Are socialists really smarter than most people? Is that why socialism tends to rise in more educated countries?

Are socialists really smarter than most people? Is that why socialism tends to rise in more educated countries?

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>more educated countries

Hmm, socialist countries... let's see...

We've got gook countries, like Vietnam. We've got nigger countries like, well, most of Apefrica. And we've got spic shitholes like Venezuela.

Truly socialism attracts the brightest minds.

By more educated countries do you mean countries that spend the most money on education?

>cherry picking this hard
The Chinese have a much higher IQ than you, silly bong

>niggers vote for clinton
>whites vote for sanders
really gives my noggin a joggin


Oh, you're right. The insectoid Chinese totally make up for socialist countries being otherwise low-IQ dumps.

yes there a "socialist government" good one

Intellect does not equal morality

A complete retard can be moral and a genius can be completely immoral

That chart is thrown off very much by the presence of minorities, who have lower IQs and who went overwhelmingly for Clinton instead of Sanders. Just comparing within races/groups to prevent something that crazily affects IQ like that I don't think the IQ of Sanders/Clinton supporters would be much different. Also Sanders isn't a socialist.

Higher IQ voting for Bernie instead of Hillary doesn't make you "smarter". Just means your less retarded.

>Are socialists really smarter than most people?
Yep. Socialists reasoning are based on logic and facts. To be a socialist the one must study about politics and make his own decision, in contrast with liberal ideology that everyone just accept by default.
Good or bad aside, socialists are definitely smarter than majority of people.

Did you hear about China's new green energy plan? Xi Jinping is going to hook a turbine up to the spinning corpse of Mao. Should meet 80% of the nation's electricity needs.

That's just because spics and niggers voted for Clinton in droves while whites typically voted Sanders.

Especially those of the National variety

So what I mean is commies could have a high IQ, but they don't have any morals whatsoever.

Examples: USSR, China's Cultural revolution, South East Asia.

Just a reminder that the USSR had to make posters that REMINDED their starving citizens that it was not moral to eat their children.

This, like what I said, also rare

but most of Europe has socialism and they have high IQ. they snub their nose at everyone who doesn't have it.

If you haven't already, go read The Gulag Archipelago

Yeahhhh sure buddy. Even though China, Italy, Germany, and England all are high IQ countries and are all socialist.

Then you have Venezeula which is ultra-capitalist and a 70IQ

Most of Europe isn't socialist, it's capitalist. The workers don't own the means of production, etc.

Scientists just want more funding for their science.

That means their ideology is flawed enough that they can't argue for it without just telling everyone else they are dumb

>most of Europe has socialism
>Italy, Germany, and England all are socialist.

>Not communist
Educate yourself

You're totally not baiting

suuuure buddy

you know nothing. My country is retarded and we were pretty socialistic for many years. Now this shithole is in recession and I can't get a job.

You shouldn't have said "Venezuela" that gave your bait away.

Yes, but they are Marxists for the most part, "from each according to his ability" AKA welfare

Socialism only works in rich, homogenous countries.


"But it wasn't real socialism! If it was real socialism it would have worked!"

That's their whole argument. They're like Max Stirner, their whole argument hinges around presuming they're correct and changing definitions to stay correct.

There were just too many niggers voting for Clinton.

Your troll has failed. Fuck off before you're banned

No it isn't, case in point, look at at Venezula.

The smarter you are, the more you see that America needed a change of course in this election.

Of course, Sanders' cucksocialism wouldn't have been a great system, but it was obvious that Clinton would have been more of the same bullshit that hasn't been working for years.

And, having an IQ of 102 or greater doesn't make you immune to the leftist propaganda that's been spewed at us in education, news media and pop culture since we were born, so even though they were smart enough to see we'd need a change, there would still be plenty of leftists among the highest average IQ states.

That is, of course, assuming that OP's uncited pic isn't bullshit.

Sure they do...

Socialism only works if the country doesn't need to fund a defense, so they can blow all their money on welfare.

Imagine if Germany had to fund a large military, good luck holding up you're socialized programs then.

America serves as the capitalist military force to allow euros to use their tax money on welfare.

