Tfw when your sister is redpilled

Tfw when your sister is redpilled

There's more hope than you think lads

You should marry her its probably the closest think to a redpilled girl you find these days

dont abandon europe you fucking loser

>tfw my auntie is calling for a race war on facebook

>tfw sister is bluepilled


>cool places outside of europe

European countries are far more safer than shart land will ever be

Yea the US lmao get fukt

>tfw grandad's out burning down mosques

Europe gets a lot of money from tourism. I wonder how long they're going to realize that all these constant terror attacks are threatening that? Maybe when the (((their))) wallet is finally effected they'll stop this shit.

>Don't worry about Europe
>We're red pilled
Yeah, I don't know man. I think you should probably care about and ponder how you can save Europe rather than just forget about it.
Although I can understand why you'd want to keep your mind off of it every now and again.

>tfw my granddad is dead but I know he would hate the wogs

We abandoned you in 1776

Good to see that she recognizes the denial though! Didn't mean to discourage you. Be very glad she is not parroting what everyone else is saying on social media.

>tfw cousin is already totally anti-Somali
>almost certainly anti-Muslim
>at least moderately anti black

I don't think he's gone full Sup Forums tier, but he definitely doesn't buy into the propaganda of the left.
I think it's because it's because being humorously racist is much easier on the mind than trying to be outraged about race all the time. The left just doesn't have any fun anymore

>mental retardation runs in the family

Fair enough user but leave that to me. At least she recognizes the situation, unlike most of her peers.

>other cool places
>tfw dad used to throw hot cups of tea on niggers and beat them up with his friends
>tfw my parents hate niggers and jews
>tfw comfy af

>tfw me and my best friend hate Islam and frequently shit on them weekly

Glad I redpilled him

>sister is redpilled
And that's all you have to give us? It's literally fucking nothing

>There's more hope than you think

You are even more delusional than the #NotAllMuslims

White women already abandoned womanhood when they voted for that old fascist Flunpf over our first female president, so none of this should be a suprise

We hold these truths to be self evident that Europe can go fuck itself.

>tfw your sister is also redpilled
>but she's an adopted black person so everyone her hates her anyways

My sister's been using the term sand nigger for years, hates Muslims, and lives in Los Angeles

We're out there, in the places you'd least expect

Y'all can go to hell for giving up free speech and the right to bear arms.

>sister calls me a sexist last weekend
>i say damned right am, im also a racist
>thirty seconds later she understood
>wish i got paid to redpill

Cool blog bro but keep it on reddit next time

Too bad my sis is bluepilled to hell and back.

>tfw you thought most of your friends were on the cusp of being redpilled, but then they start posting anecdotal experiences they've had with Muslims and because the Muslims didn't blow them up therefore Muslims aren't terrorists
>tfw they're the ones who bring up Muslims to you (in person) and complain about them

I wish I could remember how to make new friends. This is like being in a loveless marriage, but you can't leave because you don't remember how to attract anyone.

Just a few years ago my friends were all truck driving flag waving patriots. Now there all PC faggots. Gotta get the fuck out of Commiefornia

>tfw my sister got BLACKED

That's even worse desu, but it's what I would expect from Commiefornia. I thought you were going to say Texas or somewhere based at first.

>tfw you could move to Texas tomorrow and I never will