
yet i only saw this fucker one week before or after with victory
can someone please tell me where the fuck did that retarded looking thing come from and how "people" named him the "face" of "alt-right" when lets be real pol is 99% of what others call alt right
CNN blew him up.
We're supposed to hate him because CNN popularized him and redditors from /r/thecuckhold think he's going to ruin Donald Trump's image somehow.
hold up what you say is true but plenty of non redditor r/donald types dont care about him for other reasons. myself included.
That's because Sup Forums is not a WN hub. If you were in serious WN groups like AmRen, you would have known him since 2003
Why don't you answer me? Why don't you like him? And be very specific
Alt Right is basically white nationalism
lmao alt-right is as CIVIC as it gets
Commie faggot will get the rope. It doesn't matter how many threads you make promoting him CIA.
>Commie faggot will get the rope. It doesn't matter how many threads you make promoting him CIA.
Commie faggot will get the rope. It doesn't matter how many threads you make promoting him CIA.
I don't trust him as a self proclaimed leader. He lacks charisma to lead and probably most of all for me its the disregard for specific ethnicities. i don't see white as some homogeneous group because its not. So I don't want to see the dutch for example get mixed out with other europeans.
Some other personal side things like just how feminine he is. But thats really just nitpicking.
You mean alt lite, ahmed
Civic Nationalism = Communism. It's just slowed Communism.
You can't have a Nation without an "nati" = Latin for ethnos.
Alt right is pro white. that would be a better description.
all alt-right is alt-lite
Richard Spencer comes off too gimmicky for me to think he's anything but controlled opposition to distract from a legitimate force like Jared Taylor. Jared Taylor has been pushing this agenda since Richard Spencer was 9. I'm against Richard Spencer, not because I disagree with his views, but I've always had a nagging feeling that he was larping. He's the guy the left brings in to make an example of how stupid the right in. Where if you switched out Richard Spencer with Jared Taylor in every public instant he's been in, Jared Taylor is infallible and is really /our guy/
Related jewtube video, a body language specialist breaks down Richard Spencer in an interview, and she think's hes faking.
Are you fucking stupid? See what the Alt-Right thinks of civic nationalism, you disgusting shill
>I don't trust him as a self proclaimed leader.
He proclaimed himself as a leader? Where, can you send me the source?
>He lacks charisma to lead
Lead what?
>The disregard for specific ethnicities
Says the fucking burger. So you're a Varg shill, huh?
>i don't see white as some homogeneous group because its not.
Dutch people aren't a homogeneous group either. Should we also divide Holland as well?
>Some other personal side things like just how feminine he is.
So people that don't wear camo ties are feminine?
Jared Taylor is actively given platform by Richard Spencer. So much so in fact, that Jared Taylor readily calls himself a member of Spencer's group. I would have never heard of Jared if it weren't for Spencer.
>a body language specialist
LMFAO, can you quickly go fuck yourself?
Actually I find him pretty based and his final solution is quite good (and probably the only one possible for europeans-americans)
I don't think you two are shills, honestly. You have very slippery reasons as why you hate the fucking guy, and that's because of subversion, plain and simple. He's vilified so much that it's almost hard for people to check him out clear thinking. The same people that vilify Richard Spencer to fucking death for reasons like "oh, his demeanor" or "oh he a random youtuber said he's a shill", the same people are the ones that keep defending Trump even after he has been nothing but an extremely obvious controlled opposition.
You're being played like fiddles, mark my words.
That's a good point. I reconcile it by thinking he's facing first problems first and not fighting battles on two fronts.
>He proclaimed himself as a leader? Where, can you send me the source?
Of the alt right. Cant remember where but think he said it in a jewtube video he put out.
>Lead what?
Anyone? That might sound harsh but you need charisma to even be a good representative. and he's putting himself out there for media and all to see so it matters.
>Says the fucking burger. So you're a Varg shill, huh?
What? How does that even make sense? Varg thinks europeans are "all really the same" (if you're blonde and blue eyed ofcourse) and i disagree with him. Are you saying you don't give a shit if the dutch are mixed out as an ethnicity?
>Dutch people aren't a homogeneous group either.
Yes neither are britian, france etc. But it doesnt mean those differences should be disregarded.
> Should we also divide Holland as well?
If they want to. its not my place to decide but if it means preserving themselves why not? it doesn't mean they cant be allies with those around them.
>So people that don't wear camo ties are feminine?
I said it was nitpicking but no, i'm not concerned with what hes wearing its how he presents himself and speaks to his audience.
> b) it's also shopped
If you can't tell that it's photoshopped you need to get your fuckin head checked out.
>Of the alt right. Cant remember where but think he said it in a jewtube video he put out.
Again, he CREATED the Alt-Right. He started talking about ideas, and the tens of thousands of people who actively follow him have proclaimed him the leader of a movement, not vice-versa. Just like I'm the leader of my own contracting business. He is the leader of those who agree and follow what he has to say. He's not some Sup Forums retard who out of nowhere declared himself a leader. Richard Spencer worked for a cuckservative agency, and when he got fired for saying "non-PC" shit, his followers urged him to start his own blog, which became Radix Journal. His philosophies have then become the Alt-Right.
