Is this the most iconic political image of the 21st century?

Is this the most iconic political image of the 21st century?

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16,4% of century as passed, too soon to say anything.

Have you guys made Trump scheiße porn yet?



This is

Parade Float Insults Obama, Department of Justice Initiates Investigation

I believe this here

No, this is.

Try again.

>Clinton declares war on a picture
>Loses hard
gets me every time

Why is Merkel dressed up as ISIS?



Why is german (((art))) so creepy?

I think it's beautiful and angular, and if it were a gas, it would be inert.

you answered your own question

No, this is.

Just non-propaganda things.

Why are we so based DeutschBrüder?
Love my country, love the EU

She looks a freaking psycho what the fuck were they thinking.

>>Germany, the country that can make you go to jail for a facebook post, lecturing anyone about liberty.

Ahmed, bitte.

My vote is for this one.

Both you faggots are wrong. It's this. This day laid the groundwork for the shitty years ahead.


Within these 3 years of me becoming political, I have concluded that everyone is a fucking idiot. Politics is full of fools falling for misinformation, hysteria, people in high levels of politics scheming and manipulating public opinions, deception, thievery, misunderstanding, and traitors. Politics is hell and chaos. To top it all off, jews are behind all the confusion.

No. This is.

what would germs know about liberty???

They know how to destroy it.

No, this is.

Get out of white countries.

make me.

liberal cucked bitches getting fucked by trump?

oy vey


EZ no more welfare kekekek BYE

no prob.
i can live the rest of my life without working thanks to my savings.

No, this is.

Also, they are learning a lot about rape recently so it is no surprise that they make imageries of raping liberty.

fucking worthless chink scum