Remember when she triggered Article 50 with a letter saying the UK would stop intelligence cooperation with Europe if...

Remember when she triggered Article 50 with a letter saying the UK would stop intelligence cooperation with Europe if we got a bad deal? According to her, the EU needed our intelligence to stay safe.

Do you think she is feeling stupid as fuck right now? Bet she is.

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Maybe, it certainly does not add any capital to her claims.

It could be a EU play behind the scenes, see look here bongs this is what happens when we withhold information from you.

UK Intelgence is certainly decent but probbably the most valuable thing from Europe perspective is the links between UK and us Intelgence.

I assume

Perhaps it's a failure of the Five Eyes?

I know our 17 intelligence agencies still can't figure out if Russia hacked the elections.

UK is in the five eyes. They share everything with the other five eyes like the US. They have top of the line shit.

Also Germany is in there so I dont know how cutting them off would matter they just end up trading through the US or something.

Also the EU should be going out of its way to stop terrorist shit just to help keep the EU alive.

she is probably feeling tired and sad

Does it really matter? How many of these cunts have successfully pulled off attacks, only for us to find out later that they had been on "watchlists" for years.

Also this small group shit can be impossible to predict at a certain point the Muslims will just communicate face to face only.

Plus there is the human element. The fuck who blew himself up at the concert had a history that didnt get him stopped. At a certain point you need to admit if a person is allow inside your country and is willing to die in the attack you are going to be flipping a coin to stop it.

>Implying every other EU nation doesn't have their own dedicated intelligence & anti terrorism cell


Yes they can, Russia no doubt had an influence on the elections. What they aren't saying yet is whether trump had direct knowledge.

When are they going to come clean? I think this should be a matter of national security.

Or maybe our intelligence agencies are useless?


Yeah, the same way the UK had "influence" on the US election: their state sponsored media reported on it.

Remember when Obama went to lecture the UK on whom to vote for?

Did any of the five eyes catch that one?

Oops, I mean Brexit or not.

All Russia did was shit post like the rest of us. Same with Clinton. Well and she rigged the DNC plus got reporters to give her questions ahead of time.

Also mysterious deaths.

They found nothing but still want to hold onto it as it is a lever of power. The CIA released that damn report months ago that tried to seem like evidence without actually being evidence.

Honestly I feel like most terror attacks are allowed to happen, it lets the Government keep pushing more and more Orwellian shit through and May has a huge hardon for additional monitoring on pretty much everything so these attacks are probably doing nothing except helping her future domestic policies.

I think we should strongly consider defunding useless and counterproductive agencies.

Anyone else thinks they quickly dismissed the Vauxhall attack because the MI6 headquarters are there?

Can't be the only one thinking they are playing disinfo.

Hopefully Trump burns them down and starts over.

Cool Wikipedia page that no doubt cites bullshit fake news articles which all cite each other's "anonymous sources".

Governments fucked up with multicultural policies and now that the cat is out of the bag they wanted to show they have it under control by saying 007 will look after us.
These agencies that no one really knows anything about or what they are doing, don't worry people they will handle it.

All it's done is just buy them some more time before the average person truly knows how fucked things are.

All in the name of importing more people to prop up a system built on more people always being born for growth that's experiencing population decline at the same time the boomers retire.

>it's all actually a really complex 007 movie villain strategy

would be interesting at least

:) 1

Implying Belgium has anything worthy of the name.

Also we have to stop over population its bad for the environment.

It's intentional, friend. They seek to cause social strife so that we want a police state. That way they can control us better.


Stop saying 007. Are you M ? or Q ? Or the Prime Minister or the Defence Secretary?
No. They call him 007. We know him as James Bond.

I dont know if its intentional. But it might be in the nature of government to do it. Pretend you can stop all the problems so the pop lets you import the hopefully cheap labor and then if there are problems use that to gain more power.

They are fucked though because they wont integrate. Can wait to see what happens as automation keeps taking the easy jobs and you have massive populations of muslims that dont integrate and cant do a job more complicated then bus driving.

