
Pol wants to save white people but can't even tidy their rooms.

Because of the Civil War.

Look at Hawaii. Democrat as fuck and all those Hawaiians are on welfare.

> because of a war fought 180 eighty years ago

They weren't until the 1860s. Turns out losing a war and the backbone of your economy at the same time is bad for overall economy growth.

most states are red, majority of everywhere on the planet aren't exactly well off, the only logical conclusion we can draw from the fact that only a handful of states are richer than others, in a sea of red states, is that most poor states are red
but you already knew that, and I'm the only retard here for posting in a slide thread

I wish my parents were in easy driving distance so I could get you a Washington Post from the 70s showing wealth distribution.
>Former Union states, including slave owning states at the time of the Civil War, are universally wealthy
>Former Confederate State are universally relatively poor

>I-I-It wasn't the Civil War! A society should be able to recover quickly from the total destruction of its major cities and the dismantling of its economy without help!
Yankees actually believe this.

Those states would be poor regardless of who they vote for.
They just want to be able to carry on doing what they're doing and don't want some city folk who know nothing about their lives telling them what they can and can't do.


Taxes taken to give to free loader blue States

reminder muslims declared war on west over 20 years ago when osama bin laden issued his fatwah

that alone should be reason enough to ban all muslims from entering united states

If chemotherapy is so good for you, why does everyone on it have cancer?

If you are referring to the southern states, aren't those filled with niggers?
That contributes a lot for their underdevelopment.

You can apply the same reasoning for cities like Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore, Chicago..

This board truly has been infested with redditfags. Why are none of you saying the real answer? Oh that's right, it's because >muh civic nationalism. It's because the red states are full of niggers.

If Democrat economic policies are so great for minorities, why are most blacks dirt poor?

Because they contain most of the country's black people

>what are the western states for 200 please

It's the Civil War's fault that the South is poor

Oh also it's black people's faults for not being wealthy despite hundreds of years of slavery

blacks and mexicans.

reminder that you cant argue that republicans are poor yet at the same time the cause of climate change.

What about em?

>vote democrat
>become poor
>vote republican
Interesting observation. Almost like democrats are very good at making people poor.

Full of blacks


pack it up gents

Talking to a liberal the other day.
HIM: California so rich?
ME: Have you walked in the canyon lately? There are shanty towns of illegal aliens.
HIM: That doesn't count.

If you factored in the illegal aliens is CA really rich?

I bet you think the civil war was only about slavery too. So simple minded.

If Democrats are so great then how come they never make the poor Republicans rich?

Red states between the Mississippi and the Cascades have few niggers, Texas excepted

Yes, they still have a shitton of money regardless of how they homeless live.

Are you saying the reason blacks are poor is due to slavery, which ended with the civil war?

No shit. What's your point?

I am a strong believer that racial demographics are the main driver of things like crime and economics, and actual policies fall 2nd. I think this is evident that socialist places like scandanavia do not collapse because they're filled with high IQ hard working white people, whereas all socialist countries that are filled with low IQ lazy people collapse (venezuela, USSR, etc... yea slavs might not be low IQ but they are lazy). White people can make socialism or capitalism work well. The south, however, has an extremely high proportion of black people (pic related), and even their white people are often from french backgrounds, as opposed to english/german found in the more affluent parts of the country. It's not surprising, based on this racial hypothesis, that the south would be less industrious

>TL:DR lots of blacks and less-industrious whites inhabit the south

You just claimed that red states are full of niggers and that's why they're dirt poor, except that dirt poor western states are not full of niggers

And I bet you browse reddit.

What western states are dirt poor?

because republican economic policies are based on fantasy

Southern culture is economically less productive.

If poor people are always clipping coupons why are they still poor

Red States live within their means. Blue states have shiny stuff built on credit that their grandkids will have to pay for.

Your standards are too high we can't all live like kings for ever. The way we live has to change.

You mean Southern Republican states,and gee I wonder what those are full of.

They can work the land, are self sufficient and know how to fix things.

Are they poor?

8 of the 10 poorest states are in the south - ie, the area with the highest black populations.

Fuck off shill. The poor red states are in the south. The red states in the west do just fine, they don't have niggers.

>Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts...
>expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board.

read sticky, sage

does OP realize that there is massive net migration into red states like Texas, Florida, South Carolina,Utah, Dakotas, Arizona and a massive net migration out of blue states like Illinios, NY, Connecticut, New Jersey and PR? Yes borrow, spend and tax may work in the short term but is destructive in the long term. The red states are the only ones to think 5 minutes ahead of themselves and keep their states on a stable long term path.

Such as?

States like Idaho and Montana have low wages but also incredibly low prices, and obviously have lower GDP due to their rural wilderness and low population.

New Mexico is blue btw

Democrat leadership is great if you like shitholes like Detroit, Seattle, Baltimore St. Louis.

Nothing horrifies democrats as much as a poor person who became middle class.

This is true, just Looked it up. New Mexico is the only one I see that isn't the south.

Becauae the corruption is much lower than in blue states where back door deals and stealing from people make for some really rich and super poor people.

What's the national debt again? How's California's economy again? I barely comprehend the significance of the question. Dem-led economies (Detroit, Baltimore, et al) have nothing to boast about. OP is a faggot.

Are you asking why the people are poor or why the state itself is poor? The people arent poor. The state is poor because the state lets its people keep their money instead of taking all of it.

Because they want to get OUT of poverty, not stay there.

KYS and saged.


Because before Trump, we hadn't had a real democratic/republican in decades; just inhuman deep-state child-fuckers.

Don't worry, you vile pathetic shill; America WILL be great again, despite your masters. Stay tuned.

How come there is so much income inequality in blue states? Maybe because blue states subsidize poverty? it is impossible to start a business states becaue of red tape?

Largest middle classes in the US: Utah, Nebraska, Iowa, Okalahoma, Idaho

Smallest middle classes in the US: Connecticut, Massachusetts, NY, DC, NJ, Hawaii

Red extends beyond the South - also applies to the Great Plains states, Ohio, Indiana and the rural West (Utah is a unique case). Oregon and parts of California are also a part of this.

As for any one line answers that this board seems inclined to try to parrot as fact - most Red states have taken the party line of increasingly meager tax policies and loose controls over economic exploitation. Appeals to traditional values/machismo with their base, takes money from the monied interests in the state. Whether that be agribusiness, defense, fracking or whatever.

And part of it is party machinery. Republicans are better organized than the Democrats at the local level. That's a fact. Moreover, they tow the line better than Democrats do, because their communication lines are centralized. You can say what you want about the DNC being a centralizing force, but the RNC kicks the shit out of anyone who isn't a major outlier. That's why all of the Red candidates outside of Trump were almost completely the same, policy-wise.

This machinery's been in place since the 60's, and was aping similar mechanisms that were around in the 30's-40's political machines, the decades before that, and the decades before that. It matters here, because that is the culture that controls politics in Red states. They're organized, even if their constituency is poor and continuously lied to about policy.

their not poor. the poorest state in the USA has a higher standard of living the the average of any country other than the USA. Capitalism drives up the standard of living tremendously.

Because that's where all the niggers are, and any normal white person who has been around niggers detests the democrats for subsidizing their nigging

You're a real fag. all that shit's wrong and you browse reddit. Nothing matters except average IQ, which niggers bring down.

Isn't it because they have large numbers of niggers, but the fact they're concentrated in cities means the State won't turn blue because of the electoral system?
Why isn't Detroit the thriving metropolis Democrats have been promising for the last 50 years? And that's only a city, never mind a State. Well it is an absolute state, but...

ever hear of Reconstruction?
After the War, the Union fucked over the Confederates hard. Its affect is still felt in the south to this day

I suppose that makes mostly white states like Iowa and Montana havens for American geniuses and drivers of economic growth...?

Oh wait. Nah. Your argument's full of more holes than a sinking boat loaded with Swiss cheese. Try again when you have a more coherent argument.

Redit nigger detected. Your argument is literally the same excuse libtards use to excuse the nigging of niggers. The real reason is niggers. Go back to redit. I sure do love this topic as it's a great way to spot the cancer killing pol.

average IQ in Connecticut is one of the highest in the world. Yet theyre on the brink of bankruptcy, peopel are fleeing CT for red states.

