>The first year in the US is almost always without vacation, afterwards there is seldom more than two weeks vacation. If you are employed for more than 20 years at a company, it can at best bring you four weeks of paid holidays. Of those working full-time in the US, around 15 per cent are not entitled to paid holidays, while 65 per cent are not entitled to part-time employees
Americans are work slaves
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what is it about "colonized by puritans" you don't understand?
It would be fine if the work was meaningful But when you're such a small cog in a company that makes cup holders it's hard to keep your sanity
Westerners should NEVER complain about work hours & holidays.
Good thing I will be getting NEETbux soon
Unless youre a single mother or severely disabled good luck with living off 8-10k a year
I know, it's almost as if the 'Germans are the hardest workers with a strongest work ethic' meme is unsubstantiated in reality.
Koreans and Japanese are pants-on-head retarded when it comes to this kind of thing
You guys do all that face-saving bullshit to look busy and hard-working when actually you have the lowest worker efficiency in the OECD
A lot like how you guys make a big deal out of pretending not to be sexual beings while actually selling and buying sex like crazy and committing sex crimes all over the place
Literally the most ridiculous meme-tier people in the world, I'm going crazy just being around you because this shit is infectious
I started at 3 and when I got my promotion they refreshed it 6 weeks that year was wild.
>what is work efficienty
>t. lazy fucking yuro
There is nothing, and I mean nothing, worse than having a fucking yuropeon on your project.
Lazy. Useless. Incompetent. Then they go on holiday for two months and it actually feels like an improvement.
LOL, im sorry for you user. By default i have 6 weeks paid. And its not uncommon with 7 weeks. For reference i make $70k a year.
I haven't had a vacation day off in 3 years
I have worked 113 days straight (SMTWTFS).
I order shit from you kraut-stuffing nazis and you're all on vacation for a fucking month.
German engineering my ass. Also, your vehicles are lipstick on a pig. Faggots
expect your situation to change when muzzies start doing that shit for cheaper with less vacation.
It's the same in any capitalist system. You krauts pay even higher taxes and work longer hours so I dunno wtf you're going on about
I get eight hours of time off every payday. I don't get paid for holidays, just the time is moved for a day off later on.
It is kinda bullshit that I need to put my shit in 3 weeks in advance. You need to have a low time preference if you want time off here at walmart.
Are americans allowed to take unpaid holidays and are they generous?
I get 28 paid days leave and some of my over time comes with additional holidays. For example if I work a saturday morning or a night on a weekend.
>binges starcraft
>thinks its work
mexico has the highest average number of working hours in the world, and yet they're stereotyped as being either lazy or doing unskilled labour work, probably because they are so horribly inefficient.
>reeee I'm entitled to get paid for not working
The tradeoff is lower taxes so taking an unpaid vacation isn't so bad
Koreans should learn to negotiate better.
yooo is that guy wearing parachute pants
that is not how it works. The underclass does not compete for white collar jobs and it never will. The underclass makes neighborhoods dangerous and shitty, and bad places to raise families, so that the white collar workers have to work harder to buy a house in the rare neighborhood where the underclass isn't present. They have to send the wife to work. They have to jockey for promotions. All so they can afford to be among the 10-20% of the upper class who can afford not to live near any of the underclass.
THAT is how diversity improves the economy, by turning loose a pack of wolves in your streets that you have to work really hard to escape. Whenever you hear anyone mention the phrase "school district," it is code for "working hard so I can afford to escape from the underclass."
ha, I work for a tech company and have unlimited time off as long as management approves
He makes them himself. Given his appearance, it goes a quite well.
What's crazy is all the debt slaves that act high and mighty simply because they work period. Not based on what they do. For some people, working is all they have. I'll never understand that, work until you have some capital, then start a portfolio and turn active income into passive income. Become rich NEET. Seriously go visit /biz/ right now.
gooks have no soul
Post your bank balance, Mr. High Roller
>Are americans allowed to take unpaid holidays and are they generous?
This is a really vague question and depends on the union. If it's a state job, then yes, you have a whole fuckload of paid leave time. Private sector, maybe, but it depends heavily on the union and the company. Lower end jobs, such as retail, almost never
So that's basically none. I have 26 days paid time off, which employer is obligated to make available. Employer is also obligated to allow me to take at least one 14-day (10 vacation days) block in a year if I so request (they are not allowed to force me to take vacation only few days at a time for all my vacation days). I also get unlimited paid sick days.