Also, a truly communist society would get absolutely massacred by a capitalistic one militarily

Here's the archive
>theatlantic com/please-support-us/?next=https%3A%2F%2Ftheatlantic com%2Feducation%2Farchive%2F2016%2F03%2Fhow-sophisticated-test-scams-from-china-are-making-their-way-into-the-us%2F474474%2F#seen

>Sanders isn't socialist

But he literally calls himself a socialist. He even dropped the whole "democratic" part of it.

the minority thing makes some sense, but it doesn't explain european socialist practices

Are you saying they are more communist? I don't think so. Eastern euros were for a while, but most of them hate it now. But most of them have some socialist polices.

IQ doesnt do shit if you don't have the morality and the push to turn you into an engineer for example.

Having a high IQ is great and all but its basically just potential that you can choose to waste

This chart is also thrown off by the fact that it's not real, but I guess this is Sup Forums and everyone will believe anything they see on an image.

The Vietnamese declared themselves Communist to steal money from the Chinese/Soviets in order to kill the French. After they finished the war for independence, they invaded Communist Cambodia, fought the Chinese (who are Communist), and became Capitalists to seize more money in order to kill more Chinese people. Considering that they fought the Japanese, French, Americans, Cambodians, and Chinese with heavily inferior weaponry/numbers, they're doing pretty well.

I'm talking about mostly Scandinavia, Germany, you can tell where they are because its where all the refugees go so they can abuse the welfare systems.

For example we saw those migrants trying to get through to Hungary, but we know that they probably wouldnt have stopped there if they could have gotten in, it's likely that they just wanted a faster more direct path to Germany/Scandinavia

Proof ultra-capitalism fails

>capitalist system
>be richest country in Latin America
>Hugo Chavez socialism
>even with higher oil prices be come a shithole

Sorry but CIA isn't socialist

Nah, niggers supported Hillary.

The left has successfully taken over academia. People with higher IQs are more likely to go to college and graduate school. They get taught one side of an argument and one side only, with the other side of the argument being derided and dismissed.
If the right had taken over academia you'd see the exact opposite trend. But people on the right who go to college and then grad school usually end up using their talents in fields other than academia.

As long as they are smarter than social justice warriors and Hillary feminists then I do not care really.

>dam colleges be educatin people n shiet

And most of them are on the verge of becoming 3rd world counties by 2030.

Labels mean fuck all, especially for murrican politics. Hell look back a couple centuries ago and the Republicans were the northerners that wanted bigger government and to consider blacks as equals. Socialist by American standards pretty much just means gibs like tuition free college and health care.

>teaching only one side of an argument
fwiw I'm headed to law school and still think people should get educated. It's just a reality that you're not getting an unbiased education.

Also gender studies is indoctrination not education

>largest famine since the Ukrainian one in the 1920s-30s incoming
>the only way they don't starve is to overthrow their government
>guns were confiscated before
>oh shit
>pls mr big bad capitalist pls send help/food
>we dont
>people start starving in mass
>their government has to break out those old USSR posters telling people that eating their children is wrong
>eventually power structure collapses
>super right wing Russia-like government rises
>they lead for many years uncontested and kill commie sypathisers on site
>mfw Venezuela will be best South American country in a few years because they had to deal with commies the hard way

Maybe every population of people has to witness communism first hand to finally drill it into their heads that its a shit ideology, also just imagine in a few 100 years when every population gets fucked by communism and we have a right wing anti-commie utopia

Those that went for Hillary
>Jews(they helped rig the election against Sanders)

Those that went for Sanders
>White men
>Middle class white men

Actually that does make sense they are the cancer of the Democratic Party after all and were beaten easily by Trump. And the states that went to Trump were lost by Hillary fighting Sanders which ironically were the smart voters handing over to him in the first place.

If socialists were smart they wouldn't rely on the "not true socialism" meme as a defense and actually have a place in the world that isn't a complete shithole.

Srsly when something actually works good it tends to spread like the plague and stay like a kidney stone till something nicer comes along. Socialism caught wind and tried and fucked over every country that it associated with, continent in the case of South America. Either crippled it economically in those who tried to apply it or socially for those who've been exposed to it's schlock.

Ok true. NVM my bad. That is true what you said.

>EU have high IQ

Then why do you need immigrants that rape your country and cuck your girls?

Problem is Brit over here we do not have centre right or center left like you do. We only have right and left no in between that is why some posters might think Britain is socialist.

>obvious baitpost

where the fuck are you pulling these numbers?
most sanders supporters i've met just wanted free shit

That's not even it, really. We just call any form of welfare socialism because is it a redistribution of wealth.
Universal healthcare, government housing, food stamps, and any other taxpayer funded benefits are all redistribution of wealth.

btw college kids end up being lefties in the west because they will teach us about how horrible nazi's were but don't say anything about the USSR and if they do its very bland.