This, you need actual working people who do things in the benefit of all people (whites), the rest fall apart cause they're fucking retarded

Nice reddit-tier response. If that were on reddit you'd get 100 upboats for that correct opinion and horribly unfunny quip. Too bad we're not on reddit. Since you love the idea of playing at intellectual let me ask you this: under what circumstances are higher IQ people not more productive than lesser IQ people when looking at the aggregate?

sure is summer here. Never touched Reddit in my life. Niggers are just a symptom of the Civil War. The real problem is the group that manipulates them.

Are the high IQ staying and working there and paying taxes?

what are you even talking about. niggers are a symptom of importing niggers for slavery. the group that manipulates them? you talk like niggers are actually humans. Pol has been anti nigger since it was new. You're either lying or a complete retard.

welfare state

Summerfags can't even recognize the Jewish global banking conspiracy for what it is.

Neither can they stay on topic. Do you think niggers are humans or not? You think they could be regular citizens if not for jews?

You seem upset friend. Relax.

The aggregate you're talking about really *isn't* about IQ - it's about economic activity and availability of resources. Fact of the matter is even an idiot can be a carpenter or a machinist. Even an idiot can be a clerk and learn how to push buttons or type something out on a form. What matters is how much economic activity is happening in any given area - sorta like how an egg gets fertilized. Doesn't matter if the sperm are all retarded. If enough of them are doing work, one will eventually get in. By the same logic, if enough idiots are working, chances are the state/county/country will do better in the long run. Places with built up infrastructure and a lack of economic shocks (i.e. the Civil War, the resettlement of the West) tend to succeed in that respect.

Dude you're so fucking dense. Can't you step back and think burning our largest city, prosperous state, and railroad hub to the ground had maybe a little to do with it.
The High black pop is also a no brainer.

Because niggers are lazy.

most Sup Forums users are from the red states and red states have the lowest IQ on average..

Ya it had something to do with it. But let's not let that distract us from the real reason and give something for the retarded civic nationalists to latch onto. The primary reason is genetic determinism.

They aren't.

The top ten wealthiest states feature 5 Red States

The top ten poorest states feature 5 Blue States

Would seem they are evenly split.

tahts because of niggers

Stopped reading after the first sentence. Either answer the question or stop talking.

Everywhere used to be a "red" state.

Now the coastal cities are blue because they are filled with beaners.

Has nothing to do with economics

Almost like the entire thing it's a well designed scam.

Hey shill! Die!

only the ones to the right of texas you dummy

Yup you are a retard from the states...

Isn't this the same argument that niggers use for why they're still poor?

whats your point

that were brought there by the people in the south

even WITH slavery the south was still poor as fuck. You inbred retards depended on a really fucking inefficient system

Hawaiians are dumber than nignogs and more racist than ANYONE

Because almost all the spics and a majority of niggers are in the red States. Jews and Asians are the only minorities who can actually become rich and not just blow every penny they make on car rims and weed.


Of the five poorest cities in the U.S., the majority of them are Democratic.

anyone who uses elipses in the place of real arguments is a mega faggot.... niggers have 85 average IQ so obviously they bring down the average... this is basic mathematics... but I guess even that's beyond a retard like you....

Coastal and urban centers are naturally leftists

But the business sectors thrive with right wing economic policies.



>Own land
>Own house on that land with quadruple square footage of bluestate apartments or suburban cookiecutter
>Feed large family
>Have modern luxuries
>Have modern functionality

>But cost of living is lower so your amenities are measured in fewer dollars

you know it was the jews who imported and bought all the slaves at the slave market. furthermore your second statement is wrong. virginia was extremely wealthy at the time

You should be more willing to read, friend.

Here's a one sentence answer to your question, then: there is no discernible difference, because IQ doesn't actually contribute the economic growth.

Though I think I can hear your furious typing to the contrary from here. Oh my.

Tennessee is only 16% black

how are you going to blame an entire states poverty on 16% of the population, and part of the percent probably works.

If you go by pure number, yes, red states are "poorer." If you go by buying power and quality of life, blue states are poorer, with a few exceptions like West Virginia.

Almost like they can both work