So she made a joke, who cares? Why are we suddenly so PC about this? Isn't it a bit hypothetical?
Are we becoming the left?
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No, the enemies tactics are simply being used against them and it's clear that they're not too fond of the taste of their own medicine.
Hypocritical is the word you were looking for, and yes.
I feel it's the left punishing her for going to far, her stunt was not a part of their plan.
Rules for radicals. They can't keep playing the tolerant left and pull this kind of shit.
It's called holding your enemies to their own standards you dumb retard. It's one of the rules in Saul Alinsky's book.
Yes we are, neo Sup Forums aka The Donald are kike worshiping, nigger defending SJWs.
Do as I say not as I do.
This... the only way to crush SJWs is to use their own tactics. Just like conventional armies using counterinsurgency tactics and it convention warfare to BTFO of terrorists.
Left doesn't care about free speech, so we don't care about the free speech of the left.
Then doesn't that make those now standards for us as well?
Just remember if it was one of us in her position the left would be ruthless and with no mercy, they would boycott, sue and dox just like they always do, are we going to be little bitches and let her off or are we going to fight the liberal agenda tooth and nail.
lol not even close
You're a faggot ass larping leftist
>ISIS style blood severed head of the leader of the nation who gets more death threats than any president ever has
what a convenient way to justify hypocrisy
Rule #4 faggot
We can't let Kathy Griffin have the launch codes.
I can't tell if you're purposely being a retard.
I wouldn't expect a halfwit like you to understand.
>holding the left to the same standards is bad, goyim!
>bad goyim! bad!
Left/Right dichotomy is fake and gay. I stand with my people when they are in need and attack the enemy when they are weak. Amity for my kin enmity for the Other. We tribalism now.
Pretty much but autists will justify it.
Alt right would be deperssed fags if anti sjwism havent givwn them a purpose
>Are we becoming the left?
Yes, the Alt-Right (and Lite) will be the next SJWs. You can see that some already are.
Sup Forums is full of cuckservatives now.
Play their game better than them.
Freedom of speech dosent mean freedom from criticism nigger. No one told her to delete it she did it her self
No,k she has a right to make the film, show the pic, say what she wants. I'll defend this.
But she also is responsible for what she says and does, and people do not have to like it.
They can say what they want, including expressing outrage and complaining to her advertisers and employers.
I'll defend this also.
She made her bed, she's grown, and I would assume at least reasonably intelligent. It's all on her.
In case you haven't figured it out, it's the 'pedes doing it. This is literally their whole schtick, e.g., "DEMOCRATS ARE THE REAL RACISTS."
Based kikes!
Based bbc!
Don't care about the joke, I just hate these people so much for what they do to us that I don't care if her life is ruined.
No because we don't actually care you retard. We're holding them to theirs win standards but given the chance to set the standards ours would obviously be much different
So we are ok with Antifa shutting down rallies and speeches then through "criticism"?
No. Defensive posturing on the moral high ground wins nothing.
You must use the enemies tactics or prepare to lose.
No one really cares about her art projects. We hate these garbage people and its illegal to murder them, so this is all we have.
This is unconventional warfare.
If they're not going to adhere the Geneva Convention, then neither are we
something something when fighting monsters, be careful lest you become a monster yourself
Man it really sucks when your own tactics get turned against you, doesn't it kike?
We're just holding the left accountable to their own "standards".
You can't take a shit on the table then complain when you're forced to eat it.
Hold them to their own standards until they see how dumb their standards are and reject the SJW way of life. Moron faggot
>the left
Call them "anti-white," O.P.
she didnt make a joke, she made a statement
where is the comedy in holding a realistic looking bloody severed head? what was the joke, trump being dead would be so funny xD ? for something to be labelled comedy, there must at least be an attempt to be humurous. she was clearly just trying to suck up to all the anti trump shit and she fell on her face hard
Because he's your fucking president and her joke was public. There are laws against that
The joke was shit, and honestly I don't give a fuck about it. But its hilarious using the lefts own tactics and firing it right back at them.
Thats the whole point, they throw a fucking crying fit anytime anything mildly controversial happens, so its up to us to reciprocate. Fuck them. She's spent months tearing into Trump, she gets a couple of days of shit for it and suddenly boo fucking hoo my life is over.
Go fuck yourself you stupid hag.
>Wanting laws against criticism of the President.
I take it you were sucking Obama's dick for eight years rather than making monkey references?
She didnt make a joke though
>no tears
Her little meltdown is nothing but a calculated move to try to save face. There were no tears - her crying was fake.
A severed head isn't a joke. Jokes have a punchline; jokes are humorous. This was a publicity stunt from the beginning - when was the last time you heard of Kathy fucking Griffin, until now? The butt of some Family Guy joke?
At first I thought maybe people were overreacting, because it really didn't seem like a big deal to me. But after this bitch apologizes, and then has the nerve fake a meltdown as a plea for sympathy, I have zero respect for her, and hope her career is ruined because of this - god knows plenty of other good people have had their careers ruined for going against the left.
Fuck that melodramatic, ginger, little attention whore.
>he thinks people will fall for this gaslighting
Who is this "we" you're talking about? All I did in reaction to this was make some comments pointing out that her behavior was scummy and she's a hypocrite for (and she herself has admitted this) deliberately targeting Trump's family and children, but then crying on camera when people take offense at that shitty behavior.
