How's it going Europe? You wanna talk about it?

How's it going Europe? You wanna talk about it?

Other urls found in this thread:–50)

if no liberty means the right to hate speech and guns i hate liberty now


I miss Wellington.



>he absolutely hates being able to defend himself


>How's it going Europe? You wanna talk about it?

I'm cool bro! Good weather, nice girls, amazing healthy local food, going to the beach tomorrow.
Basically enjoying the good life.
Everything is quiet and peaceful around.


burgers are responsible for germans being the way they are, they're only doing what they're told.

Which way to the benefits office?

i had a blast on Ark tonight

>german humor
they try to act white in reality they are blonde haired mongol chinks

Good for you. I wish you the best


Ah yes, Portugal. The original Cuban float. How do you guys keep that shithole afloat?

Why do Germans hate Trump so much?

fuck man ive never been more ashamed of my german roots

Fuck off. It is your nation's fault that Europe has been flooded with refugees.
You did this to Europe, you fat bastard.

No they're not. Germany is. America rebuilt Germany and put it back on its feet.

Germans need to accept responsibility for their own choices. America didnt force Germans to vote for globalism.

because their the world biggest virtue signalers, everything they do needs to show how they are not like they evil nazi ancestors, and shitting on trump is the easiest way to do it nowadays. you can shit on him, nothing happens to you and your leftist peers and "the world" loves you.

merkel, literally the lefty version of hitler (sounds extreme but its true)

Yeah, it had absolutely nothing to do with a little inbred island currently getting what it deserves. When were your ancestors sent off to your desert prison?


This is what passes for sophisticated political satire.

Also my captcha was select all the bridges. London bridge was on there. What the fuck? Anyone else getting this?

We are Portuguese my Ameribro, we keep shitty boats floating since 1300.

Thank you AmeriBro! I wish the same!

after ww2 you systematically brainwashed them, propagandized them, took their spine out and completely removed everything that has to do with nationalism from their being.


How is Trump viewed in Serbia and other parts of southern Europe?

You've done such lovely things with South America!

Hey Hey, that was after we went away.
They made their own bed.

Trump and Wilders are HUGE zionists

>blone is the new brown

Have you ever seen The Serbian Movie? That was the documentary they made about him before the mudshits lorry'ed them to death.

during the campaign it was over 95 positive. same with russia.

Fucking brazucas appropriating nepali culture!

Yurop's muslim population isnt that big yet, its a little early to start adopting their "everything is the fault of the Great Satan America" foreign policy

yup, it's always out fault, because we swing the big dick around here (ie. Earth). So we will humbly accept liability, but only with equal parts to your own stupidity.

holy spelling mistakes

the only reason ISIS doesnt attack Germany is because that would slow down their infiltration via refugees.

fuck the krauts.

do you even know what i'm talking about in my posts? americans literally made german post-ww2 school curriculum with the intention to strip the german of his nationalism, he was considered a threat and you wanted to prevent them from wrecking europe again (oh the irony). you literally instilled in the the guilt and shame that turned them into pathetic weaklings. it's documented history.

in them*

Because Obama lied about his intentions using German runways to bomb the shit out of innocents across the Mediterranean Sea. It's a violation of the German constitution. Now you have an even less reliable leadership that's diplomatically fucking over one of The United States most important security apparatus. They can't just keep their cool about this shit like with Obama.

Yeah, it wasn't England getting mad about losing a dick measuring competition at all. America was actually the country that dragged England into WW2.

authorities in communist countries did the same, only they didn't want to bother with reeducating the german population, they just expelled them or killed them.–50)

i should have said allied forces instead of just america but you were the main force behind it
then you got carried away and completely wrecked them.

Solve your own problems for once, Andrei. You remember, when you had to eat your own kids?

Fuck that, that's too hard. Just bitch about burgers shitting in walmart or something. It's funny because your ancestors didn't give a damn, and just took it.

main theme of the serbian movie is obedience to authority and it uses the most obvious metaphors to achieve it's goals. that movie was made by an edgy serbian kid that grew up in america and he employed the same tactics that he would in america to get attention for his movie (scandal, outrage, etc.). but in serbia we don't have content restriction and we are not prone to outrage (we don't even have a word for it, the closest word is "sramota" which means shame) and so the movie flopped. those that saw it were like "meh, nice cinematography, though".

what are you even talking about? are you in the right thread?

>in serbia we don't have content restriction

The main character fucked a newborn right out of the womb. Maybe you need them.

no we don't need them, if we had them that would only produce cancerous leftist rebels, and they're few and far between here. we didn't censor or ban the movie (like some countries), people just know that it's trash and they don't go to see it (that's what happens when you have low divorce rates and when both parents are present, you can teach your child not to be a degenerate), or if they go to see it they don''t organize retarded protest and shit like you do in the west for every little thing, both left wingers and right wingers alike, they jsut say "yeah, whatever, he went to far here and there" and that's it.

>are you in the right thread?

Broken English. Easily bruised ego. Loo's pooing in the streets. I'm in the right place.


Drumpf... dare I say it, BTFO?

my english is not broken at all, you're just being an annoying, blabbering shitter that ignores everything i say and changes subjects faster than tumblrtards change sexual orientations.

t. Alberto Barbosa

Remember when you guys raped the very people that came up with the final solution? Good job, I hope Marx's cock is chocolate flavored.

i case someone is doubting me when i say how there is no censorship. here's what the director said:
>government enforced censorship in Serbia is non-existent and was not the driving force behind the making of 'A Serbian Film'."In Serbia we don't have ratings, there is no law forbidding anything from being shown in a film and there is no law forbidding anyone from buying a ticket.
although he probably didn't know that before he wrote the script because he's an ignorant murrican, and, as a result, the movie flopped.

>they evil nazi ancestors

I'm just busting your balls dude. Don't let them do to you what they did to us. Good night, guys.

Oh, and I'd sound even more retarded speaking in Serbian than you do in English.

Look at the pin on his shirt

Uncucked Germans should move to Pennsylvania or the Midwest. Might want to bring some partners with you as well. There are European Americans who stayed pure by doing that.

Who is that on the right?

i honestly have nothing to oppose against germany getting the coup de grace by homo aids, turks and isis attacks