>Russia no doubt had an influence on the elections

Really now? If there's no doubt, you'll be able to present clear, overwhelming proof of their involvement then, yes?

The cheap labor is a stop-gap to keep the economy going. Long term they want a reduced population of untermench slaves.

Read, "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. We can talk about the Huxley family and their role in various dimensions and all that after. But don't think those story books of old were just fairy tales.

ok user believe absolutely everything you read on Sup Forums

>that moment when Boris Johnson was announced as Foreign Secretary and you realized that this technically makes him James Bond's boss

I wouldn't call brave new world a story book of old. It was written in 1930.

A story book of old would be, Aesop's fables, or fairy tales or something.
dunno what it is the 'modern literature' department round your way teach

You deserve it for having female leaders.

Women belong in the kitchen

nah all the foreign secretary does is travel around and shake hands.
James Bond's boss is the Home Secretary, this hideous tory cunt.

Fair enough. Aesop's fables is based. So glad my mom read that to me when I was a little kid.

I forget who gave me Brave New World not too many years later.

I agree, women have no sense of urgency or danger and when they eventually realize there's a serious situation taking place they panic and scream.
I can just imagine the absolute fucking state of Theresa May right now. Probably having a nervous breakdown from all the stress, probably regretting calling the election too.

>not knowing Wikipedia is horseshit
How new are you?

Actually Bond defers to the Defence Secretary, who is I believe Michael Fallon.

I like the USA but you guys have to realize history didn't begin in 1776...

The fucking state of affairs, Childless women running western countries who praise multiculturalism and Sharia law while their citizens get butchered in the streets. Our world is ripe for revolution.

Butthurt EU elite think they are punishing the UK by activating their terror cells.

It will backfire on them.

>It could be a EU play behind the scenes, see look here bongs this is what happens when we withhold information from you.
You do realize how utterly scummy that sounds, right? I can very easily see a tactic like that blowing up in the EU's face.

>Hah, getting blown up is what you deserve for not bowing to our demands.
Imaman Merkel indeed...

I don't know what that has to do with 1776. Mom also read me Metamorphosis of Ovid in between.

I just mean, americans think that (for example) 1930 is like ancient history , it's a viewpoint I've found quite commonly with them, because their own country is so young.

Oh, yeah. I can see that. It's somewhat unusual for people to trace even back to the 1700s or 1600s. But that's kind of when this colony or country began its self-identity process, and it was already starting to mix before it established itself as a country.

An interesting counterpoint in my mind is Italy, which we might think of as a canonical example of the "Old World." It took until the late 1800s for "Italy" to exist as a nation-state. In this sense, it's almost as if it's a younger country than the USA. Bit of a thought experiment.

Greece is the same too. And look at many of the balkan and baltic nations. They don't have trouble with ancient history though. I think it's the nature of the US not being tied to any history prior and being so distant from everything else. It pulls you out by the root, this is why you see so many confused 2nd gen immigrant kids trying to talk up their heritage without a clue about it. It's also probably why we're so easily swayed.

Yeah, you know, as I was thinking about it, I remember how in high school we read all these contemporary books (e.g. slavery in the south). There was such an absence of classics.

We didn't even have "history" class. We had "American History," a brief bit of "European History," and then it was on to "Global Studies" and "Social Studies." The educational system even in my day absolutely cut off the past in favor of the redesigned present. That's what happens when you let the social engineers take charge of the public fool system.

yeah Italy and Germany weren't codified nation-states as we know them today, until the 1870s.

but prior to that, italian and German existed as languages( With some dialect differences), and a more or less shared cultural heritage existed, and they were at various points separate kingdoms or duchies that had a lot of ties and were at war sometimes but at peace by on large.

I can't disagree with borders, language, culture to define a nation. Even if sometimes the borders keep shifting, as in the case of where my family came from.

An interesting parallel is how, roughly after WWII, all these colonies of basically ribbons of tribes got forced into also being nation-states. And now we're seen some of those, such as in the case of Sykes-Picot, coming back in to question. Another good parallel to think about in my opinion.