South Asian Muslims haven't done shit

There so many Bangladeshi muslims in UK. You never hear them commit terriost crimes just middle eastern Muslims

Because most of these alt light fags dance around the problem. Its arabs causing shit. Islam is just the excuse they have. They would still be raping kids.

I like Gang-Bang-ladesh

pakistanis burned an airport

You are correct.

There is another (((problem))) we are dancing around, too. Pic related.

Are you not counting p*kistanis as South Asians?

Sure, whatever. Muslims in Asian can do no wrong. Religion of Peace xD

>Germany has like 5 million Turks for 30+ years
>not one terrorist attack, Turks victim of many attacks

>Germany takes a couple hundred thousand Arabs
>literally after a few months they start driving trucks into people and shooting shit up


Pakistani is full of arab immigrats. That's where bin ladan. The Pakistani people itself are nice

Don't mudshits in Thailand chimp out all the time?

I'm sure if there were like 5 Arab Muslims here, we wouldn't care much about them, either.

pakis are a lot lighter skinned than bangladeshis from what i've seen.

bangladeshis are lazy and welfare leeches but they don't really commit many crimes as far as im aware, just poor as shit.


They never get up arms condemning Islamic attacks. Never, not even for a second, think they don't want you dead.

I like Turkey.

Turks, Persians and Balkan Muslims are mostly okay too. It's always sandniggers causing shit. Getting rid of Saddam, Mubarak and Gaddafi was a mistake. Sandniggers can't into democracy. They need strong (sometimes brutal) leaders to keep them in their place.

Let's not forget that the real evil here are the Jews. Were it not for them, we wouldn't even have to debate which flavor of Islam is the least worst.

I've lived on an island in the Indian Ocean where there were Indian muslims, and yeah, they were no big deal compared to the one we get from africa/middle east.

Why should they take responsability for something they didn't do.

Did all Catholics in America and Britain take responsability for hitler actions.


Sri Lanka?

True. And eat fish.

The Muslim population in Sri Lanka was the next most destabilizing force after the civil war got mostly under control. They don't integrate and run every kind of crime you can imagine among themselves.

Not since Duterte declared martial law.

Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country mostly.

The only terriosts there were Tamil tigers who were hindu. That did crimes they wanted tamils to have own country. They didn't carry crimes outside of Sri Lanka though


And nevar 4get that the artificial Iraq War was started by Evil Satanic Talmudic Khazar Communist Trostkyite Neocon Jews.