>covering nazis
>here kids watch this film about the holocaust
>after 1 week of nazi hate they move on to the rest of ww2
>alright so the US was attacking from the west and the USSR was attacking from the east
>and yes the USSR was communist but we were great allies with them before the cold war
>also explain how many men the USSR lost fighting germany and never explained why they would be so unprepared for war
>yay! the power of US+USSR beat those evil nazis
>move on to cold war
> UHHH well we dicked around in korea/vietnam to stop some communist revolutions
>explains the red scare like its a bunch of fuckin lunatics being scared for no reason
>then the powerful communist USSR crumbles, no teacher will ever explain why other than "they lost some proxy war"
>mao takes over china, they simply state the cultural revolution as the industrialization of china through the policy of mao
>doesnt bother to tell all the kids that the cultural revolution included purging millions of capitalists
>they also say hes communist, but if they never told anyone what bad things the communists did, labeling him a communist isnt a bad thing

Fuck our education system

I agree on that. That is what I tell everyone. Sanders was not great but definitely a better path and a lesser evil than Hillary who was using dirty tactics the whole time to everyone around her especially when it came to hard questions. He obviously wanted to do new things and Hillary along with her Jewish cohort did not care. They were going to make sure they got what they wanted.

Once the whole thing revealed what the Sanders base suspected they fucked her over and kicked the Jew in the balls and voted Trump. It may sting but it will call for a new change not more of the same.

My history teacher in high school was actually pretty based.
Loved Andrew Jackson, talked about how the indians were fucking savages and burned children alive, taught us WWII, not the new deal pulled us out of the depression, emphasized the part played by the US in WWII in the european and pacific theaters, taught us that the commies were fucked up, and made the founding fathers sound like demigods. I think he said George Washington was 6'8" and 250 pounds once.
All the rest were pretty much shit, especially when I got to college, but I had him twice.

>sanders supporters want free shit
0/10 trolling

Except teachers say the USSR was worst than nazis.

They all did. Free healthcare and free college and free money.
Damn dude you either went to a dope school or are trolling hard.

You're obviously trolling. Either that or you are too stupid to remember history class when your teacher said

>"drives me nuts when i hear a student talk about how awful hitler was but how communism has never been tried. Stalin killed more than Hitler, in fact some argue he's one of the biggest killers in history besides Mao. Stalin actually was medically diagnosed as a sociopath, hell even Hitler wasn't a sociopath"

Your busy proxying this bullshit all over /pol tonight. Muhammad keeping you up, leaf?

>More (((educated)))

Wew lad

Except under socialism everyone has a job so.

I never heard that and my teacher defended manifest destiny and massacring indians.

Sure bud

Ok now we're on a different level, my teacher said "a bunch of moron toolbags came up with the manifest destiny which basically said they ran north america"

To be fair we are Canadian and Manifest Destiny said it was the destiny for the U.S
to invade Canada.

Well then it sounds like your teacher was dope. If I was Canadian I'd be against manifest destiny too unless I wished I was American.


Are you this retarded?

Well I mean the manifest destiny doesn't seem too bad because if American annexed Canada it's not like we'd be a colony or a servant state. Canada would join America and Canadians would get all the freedoms America enjoys. So it wouldn't be bad for Canadians.

>not socialist

I don't know where you're getting your information from, but I lived in Africa for 16 years, and African niggers are almost universally socialist, as are their governments.

Most post-colonial conflicts arose from nog governments trying to nationalize big mines.

>implying that correlation isn't entirely due to Clinton doing better with minorities

You really are a retard

good times create weak men

I dont know but anti socialist like this are truly the brightest of minds.

you forgot cuba, cambodia, and china

Yeah but after the fact you look back on it with a bit of national pride and say "I love Canada, those guys were tools for thinking they'd come here and I'm glad they didn't" or whatever.

True I should also see it that way

China is high IQ


There is a difference between socialism and communism

I mean see it however you want, man.


>clinton has overwhelming black support in primaries
>clinton wins with low iq, loses with high iq

really makes you think...

the meme that educated people are free thinkers needs to die

People who support socialism are smarter and more empathetic. The problem with their ideology is they think everyone else is just as smart and empathetic as them, including immigrants. This is where they fail.