White Nationalism and Terror Attacks

What's the point of white nationalism anymore? All these happenings are blackpilling me. Whites don't give a fuck about their race. They would rather do the "feel good" act of allowing millions of shitskins into their country, giving them gibs, and then letting them blow up whites. EUROS DON'T FUCKING LEARN! How many times does this shit have to happen? Why the fuck should I care about these cucks who don't even care about themselves? Fuck White Genocide. This is White Suicide. Whites are doing this shit to themselves. I don't give a fuck about them anymore. Varg is right. Ethnonationalism is pointless.

Feel the same way man. At this point Europeans deserve whatever the fuck happens to them. They're a lost cause. They do anything to change it. The only thing that can still happen is that far-right groups can rise up and take care of the problem themselves, but even far-right groups in Europe are probably too cucked for that.

MUSLIM mayor tells people to expect and accept MUSLIM terrorism

And they just lay down and die. Utterly sickening.

So are terrorist attacks haram or halal?

The majority are opposed to the Islamification of their nations, but they know that their government is an occupying enemy that will persecute them if they so much as speak their mind. It's like a hostage situation. The hostages could take down the gunman, but not without casualties, and nobody can trust everyone to charge with them.

t. 60% that'll never have another republican after trump ever due to demographic shift

Then they need to rise up. They need to have mass demonstrations in the streets. Torch some mosques, enter the no-go neighborhoods and kick some ass, fight back when an attack happens instead of running away.

This is why National Socialists are right. There needs to more qualifying factors other than being white or being old enough to vote. White liberals are the same as Brown Muslims, they are both enemies to our race and must be destroyed.

Yes. Burgers have experience. We know what happens when whites are on the verge of being a minority in a western country.

The UK is trying man. Theyve had Brexit, theyve had Conservatives in power for a number of terms, Tommy Robinson is gaining mainstream attention.

Theyre doing everything they can within their legal framework to break away from the EU and strengthen the Anglo identity. Its a long, slow process though, and ultimate success is still uncertain, I agree.

Its the EU and Western Europe that are the ultimate true cucks. They are actively promoting this shit, and they are the ones who truly deserve no sympathy.

Not to mention, outside of electing Trump, the average American really is no better. Are we out leading a revolution in the streets ourselves? No. We just sit here hoping and praying that one single man can fix all our problems- yet we all know deep inside though that its not going to be that simple, and still we do nothing.

All of you are wrong, some muslims with some IEDs is not a threat on the scale you're making it out to be. Climate change is the real threat to food and border security, and right wing politicians are so cucked by mineral companies that they're driving the whole damn species into extinction. We should work on building sustainable societies that can eventually reach out to these fucked up muslim areas and improve conditions to the point where people are less pissed off and depressed.

This has got to be fucking trolling.

>Muslims aren't the threat
There won't be any white people to worry about rising tides that may or may not happen in a hundred years time.

Don't be so sure I am a spic and I know many people of color who vote republican. We are pro-gun and anti-tax how can you be against that.

Doesn't Israel in the real world promote the idea that muslims are a massive threat that requires extensive involvement of the United States military on an unsustainable and frankly useless sized front?

You people are all fucking stupid. The whole plan that Bin Laden had was to get you to think like this so we fuck ourselves over.

>falling for the climate Jew
The ultimate goal of pushers climate change is to make money. The only ones who don't fund climate change groups are mineral groups. Media corporations, banks, retail corporations, food corporations, leftist groups, etc. all push the climate agenda because it's profitable.

Globalist Jews push climate change. What's your point?

The ultimate goal of mineral groups is to profit off their bullshit products so that they have deepest lined pockets to invest in the next transitional energy. This would be a profitable and silly game if the unintended consequence is uncontrollable famine and widespread water systems failure. Immigration problems are going to become actual problems and not imagined ones once we remain on this industrial path for a couple more decades. Put down Mein Kempf and pick up Industrial Society and its Future you oil cucks.

I don't understand it either desu. Normies are about as dumb as bricks. A muslim could rape their mothers and daughters and stab them and they would pay them, thank them and then apologize. These fuckers are so blue pilled they've moved to goal post to green to yellow pilled, coward faggots who have no capacity to stick up for themselves. Hash tags, candlelight vigils, facebook filters, thoughts and prayers...Jesus fucking christ these idiots are going to take us to hell with them aren't they?

>A muslim could rape their mothers and daughters and stab them and they would pay them, thank them and then apologize.
Like those eurocucks whose daughter got raped and killed by a shitskin then held a fundraiser for refugees at her funeral.

America is stolen land anyways, you think the intelligent thinkers of the left cares about the deep state?

The elite leftist "thinkers" control the deepstate.

Im all out of prayers for the victims.

Hey Cucks You got what you deserved. And you will get another. And your retarded response teams will stand around and do nothing whilst another group of filthy muslims plots the next round of group murders.


I think this. But then again i also realize that white nationalism or nationalism western wide has rapidly become normalized. We're at the cusp we just need to persevere