Sup Forums, did you ever hear the tragedy of Trotrsky The Wise? I thought not...

Sup Forums, did you ever hear the tragedy of Trotrsky The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Communists would tell you. It’s a Bloshevik legend. Trotsky was a chairman of the Petrograd Soviet, so powerful and so wise he could use the force of Marxism to influence the soviet to end the life of anyone opposed to the revolution and send anyone into internal exile in Siberia… He had such a knowledge of Marxism that he could even kill the ones he cared about. Marxism is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his rival Stalin everything he knew, then Stalin had him killed in Mexico City with an ice pick. Ironic. He could kill everyone else, but not himself.


Wowzers he sounds like a super duper smart man.
I'd love to pick his brain sometime.

Sheev posting never gets old

real name "Lev Bronstein"... yep one of (((them))) Khazar with a German surname trying to hide its Kenite Khazar genes and Talmud delusions of grandeur and evil...

Why would you exile a man before stabbing him in the head with an ice pick?

gay meme. Trotsky never killed anyone he cared about and he was never close to Stalin

Are they really delusions any more? The prophecy became self-fulfilling.

surnames were pretty common among the bolsheviks. Stalins real name wasn't stalin either and he wasnt jewish (in b4 memes)


>Russian is sent to Mexico
>Russian is killed in Mexico



Mass murdering psycho kike
Kill for the Jews, kids!

...You didn't know this already?

these "creatures" actually believe that they are "chosen". Kenite Khazar genetic coding in addition to the Talmud indoctrination has brought the worst evil to the human condition. The concept that anyone is duped and deceived by (((their))) hokum is beyond baffling... Let us pray that Yeshua/Jesus returns and blots out this evil

>He could kill everyone else, but not himself.

Stalins' given surname was "Djugashvili". That is Georgian(the country not the state. Someone that speaks Georgian would have to give an objective translation but if memory serves from past research it means "son of a j-w". In Georgian notice that most surnames have that "vili" son of. The first part of the name says something about the person or family. Some of the other websites that expose communist atrocities have put out much more indepth info on most of these monsters. It may have been or or from several years ago that had articles about Djugashvili/Stalin that speculated that his REAL biological father may have been a "Rosenberg" or similar name. And at some point Djugashvili/Stalin took a nickname for himself that was Hebrew or maybe Yiddish. It's been a while so it's a little fuzzy. The autists here can research this and do their due diligence.


Lev Bronstein aka Trotsky is also the infamous character that took the $20 million in gold from (((Jacob Schiff))) banker from New York to finance the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Remember the sealed railcar? This((( Jacob Schiff))), is the Representative from California Adam Schiff any relation? Also ex VP Al Gores' daughter married a (((Schiff))), are they from the same Kenite Khazar Talmud background? Always causing trouble and evil wherever (((they))) go.

oy vey

so by that definition did Adolph "kill anyone that he cared about"?
