No need to ask the question

Tommy Robinson IS /ourguy/.

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Good. But he should really name the you know who.

That wouldn't help at this juncture.

He has just barely got out of being a public enemy for years, people are finally seeing his message. For him to mention the JQ would be political suicide.

>our guy

I think that's a transsexual. The ears are small, like a woman.

>our guy
>loves jews
Yeah, I guess that fits well with nu/pol/

I know he can't name the Jew but if he could at least dog whistle that he knows who funds ISIS I'd trust him more.

I was wrong about him, I was an mkultra victim of the Guardian and BBC.

I like this guy, he's got this look on his face that says he's ready to join a right wing death squad and do some purging.

>Tommy Robinson reporting from Manchester | Info Wars | Alex Jones | 23/05/2017

>oy vey why doesn't this goy talk about (((us))), would be great for his public image!

yeah, nah m8. You can't jump the gun like, anyways tommy is purplepilled. He believes the "based sikhs" meme and has never been an actual 14/88r. Perfect entry-level redpill for the normies, don't ruin him like that.

Also, checked. also.


This needs to be a meme

Tommy is alright. But he's the British Ben Shapiro. He's been subverted heavily by (((them))) after his trip to Israel last year.
Because like most idiots be fell for the
>the enemy of your enemy is your friend goy!

>"they're in our thoughts and prayers"
Sad-dick couldn't sound any less convincing.
tommy (((robinson)))

Didn't he get the memo? Muslims were the real victims tonight. Someone should tell him.

It don't care if we consider him /ourguy/ or not, I still think he's a fucking hero for all the shit he's went through. This man has had his life fucked up and still keeps on fighting.

Fuck off shitskin

The truth always helps. Stop being a cuckservative.


tommy has always been our guy, unless you listened to the muslim shills who post here.

2 minutes in, i had to pause. i have fucking goosebumps.
i wouldn't be surprised if tommy is involved in a 'botched mugging' within the next 24 hours.

How far does Tommy Robinson will go fo Britain? is he willing to kill or just talk angrily everyday. time to remove the handicap for britain and establish british christian militias.
Next terrorist attack could possibly in Football stadiums the muslims are increasingly getting confident. the time is now. FORM MILITIA AND CIVIL WAR THESE GOATFUCKERS.

>(((our guy)))
Tommy is a zionist shill and was successfully subverted on his trip to israel.
Firmly believing in the
>the enemy of your enemy is your friend goy!!!
He's literally controlled opposition.
And if you need some goy shill from Luton to tell you muslims are evil you're fucking stupid.

who do you think cuts his check?

Oh boy, this is a guy who's ready to join a right wing death squad.