Rojavan refugee stabbed to death by ISIS sympathizers in Germany
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what the fuck is a rojavan?
Supporter of Kurdish separatism I think
They're literally taking their war with them as they come here, and the governments are too retarded to see it
some type of sand nigger
a commie k*rd
B-but we're all the same inside
>and the governments are too retarded to see it
Or the government is betraying its people? The Elites will just migrate to Israel, USA or some other country
I am rotten to the core.
Shut it cuck. That's the attitude that got you raped and us targeted in the first place
Sweden is less cucked than America
are subs accurate?
Mooslem nazis and commies killin each other means more room in the levant for based Kurds to take over. KILL MOAR
>based Kurds
Kys stupid cuck, I bet you think the Turks are bad guys as well
Kurdish communist/anti-ISIS fighter
this isnt good, it just shows that the war is heading to Europe
Isn't that name of that one made up WE WUZ KANGZ nigger that supposedly made Caucasians as slaves but fucked up because Caucasians weren't complacent nor obedient to the niggers?
>Whitey evil because of slavery
A Nigger's cognitive dissonance is fucking hilarious .
>war isnt good
>"kys, reeeeeeeee, delet this"
>turks are great
>what genocide?
No, kYs you leaf proxying roach
>progressivist antifa fag loving commies
They to go back.... To hell
>daily bombing by a single peoples
Its already there desu
oh great America is gonna have to go BACK to yurope to save you fucking faggots because you have no guns. Who'd have thought that maybe the right to bear arms would be a good thing?
No they're not. This is an incident. There are no campaigns in European streets, no mobilizations, no sieges, no airstrikes, etcetera. It's actually very peaceful, and we should be optimistic about the future. Right now India is really becoming a superpower, Europe has been at peace for many decades. It's only getting better now.
they voted for it.
If I was a German, i would track down isis sympathizers and chopp their nuts off.
>Be German
>get stabbed by ISIS
this shit is completely intentional
its time for the era of white oppression to end
You've never been to America and Sweden
>Abdulhenan Yakup
>foreign invader gets killed by different foreign invaders
None of them should've been in Germany.
Some kind of foreign filth.
The governemt know, canada
he got what he deserved desu
>muslims that can't rape
literally nothing preventing them from blowing themselves up
Nah I'm an actual leaf, but I just hate people who suck Kurdish cock