The current state of Europe

>the current state of Europe

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

*sips herbal tea*
*quietly puts the cup down*
Uhm, excuse me honey but this is normal. Let me educate you since it looks like you are a Trump supporter. These attacks are NORMAL, there's nothing wrong with them. It's just poor pressured political group making a deep and profound statement because the white man has destroyed their country. So what if a few white people die? Who literally cares (Hello???? Slavery??? lol oh yeah karma baby)
We M U S T focus on the real victims here darling: those poor innocent muslims facing online islamophobia. We must fine, jail and execute anyone who says that Islam is not a religion of peace.
I Hope i didn't embarrass you.
*takes a cookie and eats it smiling*

>be euro
>get shot, stabbed, ran over and bombed

Put the outlines of Poland and Hungary back on the map, safe and comfy

It's sad. They were supposed to be white

>Any of that shit happening in the Balkans, Central Europe, Baltics or Finland


It's just part and parcel of living in a multicultural confederacy, sweetie.

just make it UK, sweden, germany and france and put a bunch of 8s there

Friendly reminder on the USA .gov travel warning site, it recommends staying away from tourist destinations in Western Europe.

>be merican
>eat burger and enjoy the day

>3 bombs in Poland

That minesweeper map is actually very wrong.

>half of eastern Europe is supposedsly dangerous
>Finland is dangerous
>Norway is dangerous

your flag isn't canadian but close enough

Remove Estonia from it, and maybe other balts and finland too

no, but if it makes you feel better we are smuggling weapons into the EU, although we don't discriminate by religion :P

>be burger
>get shot, stabbed and mugged

It's not even a possible minesweeper board.

lol, going to the UK in a couple days.

Trangender: I am a girl even though I have a penis
Leftist: She is a girl
Muslin: I am a true muslim that follows the religion as Mohammed PBUH did.
Leftist: Not a true Muslim, not representative of Islam...

Europe is going to get out-bred(birth rates) & land is going to be lost/taken by Islam.

All while the EU Army exists to keep the EU around & stop country's from leaving/resisting it. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>Being this autistic

it's kinda patronizing, the leftist know who is muslim and who isn't. isn't that racist somehow?

I'm so sorry m8.

what's the point of touristing Europe if you can't eat at western chain restaurants

What's wrong with it?

Fuck off Frank


Look at the 1-4-3 group by France. The 4 is surrounded by 5 tiles, so it's not possible for the 1 next to it to touch only 1 mine.

The liberal right is just as know-it-all. Look at yourselves, for example.

I hold both left-wing and right-wing beliefs. I can't subscribe to either ideologies. Nowadays I feel closer to the right though

You gonna do a new KB soon or wait till the shillout blows over a bit?

Do you forget that mudslimes can't inhabit public Deutsche pools without raping?

They actually needed signs to be put up telling them it's NOT okay to grab 'em by the pussy. kek

Actually, I think it is. If you leave the square to the left of 1, then it's possible I think.

naw, I'm bretty excited desu.

low-quality leafposting

don't think too hard about it, sweetie.

To think that history is an unalterable march of progress and that conservatives are just a little out of touch is misguided.
>Affirmative action is madness but people wont admit it
>A lot of trasngender stuff is our generations lobotomies. Its psuedoscience.
>Paris deal is actually bad. 100 billion a year to China and India.
>Women make terrible soldiers. Men want to fuck them in the field and they are physically weaker.
>Gender pay gap is a myth.

Oh wait, nevermind. You were talking about the other 1. You were right.

>be burger
>sit outback grillin burgers
>shitpost on Sup Forums
youre halfway right, just depends on county/state.

what made you think i forgot

>muh there are only two valid ideologies because muh rich people told me so
You're still a liberal for allowing the American ruling class to define your politics in a one-dimensional tug of war.
Liberals are center-right. All that muh identity shite? It's just market rules enforced on society.

>Central and Eastern Europe
>danger from the religion of peace

Markets, man. Think of all the muh psych degrees it takes to make a transperson. Think of how many new identities and towel monograms can be sold. It's just the same as when they started color-coding baby clothing by gender to sell more shit.

>be butthurt due to years of bullying on an anonymous cambodian budgie sharing site


Where did you put your leaf?

holy fugg my sides

well meme'd near-leaf