Can Sup Forums give me some more details and info about this lanky fuck not found in official documents? There seems to still be a huge amount still missing and nothing really seems to make sense about his life.


Well I just attempted to start a thread with that exact same image asking pol if he was an alien or not. Wasn't able to post it because it's a duplicate of yours. But yeah he's an alien for sure. Look at its eyes

Also if I had that haircut I'd probably shoot up a fucking school aswell

I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.

How can u assure us?how can u wth out a doubt prove it?

My brothers sisters former roommates cousins dog walkers daughter attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.

I love this pasta lol

No one said it didn't happen. OP is asking for details on the perpetrator. Why any time anyone mentions Sandy Hook do people come out of the woodwork claiming their cousin/nephew/niece/whatever attended the school. You're just creating more suspicion with your unnecessary insistence on a point that wasn't even being contended in this case.

I have a cousin who is an elite hacker and says youre a lying faggot and fist your own asshole. I can assure you hes the real deal.

unless they're dead, it didn't happen

The main thing missing is the photos of the dead kids, a singular one of them. That's the best way you genuinely know that the Sandy Hook conspiracy is a hoax, not a single one of you can produce a single dead child no matter how much we ask. No photographs. Just a shill that "had a neighbor who had a cousin who went to a funeral of a child, so all of you heartless fucks can go to hell!" that pops up in every single one of these threads with zero proof.

The resemblance is striking.


I'm not kidding, a kid in my Reserve Unit had a cousin who was involved in the attack. He said iterally the exact same thing more than once with the same photo and everything on Goybook, and was like "I hate Alex Jones because my family's been receiving death threats because he's crazy blah blah blah".

The guy is an obvious socialist cuck, wrote in Bernie on the ballots, etc.

MK victims. Most of the town is in on it. Fucking sick


I have a nigger that attended Sandy Hook, I can assure you it happened.

A prime example of weaponized autism.

Why the skepticism? The guy was an autist, took a gun, shot up an elementary school.

Makes perfect sense.


Because no pictures of his body. Literally pictures of other shooters bodies including Columbine but not lanza body, no victims bodies...nothing.

Pretty strange

False flag attack that had suprisingly little effect.

Because of all the time and effort it took to set up this attack no more were tried under Obama's term.

Much like how kubrick was used as a director for the moon landing hoax, Christopher Nolan was used as a 'director' for Sandy Hook and even placed that map inside his movie for shadowing the attack.

The police in CT are weird. I always get the impression that they are really bad people and involved in all kinds of shady activity.

Newtown has a shady history too

He never existed.

New England in general is fucking shady I wouldn't be surprised if a shadow over innsmouth actually happened

Yep, it ain't called Corrupticut for nothing.

>1 post by this ID
And my dad works at Nintendo and I can assure you, Mario is a real person.

What is the Zohar?

its just the liberal persecution complex at work. go to reddit and try to find anything about conspiracies and you will find hundreds of white boys that are incredibly offended about people not believing the stories they believe.

I don't think the person I'm referring to lived in the town, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was an MK Ultra person. He's even openly talked about how he's heard people say his story was made up and he's apart of the CIA.