Why do you think I prefer working minimum wage?
You can get as much vacation time as you want, and you can walk off the job anytime you want. The cons of course being you'll have a social stigma, but that's normies for you.
hello nocoins
>implying the problem is too much work
>implying you should be paid for vacation
>implying you shouldn't save money to take time off on your own
>implying anyone works for 20 years at the same company anymore
>implying holidays mean anything in a post-christian society
Nah. The problem is not enough work for the productive white men. There aren't nearly enough full time jobs and the ones being created by government are earmarked for the shitskins and womyn as paper-pushing and schoolmarming.
Women in particular and shitskins in general don't want full time work and will seek part-time or seasonal jobs instead. They prefer to have all the time off because they don't even want to be producers, they just want the time off with gibs. Basically, they'd all be fine getting welfare with a few exceptions. White men, OTOH, actually want to feel like they're doing something useful. They'll strive given half a chance for shitty pay and bust their asses to make something real. Physics professors in the pre-war era made about as much as construction workers and yet there was no shortage of either. Why? Because you had a meaningful job either way and professors of physics loved their work.
Today there's an insane system of credential, license, and affirmative action that has destroyed any opportunity for most striving people to get jobs or build businesses they love and want to work. Meanwhile the minorities and women are given jobs that, no matter how easy, they still hate and will never be thankful for.
The whole mess centers around the liberal delusion that everyone is just a normal white man in another body, just waiting for the opportunity to get out there and do a good honest day's work and feel good for it. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. But it's too late. This ship won't turn around until the productivity of white men is so squandered that the economy can no longer function well enough to deliver the requisite amount of gibs.
>afterwards there is seldom more than two weeks vacation
Even when you "get" two weeks, try actually taking both together and see what happens
Japanese work long hours but aren't efficient, it's merely a ruse.
They are paid monthly often and this helps them make more $.
Working long != working smart.
No Seoul?
You guys are gonna have to work harder to support all of the refugees now.
>Americans work too much and are too successful
Focus your energy on stopping your daughters from being raped by muzzies.
We get shit done KrautKuck, And that's how we fucking like it.
My last manager used to complain just like you. Mostly to mask his incompetence and overwhelming self-hatred.
Japan is the least productive developed nation. Most major corporations still use fax machines on a daily basis. Each worker is forced to do 14 hour days minimum partly out of cultural mores but also because their equipment and business practices are so outdated and batshit that it takes forever to do anything.
What kind of shitty ass job do you have where you can just fuck off for weeks at a time? Do you even do anything important while you're there?
I always have to plan way ahead to even take 1 week off.
>implying busy == important
It's every job. They literally will just fuck off in the middle of a big project and let anyone else, probably an american, deal with it. Then brag about how successful it was when they get back.
I never actually hated yuros until I was forced to work with them.
true, but at least i get to drive a fast car and shoot muh guns when ever i want to.
>what is the autobahn
Yeah I phrased it like that intentionally. I didnt want to sound like I was making assumptions. Every country has swings and roundabouts. Americans dont get holidays but are also famously unproductive so there must be some benefits there for you.
>round 15 per cent are not entitled to paid holidays
>paid for not doing work
AAAAND shoot muh guns, cant do it in germany.
I started at 20 days paid vacation, it goes up to 35 days.
when I worked a 9-5 in the biotech sector. I got 3 weeks of vacation and unlimited sick days. 7.5K per year for tuition as I worked my way up I got 100% benefits covered.
Easy solution. Don't be a stupid nigger and if you are. Kill yourself, or work harder for a better job.
This. But I unironically wish we had an economic system more like Germany, especially regarding how unions work and how workers are treated.
you can
Congratulations, you're the best goys, as expected.
Americans have this idea that just because Europeans arnt walking around with pistols that we cant own guns. Almost uniformly across europe its legal to own rifles and shotguns.
Its not even legal to carry pistols everywhere in the US.
Would you trade your guns to be free of blacks? Serious question.
>some of the workers had iphones
>monthly wage $490
muh "americans are bad with money"
Why do you have to be best goy, fellow burger?
You don't need to tell me twice. S'why I planned on moving to germany. I guess finland now
What kind of rifles, and chambered for what cartridge?
