He's got a point ya know
He's got a point ya know
My neighbors all voted Trump, so yeah he's not wrong.
B-based Robbie.... possibly?
First time seeing a Rob Schneider tweet?
Gonna go watch Big Stan now
My neighbor is a hippy who lives off the grid with his wife and two children.
Everything is copacetic over here.
I waved to my neighbor and he didn't wave back.
this is actually pretty true. Niggers and white people generally get along
This summer! Rob Schneider is a tweeter!
Coming to theaters near you soon!
>anti vaccines
i've never talk to my neighbors
He is right
The internet is advancing tension between political beliefs at a rate that's never been possible
It's artificial
>an actual celebrity
>not inciting political and social division
It's almost as if this is a rational thought or something. Somebody kick this shitlord down off of his soapbox.
Based Deuce Bigalow
Him and Adam Sandler are Republicans.
Exactly, just stick your head in a hole and everything is alright
That is definetely not true in Goymany. Fanaticism and hatred coming from the left split whole families, including mine.
He's right
I stick my head in your mom's hole.
haha, yea
in germany its the contrary
our media is full of propaganda and hidden truths
And probably not Jewish either!
*uses nigger vernacular* Based */end nigger vernacular*
>people with tact are polite to one another in a mutually uncomfortable setting
>doesn't realize if civil war were declared all that polite bullshit would go out the window
People are being radicalized by our media
It started with Bush, got worse under Obama, and now is continuing under Trump.
>Sup Forums isn't a hole
>rebbit isn't a hole
>tumblr isn't a hole
>faceberg isn't a hole
>twatter isn't a hole
>talking to your neighbors is a hole
Sure thing, Chaim.
I live an apartment complex that is Diverseā¢ as fuck. It's not harmonious at all.
If he's talking about neighborhoods in small town America, of course it is. But the national disharmony isn't because of neighbors, it because haughty Californians and New Yorkers are trying to tell Alabamans and Wyomingians how to live.
it's like saying: "everybody saying the economy is dead, but when you look at your bank account, you'll see you are pretty rich. just turn off the news."
My neighbors have called me "white boi," "cracka," and more on a weekly basis for the past two years. I'm also pretty sure that one broke into my car last month.
Look at a few of his tweets from last year. Dude got redpilled hard.
I'm surrounded by poos so I don't talk to my neigboors
we don't get out much and nobody brings celebrity tweets into our lovely home here. mostly because a large swath of us hate the concept of celebrity.
But do they shit in your street?
You mean it started with the red scare. Read a fucking book.
I know that feel. My new job starts in a few months though, so I'll be out of niggertown shortly after.
Are you a nigger?
with subjectivity, everyone is retarded!
No its not. If it was people would discuss politics with random strangers
My neighbors are all White upper middle class people who go kayaking and drive Subarus
See it how you may but its starting point in modern history objectively started at the first red scare.
>try to talk to your neighbors
>half of them don't even speak english
Thanks, Obama
But what led to the red scare?
BTW, red scare is a bullshit term. Purge of communists from the glorious land of freedom is better.
>red scare
McCarthy did nothing wrong. He just mislabeled them. It was Cultural Marxists, not Soviet Marxists who had hidden themselves in our government.
Still a kike tho. I never trust them
How would he know? All his neighbors are in the 0.001%.
He's not wrong. I banged my Polish neighbour a while back. She did me some poppy tea too - she reckons all poles love that shit.
this reads like black science man wrote it
> What led to the red scare?
Idk perhaps after the second industrial revolution major countries were developing. We, like many, didn't know who was to be trusted just coming out of a war so we got skeptical and paranoid. We established an early espionage act of 1917. It was soon to be fixed which led to the sedition act of 1918. Also, that title is too long. The only difference is that it was proven to be worthwhile because we found an influx of spies within decades.
Entirely depends on the context. He must have a great neighborhood.
McCarthy pointed fingers at anyone and everyone. He fucked up in that regard.
My neighbors are Tejanos. No idea who they actually voted for though. Since Texas is red land and hanging up a Hillary sign might have been a bad idea.
I have neither negative or positive relations with any of them in particular.
>Says the guy in the gated community.
I never wave to my neighbors, I don't want them getting the idea that they can talk to me.
Good fences make good neighbors.
He was spot on. The media tried to portray him as schizophrenic, but he was right about the State Department and Hollywood. Ultimately, the degenerate Hoover brought him down by leaking a fake list to McCarthy to discredit him.
Color me shocked. You're all introverts and fucked in the head.
