British people I don't hate you but god damn you all are some spineless cowardly mother fuckers. How much longer are you going to stand for these shit stain sand niggers to keep killing your children and family members. Run the towel head fuckers off your island into the sea and drown them like the rats they are.
British people I don't hate you but god damn you all are some spineless cowardly mother fuckers...
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Helps if you get the flag right first user, then maybe we might take your projection of a post seriously
How many white Americans are killed every day by niggers? Or raped? How many niggers/Mexicans have you lynched in the past 10 years?
Your minorities have you by the balls. It's like that everywhere. If you honestly think America is in a better situation than any European country, you're retarded.
ok, why don't you do something about your niggers then?
though so.
Whoops sorry. What flag did I post?
americans are spineless little cunts who doing nothing about the niggers raping there women, fucking pathetic fat cunts. should have nuked the worthless cunt t b h
You posted the flag of the Kingdom of Great Britain that was used from 1707 to 1801 and hasn't been used since the latter.
It's only got England and Scotland on it; there's no Ireland.
Blacks and Mexicans mostly kill themselves and each other. Whites stay out of it.
Pre 1801, it has extra stripes for Ireland now.
Nice divide and conquer thread, schlomo.
Niggers and Spics are only a problem to the people who are dumb enough to live in the cities. The whites who are killed by them are all Libtards. Any red pilled person like myself carries a gun if going to city. 90% of the time it's black on black crime. The niggers don't really come outta the ghettos too much. And yes we control them with our police. Our police kill them all the time for chimping.
Soossh. Getting murdered for Islam is part and parcel of living in a big city. What are you a bigot?
Thing is, niggers and spics wander aimlessly and mostly kill their own kind, while ragheads in Europe are fighting exclusively for the destruction of the white race. To say America is in as bad of a situation as Europe is retarded.
What about when niggers were attacking white people? What about when countless niggers are calling for the deaths of all white people? What has happened to them?
Plenty of whites are killed every year by niggers.
Like I said in the other post it's majority black on black crime and in the rare case it is a black on white crime the white is a Libtard or a coal burner so nothing of value was lost.
I expect this to be a serious moment in the UK. We had our children killed a little while ago. Most people, even people I know who are not right wing, are getting sick of this. Labour members were talking seriously about internment.
The majority of our victims are libtard as well.
Start a fucking riot tomorrow night and burn down their ducking neighborhoods or all you families will die.
Sweet damage control guys, what stops any bong from making an equally shitty cop out by saying "well it's okay because you can avoid the terror targets"
Dont be a prick. This was not a terrorist attack! Stupid racists and bigots / yes you can be both / can go straight to hell. loser!
I live in a suburb. Living in cities is for suckers, Muslims in my town work turks etc, Birmingham etc are shit holes.
I'm hearing a lot of red-pilled comments from even my lefty friends now. The time is coming
Your niggero problem is worse than anything on earth. What's worse, is you had them subjucated, and decided to liberate them. You are the Cuck Kings
Not this proud liberal. You racist/bigoted cunts should just shut the hell up.
Terrible bait.
This. Nigs kill more white americans than terrorists kill white brits.
I hope so for your sake and ours. It will spread to the U.S. if it's not stopped. It's already started. We must declare war on Islam worldwide.
yea but of the Ireland got only the stripes.
It's not a shitskin problem. The British need to storm parliament and lynch and crucify every single politician they can get there hands on.
We have about sixty million niggers so a much larger population size then your sand niggers. If you compare the rates then no you all are killed much more. I know it's hard for you all to believe because of what the MSM tells you but niggers don't really come out of the ghetto and kill whites. They kill each other not us. It's rare
Everyone I've just told this too has assumed they're muslims. They're waking up... hold me
not gonna tell you you're wrong, but cities are all the same no matter where in the world you go. the majority there are cowards. learn to expect it.
