Reminder that May cut funding to the popos and anti-terrorism squads so she could lower corporation tax.
Jace Campbell
>Vote tory >Immigration still in 200k zone and even more Orwellian spying by the government >Vote Labour >Immigration increases 3 fold and economy goes to shit. >Both do fuck all about islamists. There's no winning.
Juan Thomas
>she didn't let them in
Immigration was at its highest under her period as Home Secretary, moron.
Nathaniel Sanders
>There's no winning.
Spoil your ballot
Parker Price
Agreed >Vote UKIP >Loses Badly, Waste of Vote
Zachary Wood
That kind of thinking just enforces the 2-party state we currently have. Labour needs to split so Corbyn can be rid of the Blairites.
Alexander Wilson
Zachary Wilson
Shit, guess I'll vote for the guy who wants to import even more goat fuckers. That'll solve it.
Jack Lopez
Never let women rule over you or represent you. The few countries that are trying this experiment out will be a testament to the world.
Easton Murphy
Kevin Morris
Aint that the truth.
Robert Brooks
>That kind of thinking just enforces the 2-party state we currently have. Labour needs to split so Corbyn can be rid of the Blairites.
The Conservatives are just as bad and (((UKIP))) is not a solution
Strawman, no comments about Corbyn/Labour in the OP
Wyatt Moore
Parker Russell
Never even mentioned Labour, Literally every other party that can even claim a semblance of relevance is pro immigrant.
Christian Perez
>Vote lib dem/con/labour and go out and protest for change blah blah blah faggotry >Vote green like every smart Canadian to waste vote >Sit back and enjoy a nice pint with a pile of hot fish and chips with a side of coleslaw and tartar sauce in your cozy home while the world tears itself apart.
Gee I wonder which is more appealing?
Austin Peterson
Oh yes I am sure corbyn will stop the Muslims. Oh wait he's labor he'll bring in more.
Kevin Robinson
Random question but I don't feel like starting another thread for it: is she pretty much guaranteed to win at this point? I heard polls are closer than they thought they'd be
Jace Young
she's terrible but you're shilling for a communist who has sharia cock breath and you know it you lefty faggot heeb
Asher Peterson
It will be a tight race between labour and the conservatives.
Daniel Carter
These attacks can only be stopped by one measure: even more Internet censorship
Wyatt Green
Matthew Cox
ITT... Labourites trying to convert POL to socialism
Stupid labour newfags, POL was always right wing, and as such - extreme far right conservatism
Vote conservative - or get another 10 years of uncontrolled IMMIGRATION.
Asher Jenkins
You act like Labor would do anything to stop them.The Labor Party are limp wristed communists who wouldn't even nuke someone back if the UK was nuked first. I'm personally glad Europeans are dead.
Jaxson Scott
England does brexit, France considers leaving Eu. Trucks of peace occur. Notice how Germany doesn't get hit anymore? Merkels Sunni army at work enriching the anti globalist.
Benjamin Gray
>All these pro-(((Conservative))) shills claiming I'm a Labour supporter when I clearly said spoil your ballot
Jonathan James
>Vote conservative >Not a peep from Tories OR UKIP about stopping non-EU migration Those fucking radicalized Poles again...
Parker Lopez
wtf i love Corbyn now
Gabriel Martin
Aaron Price
UKIP are going to love the amount of gained voters after this. Jolly good lads.
Jason Stewart
Tfw it still wont change anything and normies will still vote labour
we are fucking done m8
David Powell
Easton Ross
>POL Fuck off.
Colton Rivera
that's like throwing a tantrum, does nothing and makes you look like a fool
Jace Cruz
>you are arrested for your own safety
Parker Barnes
oi dont fucken disrespect theresa may god bless her soul ill have u fucken know shes kicking out all the smelly muslims
Jack Nguyen
I agree, they should do.
Brexit was never about removing people from EU; but there was no way that we could stop immigration otherwise.
It's not about people from the EU... It was about people from Africa and the Middle East... How do you tell a government to stop - that won't otherwise listen?
It was pretty much about immigration, not about the EU.
Labour created the problem, and keeps trying to blame the tories!!!