>tfw got my first job a week ago
>no previous work experience
>Serbian branch of an American company
>tfw only have to communicate with UK
>tfw salary 20% larger than national average
>tfw full benefits
>tfw 1 month of paid vacation right off the bat
>tfw easy job
Trump please don't take this away.
No idea. I never looked into it. I had some friends that were showing me their shotguns and their dad owned an mp7. He was a governemnt driver though.
Forgot to mention
>40 hour week
>1 hour lunches
>free snacks and coffee
>many qts in the workplace
I used to make fun of wagecucks but this isn't that bad.
They do do unskilled labor work. That's why they have to work so many hours.
And I wonder how that average falls when you account for the ones who don't work and don't try to work.
A quick google says that 5.56mm is legal. That is a common round isnt it?
>The share of all unauthorized immigrant workers with management and professional jobs grew to 13 percent in 2012 from 10 percent in 2007
If I'm reading it right, you guys can get up to a .308. Not too shabby.
how long does it take to learn srpski so I can have a cushy job too?
Well there you go. I dont see a need for pistols. I think it would just increase opportunities for violence rather than prevent it.
My new job offers size weeks vacation starting
>Amerifats ITT defending their slavery
How can one be so cucked? You got really brainwashed by the "american dream"
Don't bother, working the same job at the same company in the U.S. you'd earn literally 5x more than I do. I'll be doing my best to move there legally like a good goyim so I can help MAGA.
We put up with it because Warren Buffet needs his dividends, Sam Walton needs to bulldoze another state's economy, and the Koch brothers need to put up another fake town.
>not knowing we are a Communist country now.
Yeah we Americans tend to live rather barbarically.
Still stuck in the mindset that if you don't work, you don't eat, that most greater civilizations such as Europe rightly abandoned in favor of more sophisticated, relaxed forms of cuckoldry
I work 4 days a week, take a 3 week block of vacation every year and have over 2 weeks left that I take whenever I want. Just have to give 2 weeks notice, but that is all done online don't have to wait for anyone to input my days off or approve them.
>Would you trade your guns to be free of blacks? Serious question.
My feel has always been that I would absolutely support a system (in its entirety) more like Denmark or Switzerland if I lived in an ethnically homogeneous area. Now of course, ideally I wouldn't want a system exactly like Denmark. I'm just saying that a sense of culture and ethnic identity would be worth the trade of such vast freedoms, even if it meant more social and financial responsibility to maintain. Especially so if I could push for sovereignty and reasonable measures of liberty for things like firearm ownership and etc.. in that system. But I don't and we're just kind of forced down this road of muh guns, muh freedom. There would still be legit threats in this country if black people were not here. But many of our once great cities would be clean, prosperous and safe again if we could make that trade.
This post unironically made me think.
That's some ancap bullshit right there.
Yeah, shit sucks.
>anything resembling regulation is full communism
Property tax is fucked up, but its not the abolition of private property.
honestly no, im waiting for a time when its acceptable to kill them.
It's actual tenets of Marxism you stupid pinko Commies.
>but muh global pyramid scheme was suppose to pay off and redistribute my investment!
Sorry, you've been jewed
you cant have my guns though.
Can you be a poorfag and a neet in America without having to live on the street?
>Property tax is fucked up, but its not the abolition of private property.
Then don't pay them and see what happens, idiot.
Unless you pay them per item done they're really inefficient. If you pay them a nickel for every tomato picked they'll clear the field quickly. If you pay them minimum wage the fruit will rot on the vine.
When doing paid jobs they tend just to hit rate, or do barely the required amount, then dick around all day.
>Californian who has to work with them.
The standard of living here is different than even the other first world countries. Look at a map of where all Canada's citizens live. There are negative aspects of course but it is what it is. Even iur welfare niggers live in multi bedroom stand alone houses. People have to work to build all this shit
I wouldn't really worry about it though. With all our new subhuman Latin American socialismo friends, on top of our current NoC, it's only a matter of time until it all comes crumbling down anyways
Living on the street is fine. I've busked and made $300 in a day. Beat that wagie
It doesn't.
We've literally halved the violent crime rate in the US in the last 20 years.
>I know how to run things better than individuals do
No. But you won't starve, or die of thirst or exposure. Burgers are really good about that sort of thing.
That's not barbarism. It is literally civilization.
False dichotomy, you inherently disingenuous shitcunt.
You still have something like 5 times our murder rates despite greater opportunities for making money.
>Muh blacks
We have an underclass too and they dont murder each other so often.