>the very black pot telling the (muslim) kettle what to do again
Just fuck off already you retarded yanks, I'm sick of seeing your stupid fucking posts every time this happens
How about declare war first on the politicians and the global elite who have facilitated this problem? They should be first to go.
The shitskins are just doing what they do best. The politicians and global business interest deserve all of the punishment for this.
This is true
>implying america did jack shit about san bernadino or orlando shootings
>implying you don't live in terror of being gunned own by niggers and do jack shit about it
You shouldn't be so butt hurt. This is how Americans show concern and sympathy. We are just as angry about it as you all are. We want to kill them for you. You guys just are not as good as revolting, rebelling and starting a revolution as us but I believe in you. Burn down their fuckin neighborhoods
>not good at rebelling
See This isn't the 1700s anymore, stop LARPing as revolutionaries
Dude your media covers up what goes on here because your government is afraid you all will copycat our crimes. We literally burn down mosques and beat towelheads and sometimes kill them on a regular basis. Our hate crimes have gone up almost 600% since 2013.
Kek, I bet his ancestors didn't even live in America during the revolution.
Civic af.
You don't hate us? Every single attack we have you fucking love shitting on us.
Fuck you
No we are just assholes. We are pissed that they kill you and we want to kill them.
Hard to argue with those my friend
Maybe we're not massive pussies who lose our collective fucking minds when some pissant terrorist attacks our country?
I mean, if we were as cowardly as you Yanks are then Ireland would be a glowing crater by now.
You are preaching to the choir
even the french stand up to our president, ameribro
Fuck off Mohammmud
>be in blue state
>vote to relinquish your own guns because violence is scaaawy
>go to gun-free zone
>still get shot
And your point is
Fuck off Jamal
Having a pair means actually doing something about your problems. Given the fact that Ireland isn't a smoldering crater and your kids are still being fucked and your people being killed means your balls are about as existent was libtards understanding of reality is correct.
>had the chance to side with the Confederacy
>sided with the Union because "muh freed slaves"
It's okay, if I was a brit living in a less and less british country, I would be assmad too.
You could almost see it for America because we were settlers and bought into the "melting pot" meme, but to be the natural home of British white anglo-saxon to be getting more and more nigger? That's even worse.
Britain is more white than America is. White babies aren't even the majority of babies born in America, I know what I would be more mad about
Now apparently there is possible a second attack? Get out there England and represent. Start cracking heads and lighting fires. Your country is fucking under attack as we speak.
We need to stop bickering amongst ourselves. Whites are a minority in the world.
With that said Mohammud is now the most popular baby name in London or maybe it was England. Don't remember.
>Your country
Let it burn
xp waste
>Read through this thread
>Basically westerners bitching at each other who have it worse
>without actually doing anything about it
Jesus Christ, get your shit together, west. This is a fucking disgrace.
It's literally like this in every single thread now. It's always a dick-measuring contest. We don't get together and do anything of value anymore.
What about that Firemaking xp?
Disgusting revolting contemptuous cowards
Why is that? It is too much of a comfort? Everyone is so fucking lazy and content so they don't do anything anymore? Christ sakes, do something already, what more do you need than weekly terror attack. I can't imagine quarter of that shit would fly here.
You can do it right fucking now. I assume you are all mostly without any issue with the law in the past, so you have pretty fucking wide range of options without the danger of going to jail.
We're ready to become your 51st state, liberate us from the Cuck Reich and Muslims
Bring guns
Sadiq Kahn is such an evil fuck
It's no coincidence that London becomes an islamist shit hole within a year of him taking charge
Everybody's sitting on their laurels after Trump. Maybe not so much that, but that they have nothing to work towards; nobody cares about the European elections as much as they do about the American one (not even close. We really should get together and get some propaganda campaigns going; this is an information war.
How is America any different? Your all on your hands and knees to a man who promised no intervention and then decided to attack Assad for his son in law's tribe. Do blacks and spics not kill white people in America? You haven't done a thing about that.