Rob is right though. Everyone in my neighborhood waves to each other. We have a Facebook group and usually have monthly get togethers at one dudes corner lot. Nearly everyone shows up. We also look out for each other by posting county or city news, construction and traffic updates, etc. I can only tell you how one of my neighbors voted. We don't put up political signs or discuss it. That's probably why we all get along - we don't talk about that sort of shit.
Holy crap he's not a liberal douche!!
My neighbor is a piece of shit who keeps asking me for rides and never throws me any gas money
Fuck you Paul if you're reading this, get a fucking job loser
As long as you don't live is a democrat run city/state
No but they don't have to, they stink up the place with their food already
Nah, he's not bad. Tim Allen is based too. Watch his show "Last Man Standing", it was one of the best comedies on TV until the kikes canceled it this year.
My neighbors on one side are a black family, nice people, good kids. Family on the other side are a recently retired couple that are cool, we BBQ and see eachother at events sometimes.
I work with blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians, you name it. We all get along great, nobody chimps out about racial power or the country being in shambles ever. We all laugh, talk about family, throw around the bantz and never talk about Trump.
My church is mostly white, but we rarely ever talk about politics. When they do they're not unhappy about Trump.
There's no divide in my community outside of cringey college kids that nobody pays attention to. This is basically how most of the USA is, it's only a divide in the internet and isolated chimp outs in the ghetto or in colleges.
I've noticed that when famous Left people talk about politics it's usually in interviews for their jobs or publicity stunts
When the Right does it, it's Tweets or other low-risk platforms.
If what the Right believes is true and evident then why do they shy away from saying it in public? Fuck, the president won't even admit he thinks climate change is a hoax still.
I tried giving my neighbor a pet rock once as a gift. He didn't seem to like it very much.
This breaches the NAP.
Oh glorious day, an actor has discovered that people in public are more polite and non-confrontational than they are behind closed doors. Will wonders never cease. Surely the La Raza member down the street doesn't want me dead and my wife gang raped because he said 'howya doin' the other day.
>all my neighbors openly talk about hating niggers and a couple have half joked about going in together on a helicopter so we can give free rides to Communists
Rob has a point.
Smart enough to know the punctuation inside quotation rule!
Rob Schneider was an ordinary mexican
Until one day *record scratch* he became a racist
>Whoa I'm a racist
And he is about to find out, that being racist, is harder than it looks
Rated PG-13
Probably because you're a nigger
It's nice not living around niggers.
what did he mean by this?
> has boss' phone in the washroom to tweet
> it falls in the toilet bowl
>'oh no!'
> puts hands in toilet bowl to get it out but it doesnt work
> takes off clothes down to underpants
> sticks arms up to elbows and whole face into toilet
> boss walks in
Within the same neighborhood people find commonality. Go down the street and they'll beat you to death with a bike lock.
>Location: south west of vesper bank
>Era: T2A/UOR, circa 2000
my neighbors are a young nerdy looking couple but they are into s&m. he beats her up and humiliates her as she is screaming her longs out. than i have to pass them in the stairs.
I was that neighbor
>haughty Californians and New Yorkers are trying to tell Alabamans and Wyomingians how to live.
Considering New York and California make the United States what it is, that sounds perfectly reasonable.
wtf i love hot chicks and carrots now
I get where he's coming from, but neighbors usually don't want to cause problems with each other period.
Kevin James too. Apparently Chris Farley was pretty right wing as well.
Not really. My neighborhood is an ecclectic mix of shitlibs, patriotards, semi-affluent indians/asians, and a couple of niggers who won the section8 lotto for the two or three houses in our part of town that are public.
If there were some kind of block party where everyone came out it would last for all of 10 mins before the indians/asians started fleeing from the niggers while the patriotards and liberals argued like children over Bush era nonsense.
The only reason this place is remotely harmonious and livable is because nobody cares about or talks to their neighbors much.
I think it looks ugly so I ignore that "rule".
I ran into a co-worker at wally world today and her husband said he'd choke me if I spoke to his wife again, right in front of their 3 kids. We only exchanged hello's. Hate to go with the narrative of this board but they are black and I am not.
>He was right in 95% of accusations
If Picasso were still around...
On small scale interactions perhaps it's not so bad. But I can't find any examples of ethnicities within the same state not functioning essentially as ethnostates. Which doesn't mean they'll be at each others throats all the time, it just means that when push comes to shove, they're not your countryman. An Englishman and a Frenchman can get on fine, but when it's England against France to any degree, you'll see where loyalties lie. Each will look out for his own country over the other. And a Black American and a White American CAN get on fine. But when a Black versus White issue, mostly each will side with his own country, and the Black is a citizen of Black America.