I'm not one of the people who said she deserves to be fired, needs to be fired, etc etc. I just think her behavior was distasteful and she's got some nerve to play the victim when she knows damn well that the only reason she's apologizing at all is because she got caught.
No, YOU'RE just a little bitch. The left started this game of getting people fired, just because it's your team that's losing in the workplace now doesn't mean we're gonna let up. We hate you fucking cunts. You have been very good at teaching us you have nothing worth listening to. You fuck heads have been very adept at teaching us to despise you, and now you have been wildly successful. I hope a nigger caves your face in with a brick you useless waste of space.
Just call them niggers.
delet this picture
No remorse for the liars, criminals, enablers, and fools.
>4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Go back to t_d you cuck faggot
The world had a chance to remove her from entertainment and took it. The world will be a better place for it.
Difference was it wasnt a joke / it wasnt seen as a joke in her eyes she and the left truly believes in the action destroying trump even if it means his death they will never admit it but they all wish it to be so. She did not do this for the laughs she wanted to send a message and is now trying to backpedal
You actually think the method is separate from the end goal?
It wasn't a joke though, in any way. How is holding up a severed head supposed to be a joke? And it isn't just because her lawyer said so
Yes, but it's also fun to watch them eat crow.
i didn't care until she got a jew lawyer and started blaming white men
You make a good point. I don't want to become the left. I go with Cernovich though. It's blood in the water and if we hit them, maybe they will think twice next time.
if that is why you think we are doing it, then you are showing you do not belong here. please leave
Antifa's version of "criticism" is violently rioting, chucking around bricks, IEDs, molotovs, pepper spraying people, hitting people with pipes, locks, and wood poles, and generally behaving like domestic terrorists.
None of this behavior was ever condoned or protected by the 1rst amendment.
If she were my mother i would harm her in any way possible and probably steal her money as well.
Came here to say this
No, they are just getting a taste of their own faggotry for the luls. I honestly don't care about their crude anti-Trump bullshit, but watching them get btfo by their own tactics is pretty hilarious.
Replying to subject only: You have been since you all started sucking farts out of Daddy T's asshole at all costs.
There's a difference between posing with the head of the President cut (reference to ISIS, possible death threat invitation) and casually joking about him like SNL does.
Try to see nuances for a little bit. There are varying degrees of jokes.
It has nothing to do with her specifically. It's about sending a message to the left that their shit won't be tolerated anymore. These people need to be afraid to exist.
kek, this board is one of the worst screechfestivals on the internet
d-don't do X thing, it's w-wrong, save muh precious white identity
>Rodeo clown wears an Obama mask
>Celebrity blastS out an ISIS like pic of beheading the POTUS.
d-d-d-on't be hypocritical!
You taught us well, libshits.
>Not "Old White Dude"
You had one job.
Make it fatter and it's literally me IRL. Give him like 40 more pounds user and I'll put it as my wallpaper!
As far as Kathy fuck that bitch they're trying to destroy everyone on the right and I want to watch all of Holly Jew burn down.
>not posting ELITE Klein Tools
Good job faggots, you have become what you hate most and are part of the problem now. Fighting monsters, gaze long into the abyss, and all that jazz.
It's not all bad though, come the day of the rope you'll have practically your whole lives to just hang out with like minded individuals.
this is how you know we are close to civil war
I don't care about her joke. I think it was beyond the pale, but I wouldn't go out and ruin her career as a result of it.
All we're doing here is making the left live up to their own standards. If they think someone should be pilloried over a joke when that person's on the right, then we're going to do the same when they're on the left.
Then you're no better than them dumbass
>Do something that is designed to piss people off and anger them
>People get upset as expected you can generate yourself free publicity off the controversy.
This is coming from the same people who bully actual comedians that make actual funny jokes. Interesting how freedom of religion protects some towelniggers rights to blow up my children yet you can't pray before a school football game because it could make towelniggers feel isolated.
Isn't it interesting how the left is always the victim even when they bully everyone else? Something seems one sided about that.
A civil war with these cuckbois will only last a few hours!
Same as pol defends a fucktard slitting throats on a train.
Same as pol loves to be a corporate fucktoy.
Autists like you will never understand the big picture.
Its not about being PC, but simply making sure the liberal left is reminded that there are limits.
I don't know, why, but this always makes me bust a gut.
I didn't really give a shit about this whole thing until this dumb bitch had that press conference with her cunt lawyer.
Shill logic 101:
The left fucks with people over ideology related things.
The right fucks with people over ideology related things.
Therefore left is right and right is left.
Stop being lefties, pol! Peoples feefees get hurt!
no one cares about the joke, we just hate liberals so fuck them, they started this shit
They aren't but the battle that the communists are bringing is no holds barred at this point. It's idiotic to not take the gloves off at this point. If you haven't figure this out yet you are a blue pilled faggot.
Exactly this, nu/pol/ has no idea when we decide to satirize the left, they always come and say
like the clueless retards they are.
Muh jokes. There was no joke. She was expecting at most to get into some twitter spat with Trump to virtue signal liberals and drive up her publicity. She did not expect both sides to toss her under the bus and have all her sources of income cut off. And when you take away a jew's money they devolve into their base form -
a neurotic unstable mess.
Oh what a feeling it must be to realize that everyone, even your friends, never liked you.
Delet now
Kill yourself and I hope that attention seeking whore kills herself to sage
It wasn't a joke though.
Horseshoe theory in action.
If you even have to ask you dont belong here.