I'm cool with it. Britain (unlike most of Europe) is worth saving.
Eventually, the child must take care of the parent.
Begin kebab removal.
Brits I do hate you
Give back our rightful clay
What do you suggest user? We go murder a bunch of muslims so we can get arrested and have ((them)) martyr the bastards and advance the fucking globalist cause.
There's nothing we can do without throwing our lives away.
You can have N.Ireland if you want it lad. I'd love to see a united Ireland, you're my backup plan when Britain gets too cucked. I'm half Southern Irish so I've already got my passport ready.
Your lives are forfeit at this rate regardless
we should've closed the borders a long time ago
Take it yourself.
We should give you the Catholic parts, but the Protestant parts must be ours.
form a clandestine society and subvert Islam and Islamic immigration (violence as a last resort)
hell, anonymously police the streets if you have to.
Here you go. This is the proper one.
No not murder at least not yet. Burn down their neighborhoods. Verbally assault one every time you see one. Vandalize and burn their mosques and businesses. Make them leave your country.
>That 'x' on the top right
Nice skills, faggot.
You are right though.
This is not information war anymore, not by a long shot. Not sure your local media mentioned it, but they are quite successfully killing your own people in your own streets. If you think you gonna win this by redpilling normans on the internet, you are gravely mistaken. It is always a small minority who take the weight on their shoulders and march on with the real stuff.
Godspeed and for the love of god, don't you sit at home doing fuck all while you KNOW your country is going down the drain quickly.
I plan on doing something after getting through uni.
The relevant countries get fucked the most. Your only relevance is in HIV maps.
I want to attack my nearest city's mosque.
Because niggers aren't running people over with cars exploding bombs you subhuman filth
I agree. Go find find these mother fuckers Brits. Get some gangs together and start bashing these fuckera heads in. I'm sure you can figure out where these rats nest.
Britcucks won't do anything. They swore after the concert bombing that would be it, no one would dare tolerate it anymore, and here we are.
Good riddance. Pathetic people.
whatever happened to Paki bashing?
A country with a white minority telling us what to do
Pol is satire, board of peace, etc.
I was thinking of something more long-sighted and effective, but you do you, mate.
Now that's the mother fuckin spirit.
Burn it down!
Burn it down!
Burn it down!
There will always be something.
>after getting through uni.
>after that important career step
>after marriage with a Mary
>after my kid grow up
Don't "plan", don't "want". Just do. Time is now.
So tell me what to do?
If I voice my distaste for the religion I get arrested if I attack one I get arrested and my fellow countrymen condemn me.
I have zero access to guns and would only be able to use a knife and would probably create a bigger fuss than a muslim terrorist attack.
We are fucked Islam won.
Well, I need a fucking job. I can't be a hobo activist.
Wrk will only achieve peace through action.
Cheers, appreciate your support.
How did you know my plan?
Aye, well I don't want to get caught. Maybe I could run into the countryside after. Dunno.
I can’t help remembering that in the course of my adult life, the Britain I first knew half a century ago has run through its allotment of ruin and is now almost unrecognizably transformed from the stiff-upper-lip, never-say-die redoubt of fair play and free-born Englishmen of very recent stereotype. Now it is the land where snarling, shaven-headed louts beget still more louts upon a succession of compliant, abused sluts as clueless as they about what makes a meaningful and decent life; the land where stately ancient towns turn into nighttime circuses of drunken, vomit-smeared degradation, as young people purposely divest themselves of their human rationality and civility; the land where, to show their pride in a National Health Service they think proves their country’s unique compassion and social equality, the curable sick obediently die in accordance with official protocols that ensure that outcome; the land that jails citizens for free speech it deems “hate speech”; the land that, even when it had Royal Navy ships mightier than Lord Nelson could imagine, had sailors so cowardly and undutiful as to let Iranians in outboard motorboats take them captive without firing a shot, making the great ships useless.