Can anyone redpill me on Jews?

I've been browsing Sup Forums for a year now.
I consider myself right wing, even with tolerance for gays.
I pretty much agree with most of statements on this boars, such as:
>White race is superior
>Gas pakis
>Hide leaf posts
>Turks are fucking roaches
and so on.

But to be honest, I never understood the hate for Jews. Aren't they just a tiny (white) nation in the middle east, who gave birth to some great scientists and inventors (even nobel prize winners)?
I just want to understand. If you have some facts with proof attached to that, I'll be happy to read about the topic.

Other urls found in this thread:

>doesn't believe in Jesus
>rich off poor people and inheritance
>666 Fifth Ave: mark of the beast for his skyscraper built with Russian money

Kushner is pretty much the anti-Christ.

you've not been in Sup Forums for a year or you'd know everything about the jews, unless you've been all this time on /ptg/, in which case you have to go back.

I have Jewish friends. They're just your average Trump supporting white guys honestly. It's one thing to say the zionists are evil fuckers (they are) but Judaism isn't innately corrupting like Islam or communism is.

That's what I was talking about. Everyone just says "Gas the Jews". I see threads with newspaper posts saying "Oooh! The owner of this newspaper is a Jew!" So fucking what?
"Owner of this bank is a Jew!!" So what?
"Porn industry is owned by Jews!!!" So??
I am not defending anybody, I am just looking for some evidence supported by non biased facts.

I checked the fact from your pic related and it doesn't really convince me. I didn't find any reliable source on this topic.

USS Liberty attack 50th anniversary is on the 8th. Start with that.






you forgot about his close ties & the 250 million dollar loan from soros

>nothing fishy going on there goy









csf, arunc si eu cateva redpills p-aici
tu cf?


are you talking to yourself?

lurking and being generally bored

Destroyers of nations

Thanks for all the evidence Romanian friend. I will have a closer look in this

vorbeste romana, Vasile pls

We control everything.

y tho?

pentru ca te iubesc, tiganule

și eu te iubesc Haurel

Just not the gas valves of the chambers

Your nose is showing.

>Can anyone redpill me on Jews?

cant help you



>thinks being gay is okay
>calls himself right wing
>disgusting """"business conservative""""

Watch "9/11 Missing Links", then work your way from there. If you read, American Free Press sells some excellent books on the Israeli 9/11 connections and various other crimes committed by Israel.

The Jews controlling everything is the fault of the Roman Catholic Church and their anti usury laws which meant Jews were able to have Banks and control money and over time they became leaders in pretty much everything.

It's not some big conspiracy, they were given the key and they took it and the consequences of the church's actions are still felt today.

Yeah it sucks that in any institution in any part of the world there is a Jew at the top but it's only because history allowed this to happen. Someone would be there if it weren't the Jews, in our world it just happened to be Jews.

Fuck them still but whatever.

I miss the daily jew redpill threads. Shame what Sup Forums has become. I became redpilled on the jews within a couple weeks of being on this board.

long story short read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. It's free online just google it

If you've been browsing Sup Forums for a year and still don't know bout the kikes then you need to lurk moar.

>I consider myself right wing, even with tolerance for gays

Who cares about sheenies, you need to get truvada-pilled

Don't understand why do you cry so much about the jews you stupid goyim, we brough you the modern civilisation. We don't care about your little racial shit, our aim is the whole humanity. Can't wait till I get my inheritance I'll push the agenda harder than any other judaist.

jews are physically and ideologically manufactured psychopaths at a scale of race
basically we have a newborn (pic) psycho who will learn from Talmud that everyone but him is a piece of junk to be exploited and then disposed of. thats literally psycho^2
psychology considers psychopathic personality disorder incurable, so such persons should be publicly executed in every town. read about infant's psychology because pic is strongly related and explanation is too long. sadly banning religions and religious traditions never works so question remains open for innovation. its not possible this civ will ever do well with jews on this rock. they had few thousands years to improve and spent it destroying every civ from inside and blaming it on everyone else


Oh gee, how can I allow two consenting adults of the same sex to put their penises in each other bodies. Heresy.

Be a good goy

Read up on Russian Revolution of 1917. You and your kind will be led to your slaughter if you don't think ahead and provide an opportunity.

jew must be accept

they make country good

yes i agree

you are vvery smart man and handsome becaw i see you is duch

jew must be accept

>seeing all these threads about "why hate the Jews?" "Jews are based" in the past day

JIDF/ADL back?

>even nobel prize winners
Oh yeah? Like the Nobel prize they gave Obama for drone striking weddings


Most Jews are Bolsheviks. The Russian revolution was Bolshevik jews which genocided millions.

Oy vey

>n00b kike

Try again or just go away from here.

Paragraph I
It's not about superiority, it's about diversity.
the aggressive refugee crisis media stunts promote racemixing and them breeding us out, therefore creating a completely homogenous group of europeans that have no unique visual identity, and thanks to syrian immigration, it will also be culturally homogenous.
It's like the fucking Ceasers Legion so-to-say
"You have all the colors to paint with, but mix a color and you will never get it back"
Paragraph II
Gas Pakis? Gas Pakis.
Paragraph III
Canadians or "Leafs" are oft found as Cultural Marxist and refugee-welcoming "easy idiots" and shitpost the slightest chance for anything productive to be said to none.
Paragraph IV
Turks are Notorious Shitposters and voted big daddy Erdogan who willingly runs into any EU Nation and calls them Nazis for not letting him Cuck them, and yet denies Armenian and Kurdish Genocides. These qualities get them the "ROACH"-name