>Are you saying you don't give a shit if the dutch are mixed out as an ethnicity?
No I'm not, but I'm also not going to divide a race up based on ethnicity. Because we produce cultures that are entirely compatible AND because Dutch ethnicities (yes, there are many more than a few) all come from ACTUAL sub-races (Dinaric, Atlantid, Nordic etc) which are all already mixed. It should be up to the individual to want to preserve his SUBRACE (a 96% Nordic may want to preserve it, or he may want to mate with a North Atlantid.)
>Yes neither are britian, france etc. But it doesnt mean those differences should be disregarded.
No they should be regarded in the same way differences between Manchester and Edinburgh should be regarded.
> Should we also divide Holland as well?
Right, and it's not your place to decide for the rest of Europe, either.
You seem like a smart guy, really. I just think you fell for the ethnonationalism meme, which is meant to cleave the WN sphere. Ethnicities are akin to household families in the sense that it's not subraces we're talking about here. Ethnicities don't exist in the way Sup Forums thinks they do. I have good fucking genes and so does my wife. Our kids (none atm, coming up shortly though) will have good fucking genes, but I don't want them to inbreed because I have to maintain my household norms.
what I'm afraid of is that I feel he's not the guy that'll make it happen, while potentially fucking up the road for the guy that could have.
Richard Spencer is great at rallying people, he's fucking superb in his own environment, but as soon as he goes up to bat against the other team and he's out of his environment, he doesn't handle himself well and often lets the opposition disrespect him and his message and he just squirms it away as if it didn't happen.
Jared Taylor thrives in opposition, and Richard Spenser crumbles in it.
If I was a leftist, and I could interview Jared Taylor or Richard Spenser, I would take the guy that couldn't handle a debate with Tariq Nasheed and chose to clear out the local Home Depot of all its god damn Tiki torches (which, the locals ridiculed) 10 times out of 10
>This is the face of the Alt Right
>...said the increasingly nervous brainwasher for the thousandth time since last summer.
>Tiki torches
See, this is fucking ridiculous. This is what the MSM wants. They want to make him look fucking stupid and they're doing a good fucking job at it.
I love Mr Taylor more than the next guy, and I do think he's wiser than Spencer, but Taylor is NOT a good leader as much as Spencer is. Richard has built a much bigger group and has raised much more awareness than Taylor. His messages are clear and concise, and noone who takes this shit seriously will stop and give even a second of thought to the tiki ordeal. Nor will they look at leftist hit pieces of him and get demoralized about it.
The big difference that I will grant you, is that Jared has 20+ years of experience in this business, and all these media cats know it very well. He knows what to say and what not to say much more than Spencer. But Spencer knows quite a bit too, and 90% of the inflammatory shit he says is done on purpose to get more publicity; the fact that he then couples it with calm demeanor gets people to look into him more (mainly out of fear/resentment first) then they see that he actually makes REALLY good points and BAM, redpill hits the stomach lining and the process starts. I've seen it happen time and time again
Reread what you wrote.
This is why nobody fucks you.
Spencer is a big guy.
Noone is denying that they blew up during the election cycle
Losing slap fights against SJWs looks and is extremely bad.
>Again, he CREATED the Alt-Right.
Ive had my ideology before the alt right was even a thing and yet i fall under its category to most people. He just coined a term.
>Because we produce cultures that are entirely compatible
I disagree there.
>all come from ACTUAL sub-races (Dinaric, Atlantid, Nordic etc)
We have more comparability with eachother now is because of said mixing. But plenty of europeans are still far more one than the other. The same arguments for preserving the "white race" apply to subraces from everywhere in the world. If a group has traits worth keeping why trash that for the sake of the white unity?
Of course what i'm saying is idealistic. I know that, but i still think its the most rational.
>and it's not your place to decide for the rest of Europe, either.
Well i don't think its other europeans place to decide whether one european group gets absorbed into their larger one. Maybe they like their identity and unique genetic makeup. Im not saying its always a bad thing for them to mix together. it just comes down to whether people like themselves enough to preserve themselves, or do they feel weak enough that they need to assimilate to a better group.
Ethnicity is just the closest word i can of for a very small genetic group. I would prefer a girl from my own (nothing incestuous) but if that doesn't happen it would just be someone with good genetics. I wont be concerned past that. Im still on board with the white memes. but it does feel threatening to someone who isn't a mutt and doesn't want to be one.
i can think of*
he really let himself go
Also just realized i contradicted myself pretty hard with
>what i'm saying is idealistic. I know that, but i still think its the most rational.
I still think its the most..... noble? would be nice if i knew the words.
to any actual man this guy reeks of detritus.
just look at ops picture he doesn't even look like a human he looks like an infection.
He has literally called liberty "faggy". We should ruin this faggot.
direct relations to bush family gets paid by george soros the guys a walking poster child for euthenasia he ain't leading shit.