Jihad-splaining by the left

will the U.K. and Europe terrorsplain their way into Sharia? Why do they ignore the inbreeding problem of the ME, which increases aggression and lowers IQ?

#jihadsplaining needs to be trending

this. Rev up those Twitter accounts

Yeah, Muslims never conquered or raped, or looted or enslaved anyone ever.........................

I've tweeted about it a few times. No one likes me on Twatter tho.

I generally believe the left want sharia at this point


Let me fire up the twitter and get my mandatory 3 like and 1 retweet. I have no friends.


Just reply #jihadsplaining to every new tweet about #notallmuslims from popular blue check marks

on it

Anyone who doesn't see that this is a self-inflicted wound by the left is an idiot.

You reap what you sow.

If I punch someone or kill a man, I should expect to receive backlash by his family and/or friends. This is the price you pay for the luxury you have obtained by centuries of exploitation of the world.

I got a around 1400 followers ill tweet it
Whats your twatter


Damn, you niggers must get your twitter game together. When I used that shit I would amass followers quite easily. Make an expendable account, add ppl with views aligned with yours (doesn't need to be 100%, and it's also good to read ppl with other views, you should be striving to learn moar and question your own views), poast your views and stuff, go to their list of follows and followers, add ppl.

I followd u

I don't have as many followers as he does but I'm doing my part as well

It is actually kinda hard finding people who are defending Islam with #notallmuslims. most are just bashing it, which is refreshing.

If that were true than pretty much the entire world (including americans) would go full jihad against Europe and the UK.

True, but they are just trying to be more subtlw. Note that you can be accused of mansplaining just for being a man explaining something. So the hashtag isn't the necessary trigger, it's any incident of #jihadsplaining, even if it's subtle. In fact, it might be better to target the subtle ones, expose (((them))) and they will recoil.

Britain / portugal / france should all be rewarded eternally for their colonisations anywhere they went with charity they made the civilisation conquer darkness. the civilians ruled by tyrants got a taste of technology, work, food, medicine, and liberty.
Today US / EU / Russia should, first elect racist leaders and then conquer the entire middle east and not leave a droplet of oil in the hand of 6th century camel jockeys.

terrorism went up after the end of colonialism

They fuycking move the goalposts to the moon and all their brain dead followers eat it up as a win

I read somewhere that the Saudi ruling family is worth over 1 trillion dollars. fuking cray. Also, every captcha is pick the bridges for me tonight.

Victim blaming at its finest.

Holy shit. I don't get what drives someone's brain to come to that conclusion. It really is insanity.

Yeah, crazy innit? Ban and deport all muslims and deport all muslim sympathisers to the middle east.

>there are people in public office right now that think this is how it works

He probably isn't completely wrong about their methods, but he is wrong blamingthe victims.

I'm pretty sure they are going to get all of us killed. It is only a matter of time before this shit comes across the Atlantic.

I was following until "YOU."


I like this


Pretty much.

If it's so miserable for Muslims in the west then why the fuck are they VOLUNTARILY leaving the middle-east by the millions to flock to fucking Europe?

It's called an invasion

Charles J Finley III

>redirecting blame when convenient


>it's not elliot rodger's fault he went on a rampage through his campus
>it's society's fault for instilling in him a false sense of white male privilege

of course it doesn't go that way for him, now does it?

these fucking cunts

And this is the issue here

When discussing the issues of migration, we are looking at different outcomes. We conservatives think we are arguing whether certain amounts of migrants are better for the health of our civilization (ie: arguing whether more or less is healthier)

But they aren't arguing for the health of civilization. They don't care if western civilization is destroyed because they think we deserve it

Go ahead. Ask a progressive this question: 'What if doing this brings about the destruction of Western society?' Chances are at least 50/50 that we have brought it upon ourselves because of colonialism and racism

When you are in the ICU and trying to save the patient, but your co-surgeon doesn't care if they live or die, then you are going to have a hard time

That guy's trying too hard

To blow us up.

That guy is a moron. Take one of Lee Rigbys killers Michael Adebelojo, his father was nurse in for NHS, he attended university, and went to church with his mother when he was younger.

He wasn't a poor beaten down muslim child. These people just can't bring themselves to understand that there is an ideology that hates them.

How could there be such an ideology that leads people to hate and intolerance when he's such a nice guy, why would anyone hate him? they must have been poor, downtrodden.

because europe is up for the taking

these economic immigrants are not like previous generations that fled war and persecution scared for their lives, they come because they think in a couple of months they'll be employed renting downtown watching soccer on the telly and it doesn't matter if they remain savages and shit up the place while doing it

Because everything is better than the middle east

After some of the sickening comments I've seen this morning, I want to take a minute to remind poeople how RAPISTS (who have claimed responsibility for RAPE attacks) works.

Rapists take young, poor, lonely boys. Boys who have spent their whole lives being bullied and hated and downtrodden by women.

They whisper in the ears of these boys "The women hate you, but we love you."
They Whisper "We can teach you how to find love in the name of God."

Then they show these kids all of the anti-men hate speech, the facebook posts from those of you who can't separate a kind gender from a subversion of itself.

YOU, the ones full of hate, YOU empower RAPISTS to create these brainwashed individuals. It is through your hate and that their hate thrives. You are a RAPIST. You are the enemy.

I absolutely will not tolerate a moment of it. End of.

where is the merit? who would letf such amounts in the hand of lowiqs to blackmail you / interfere?

The stupidity of that tweet boggles me. These people have no knowledge of history.

this what all liberals believe though many arent brave enough to say it. deep down inside they think all of these islamic terror attacks are justified.

I likw how they post as if they're the utmost authority on the subject. "Let me explain to you little people why you should not be angry that your countrymen are being murdered.". Fucking sick, these people should be strung up along side their pets.

haha the truth hurts your feelings doesn't it mister in-the-minority

>End of.
I hate that shit so fucking much.

What do they even teach in history classes nowadays ? These people are beyond ignorant.

I agree that spreading your opinion on social media is a waste of time, can't really help your life situation in any way but certainly can hurt your life situation. But the idea that people are so impressionable that they will be spurred to kill others and themselves due to cyberbullying is a myth. Extremely rare cases.

>now look here young muhammed, look how he tweets about this false god 'kek'
>the heathens, THE INFIDELS, will pay for this

i want to execute this person with a rifle

>Chances are at least 50/50 that we have brought it upon ourselves because of colonialism and racism
They really don't know anything about history, do they? How do they think Islam ended up so prevalent around the world? Because it was just so awesome?

hi, muhammed. Dearborne hot this time of year?

> terrorsplain

>Haha stupid Stalin, don't you know that by sending 50 million people to the gulags you actually lost? Stupid muslims, don't they know if you kill your enemies you win? History will look back and say "those guys were kinda bad" HAHAH the final laugh is ours!

I never get why people blame colonialism for the problems in the Middle East and Africa but you never hear that argument for South America. I'm guessing it's because people in South America don't act like total fucking savages and blow themselves up in other people's countries. Go figure that the difference between the two are Christianity versus Islam. Hmm...

>Here's how ISIS works!
>I know because I sit in Starbucks all day blogging about tolerance

Gee, glad we have someone to tell us how ISIS works, because it's not like they're crystal clear in their goals themselves.

Check'd please! I've got cars tonight

whenever the Democrats talk about something "coming home to roost" it is bad news.. How warped has the collective mind become.


First step, collate a list of these shitehawks.

need to make #jihadsplaining a trend

I did my part. I tweeted it about 20 times.