Germany should have won WW2
Germany should have won WW2
Its really sad when you realize this.
one of my all time favorite memes because it makes you think
Technically speaking, it shouldn't have been WW2. It should have been Germany saving Europe from Communism, with the Western allies either not getting involved or helping Germany instead of teaming up with fucking Stalin.
You think we don't know that?
no shit, sherlock
this has to bait, or else you would know that Patton thought we fought the wrong side and wanted to re-arm the Wehrmacht and keep pushing to Moscow. But i wouldn't think a typical fellow burger would know jack shit about history. Fuck you guys are stupid as fuck sometimes.
got a source for that hot info sport?
besides here?
I agree.
*blocks your path*
>got a source for that
lmao this is b8 and i'm retarded as fuck for replying to it, no more (you)'s for you though. it's from Patton's own diaries which get posted here probably 10 times a day. The Patton Diaries. Now go fuck yourself with a dragon dildo covered in petrol.
>Patton wrote in his diary: “If they [the Jewish DPs] were not kept under guard they would not stay in the camps, would spread over the country like locusts, and would eventually have to be rounded up after quite a few of them had been shot and quite a few Germans murdered and pillaged.” At least twice in his diary, Patton referred to the Jewish DPs as “animals.”
Isn't that the whole point of this board?
“Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to Jews who are lower than animals.”
Why the fuck would a German superpower on the continent be good for anyone but Germany?
Hitler was a faggot for breaking the Munich Agreement and then invading Poland
We could've been allies against communism but not who gives a fuck, >muh danzig corridor is all that matters
>Germany should have won WW2
And would have too, except literally every other country was better than them
I agree, literally all women would be as beautiful as her then.
World War 2 shouldn't have happened, neither should have the first. They're both reasons that millions of strong European men died, and the Church's involvement in both is what ruined Christianity in Europe.
>We could've been allies against communism
except your (((government))) refused all the offers and peace treaties then you lost your empire, now you are losing your country. Fuck off.
Wow, when you put it that way... Yes, coming to terms with that fact is pretty much the entire point of Sup Forums
>"Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It's said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed."
>"Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. it's a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans." And on September 2: "What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole."
This too. I partly blame the sorry state of Europeans today on the fact that millions of our best men died without passing on their genes in two pointless world wars.
Not this meme again. Stalin didn't invade Poland until a month after Hitler did and after England and France has declared war on Germany. Stalin played it smart because he calculated the western nations wouldn't declare war on the USSR while already at war with Germany. Your boy Hitler was overconfident because he stupidly believed that aryans were the superior race and therefore would ultimately win against any other. Secondly, WW2 evolved into the Cold War. The west continued to bitterly resist communism.
The Nazis fucked up and lost, get over it.
>Germany should have won WW2
no Fuck Germany, bunch of sjw bureaucrats. They control the EU and look at what they did, they destroyed Europe and flooded it with rapefugees.
If we're sharing quotes.
>"I told Frank Johnson that I was a Nazi; I really believed it to be the ideal system, and that it was a disaster for the Anglo-Saxon races and for the world that it was extinguished."
>-Alan "Arabs aren't people" Clark
we know, senpai.
>muh the best men died
then why are we (sweden and norgay) so cucked? we didn't lose anyone in the war. it's americanization and zog that has ruined europe
So true
But they didn't :)
>he thinks we were flooded with refugees because muh EU
i bet you think israel is based as well. also did you know that 80% of the people are german descended you fucking mong?
implying ww2 is over yet
better go to the Reichskatasteramt in Krakau.
>"where, although room existed, the Jews were .crowded together to an appalling extent, and in practically every room there was a pile of garbage in one corner which was also used as a latrine. The Jews were only forced to desist from their nastiness and clean up the mess by the threat of the butt ends of rifles. Of course, I know the expression 'lost tribes of Israel' applied to the tribes which disappeared -- not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of bitches are descended. However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe -- lost to all decency."
At least they took some of you with them. :)
>except your (((government))) refused all the offers and peace treaties
Chamberlain (a very decent man) gave Hitler plenty of chances. But Hitler was clearly not interested in abiding by international agreements. So why should Churchill in 1940 have believed Hitler when he said he wanted peace? Hitler likely would've only struck at a later time - we were a threat after all. Chjurchill was right to continue the war imo, yes the focus group were jewish as fuck but really the jews didn't play much of a part except in pushing for denazification and muh holocaust, as well as total surrender.
America is a much worse offender when it comes to the jews
>then you lost your empire
Empire was lost after WW1, but the nuances of history clearly escape you since you're a jerrycuck
Because you are smaller nations that moved to the gravity of larger nations.
Nationalism was killed in the big nations, so was the idea of these nations being possessed of their own race.
And if the big nations think that way, you end up that way too by osmosis.
so many young smart beautiful people dead :(
so many disgusting vile evil rats dead :)
>The west continued to bitterly resist communism.
the entire west is under the heel of cultural marxism, trotskyism, and all kinds of ideological subversion. From all meaningful standpoints of culture, demographics, control of institutions, etc. we lost the cold war you dolt.
>At least they took some of you with them. :)
How can that be true if the holocaust never happened? :^)
lol okay, CIA
>Empire was lost after WW1, but the nuances of history clearly escape you since you're a jerrycuck
Well, that started the tower wobbling, but WW2 really finshed it off.
Hitler was even offering to send divisions to ensure the stability of the empire in the east.
We could have been the best of bros with Germany and there would have been an Anglo-German 1000 year reich.
>thinks the holocaust happened
>calls other people newfags
Projecting much?
>Anglo-German 1000 year reich.
>tfw a Mosley / Hitler mega-empire could have destroyed communism for good
>that started the tower wobbling
The tower was wobbling already in the later Victorian era. Joe Chamberlain saw this, could've stopped it, but was denied because the Liberals and Balfour's faction had a hard on for free trade.
>Hitler was even offering to send divisions to ensure the stability of the empire in the east.
Sounds too good to be true. Which it likely was. Hitler showed himself to be completely untrustworthy as he trampled over every international agreement he ever made. He broke the Munich Agreement. He abandoned Nationalist China in 1938 in favour of Japan. Even Italy ended up coming under almost de facto German control even though it was only supposed to be an alliance. Tell me, do you really think Hitler would've spent German lives fighting to keep his biggest competitor strong?
>We could have been the best of bros with Germany
We could have, but the problem lay on the German side, not ours.
>but the problem lay on the German side
>Britain declared war on Germany
>but the problem lay on the German side
>Britain declared war on Germany
(((They))) also imprisoned Mosley.
>give Germany several chances for an alliance or at least to not fight
>Hitler ignores this
>tell him if he ignores us one more time we'll declare war
>bring it on t. Hitler
>alright then, declare war
>Germany gets BTFO
>jerrycucks whine about muh evil britkikes declaring war on St Hitler
Well yeah obviously
Also this
too bad they're only good at killing third world slavs in sneak attacks
if they werent strong enough to win in war then they have no right to exist
South should have won civil war also