Donald Trump skipped his hyped Pittsburgh, not Paris rally after only a few dozen people showed up.
Hopefully they bought plenty of merch while Trump wastes taxpayer money on his 24th golf trip so far.
Trump skips "Pittsburgh, not Paris" rally to golf
Looks like he has a lot of support.
Golf is more fun that speaking to a bunch of his useful idiots though
we just keep winning
It's hard to believe that these people think he gives a fuck about them
so much winning and legislation passed
fake news
Maybe he doesnt want to go to pissburgh where its infested with niggers and cucks?
I can't believe I voted for blumpf
I regret my vote every single day
maybe he is a retard that thought he would have more support but forgot he needs to go to meth infested rural towns to get it
Make he shouldn't have said he was holding a rally there. Isnt this the 2nd rally he has cancelled in the past week?
fake news
He would get his biggest applause if he resigned or was thrown in jail
he doesn't use an interlocking grip?
low energy
You leftists are so retarded. I see a bunch of fake news about Trump campaign said they would have a rally, but no actual Trump sources. This was organized by RNC on super short notice, and they still outnumber the "march for truth" people or whatever they're calling their libtard shit today...
Didn't he say multiple times during the campaign that he'll use golf as a tool for negotiations, and building relationships? No one here knows what it's like to live in the upper epsilon, and the posh society.
Literal fake news
His next rally is in Iowa
So a few dozen trumpfags in Pittsburgh outnumber a March in almost 50 states?
real golfers use a ben hogan grip
Honestly I don't think the rallies are a good idea. The President doesn't need that stuff.
Holy shit you're stupid. This is in front of the WH
Presidents aren't allowed to have days off and go golfing? I don't know how to break this to you, faggot, but Obama went golfing all the time. (I mean when he wasn't fucking you up the ass, of course.)
90% vote for Clinton compared to 80% for clinton
DAMN, THIS is surely the end
Trump is golfing at a way higher rate than obama, you fucking retard
He said he was going to get the US out it during his campaign. It is a terrible deal for the US. Anyone who makes the argument that he should stay in it is wrong. This is what he campaigned, this is what you voted for. If you voted republican because that is what you vote and you regret it maybe this will teach you to vote on the issues not along party lines you bi-partisan cunts.
why is this nigger still doing rallys
>being so autistic you reply to yourself
The laughs keep on rolling in
Take the golf rumour pill
Jesus, the liberals have no sense of humour. Bunch of squares.
They are only happy when they agree with it.
>your moronic behaviour is great for anti-sentiment towards that certain group
>keep it up
Liberals don't understand golf. There is literally nothing wrong with spending an afternoon in private talking business with another powerful person.
Maybe Obama shouldn't have gotten so much shit about it, but I don't recall in eight years him ever talking about golfing -with- someone for the purpose of negotiation. Just so he could ride around in the little cart and waste time. But maybe he did?
Deals are made on the course. Knocking a small; white ball into a black hole is with a stick is just something they invented to keep the Jews interested in it.
it was the only promise he could actually keep since his whole administration signed ethics waivers so they could continue to be the swamp, the fence is going along great though
you jack off to anime
Fuck anime and fuck you retard. I didn't even vote for trump BUT nice projection. Thanks for confirming that autism.
Let's be honest I think everyone would rather have Trump in charge rather than a liberal do-gooder.
Obama also wore a tan suit once
>i-i totally never voted for trump
Hey autismo whatever you need to tell yourself to prove your point I guess? I already know that I dislike both parties and didn't vote for either of those retards but keep telling yourself that anyone that pokes fun of you living so far on the spectrum must have voted for trump.
Yup, you SURELY got me there. Autism speaks.
This board has really become a cesspool for the liberal rhetoric.
Where is Hitler when you need him to rid the growing parasites of our society.
>these people
Back to tumblr you go.
>autism is adding something to a previous post you made
>autism isnt having pepe and reaction images in a folder on your computer
Yes Obama golfed a shit ton, but the irony comes from the fact that Trump whined on twitter about it. Now that he's in office he's golfing like Obama.
Good one, achmed
OH NO YOU DITENT! Obama sucks at golf, how dare you compare his shit game to the flawless god emperor
Oh DAMN you definitely showed me, congrats your golf thread really added some decent discussion here today! Thanks for the exposure to autism though cunt, I'll leave you and the other faggot to your circle jerk.
cry more, trumpfag
>hurr achmed
Good one! I'll add that to my list of names I've already been called on Sup Forums over the years, tumblrina.
It's "upper echelons", you fucking retard. If you're gonna kick me out of your country at least learn to speak your own damn language.
>these people
>living in a Muslim majority country
not achmed
>taco nigger 4dchess
Does this mean Maxine Waters is Pelosi's House Nigger?
>implying your not jerking yourself off in a pseudo-euphoric high while shitposting in a thread you don't like the topic of.
ITT: OP contemplates suicide for the 100th time this year
Didn't the autistic mayor throw a fit the other day? Of course it comes from CNN.
Let's archive it
>cnn com/2017/06/01/politics/pittsburgh-mayor-donald-trump/index.html
Why? I'm not emotionally attached to a faggot politician like you
I hope you kill your self when trump wins again in 2020 ;p
I hope you eat a bullet because you're a dumb fag
He also said he'd be too busy to golf and bitched about Obama doing it. Was Obama just using golf to negotiate with other leaders?
why the fuck would you admit you are attached to a politician?
fuck off /r/politics
fuck you Donald poster
>Donald Trump skipped his hyped Pittsburgh, not Paris rally
The event was not organized by Trump, nor his administration, nor did he ever say he would attend.
Here's proof:
The "fence" is fake news
That was low energy, even the reporting
If Trump replaced the Hart-Celler act and built a wall and did nothing but golf after that. He'd have my vote.