London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.
London Bridge is falling down
>london bridge
>has a picture of tower bridge
Are all the swiss this retarded?
Beat me to it.
The prophecy is coming to pass.
No. of terrorist attacks in Switzerland: 0
>Letting someone be retarded to perpetuate other peoples retardedness.
thanks ausland
They're the same thing nob
London bridge is actually in lake havasu, Arizona.
They moved it in the 1960s.
ill drink to that
london bridge is falling down
falling down falling down
london bridge is falling down
those damn pakis
>Mfw the Americans brought London bridge and installed it in Arizona
>If I throw shit at the wall till something sticks, that means I'm right! Epic win epic win!
We're onto you, watch maker.
I miss when Sup Forums used to sing
wtf i love arizona now
You can have it back.
Build it up with Arab skulls and bones,
Skulls and bones, skulls and bones,
Build it up with skulls and bones,
Those damn Pakis.
Which one?
>wrong tempo
Found the jew.
Oh man. I love this song
>My fair lady.
You would be hard pressed to find any of those in London these days...
>1955, 1969, 1970
he he
>be me
>live in London
>live reasonably close proximity to london bridge
>hear what sound like distant gun shots followed by serious screaming
>forget about it and keep playing vidya
>turn vidya off and found out we've been culturally enriched again
there was some muzzie that stabbed people in a train in Switzerland and tried to light the train on fire but they didn't count it as a terrorist attack for some reason
that's Tower Bridge
(((They))) are trying to hide refugee attacks.
yes they are basicly inbred mountain niggers
Terrorist want to destroy pic related
How am I living in such a bubble? Living in King's Cross, absolutely 0 based red-pilled friends. Giant army of cucks on Facebook, at work, at the pub.
Whenever I read Londoners posting red-pilled things I just can't imagine who's on the other end.
Blood and flesh will wash away,
Wash away, wash away,
Blood and flesh will wash away,
Jewish tricks are eternal.
>police did not believe the incident was terrorist-related.
Police here fucking hate muslims, lad. If they say it wasn't terrorism related I trust them.
Also, I don't think ISIS or whatever claimed responsibility for that.
>Swiss man
To get citizenship you need to have lived here at least 10 years, so he's definitely not part of the current refugee invasion.
>being this butthurt
old bridge after being relocated
new bridge
brits, tell me, why did you get rid of the old one again?