>Wake up in Cambodia
>See this
>What do
Wake up in Cambodia
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KYS for being in Africa to begin with
Collect the skulls for the SKULL THRONE
Grind skulls, use as fertilizer
I'm with this pendejo
>American education
Go back home and tell people that Cambodia and especially Angkor Wat is overrated.
Obligatory skull throne.
Search for magic items.
Shrug and go find the nearest American embassy.
Draft a new arbitrary brand of Communism that hasn't been tried before.
Hit the rice paddy asap dont want any of the pol pot reeducation. Shiieet
Imagine how much fun you could have there if you were a black lab.
The sad thing I never know if americans say this shit as bait or on purpose
Make soup.
That must have been one hell of a cannibal party last nigh
Act as stupid as possible to avoid getting purged as potential bourgeoisie.
>Naw, naw, Boss. Ain't no book learnin's here. We's simple peasants.
Looks like cottage country
Grab a burr, a coupla darts and turn up the tuneskies
Oh dear boy. I feel the same way about anyone desecrating my beautiful language.
i visited the killing fields in Phnom Penh. very sad desu and i'm one stony motherfucker. it was raining and all the bone fragments were coming to the surface of the soil. they still had skulls and random bones laying around on the ground and shit. it was really sad.
Pol Pot was a piece of shit.
Asian chimping out are terrifying. They let these poor shits dig their own grave then buried them alive to save bullets. Literally thousands of mass Graves with literally hundreds of thousands of people in them. And all because they apparently had contact to specific people like from outside of the fucking country. Jesus Christ
>american education
pol pot killed all the smart people because he wanted to start an agrarian society.
if you had glasses, spoke English, left the country, or any other shit you were killed because you were smart.
everyone else was marched out to the countryside and forced to farm.
it'd be like marching all the dumb hipsters in Williamsburg to Kansas and telling them to start farming... and oh yeah there's no food. so uh just work until you die i guess. you can eat tree bark for food.
cambodians that lived through that shit have some crazy stories. one lady i met lived for 4 years eating tree bark and rats, she slept in a tree to avoid getting captured. her whole family was killed. she worked for the UN (lol), which propped up pol pot.
And how is that a bad thing? That sounds exactly what needs to be done to stop the jewish globalists.
>What do
Ask the twelve year old sharing your bungalow to reload the pipe.
i was playing fetch near one of the many killing fields with a dog and he came back with a leg bone...
he stepped on a land mine a few hours later. poor dog. the country is insane. was there doing military stuff for the US way back in the 80s.
Visited the killing fields too. Saw children pulling a cat and swinging it while it screeched. end. Pretty much represents how they treat all life. the piles of bones are sad desu.
>What do
Ask polpot not pol
nah pol pot was a commie. he killed all the capitalists so everyone there is a fucking moron.
What organization do you work for?
>tfw I spent 2 weeks in cambodia in my way to Thailand and never seen a skull
feels bad
Doesn't mean he didn't have some good ideas.
That's just Communism 101. They always go after the Farmers, label them "Privileged" and start the killing. They did the same thing in China and Russia, and Zimbabwe.
yeah no respect for life in most 3rd world countries. we'd capture any commies and turn them over to the khmers (cambodians) to kill. i only handed over men i captured, but those motherfuckers would slit the throats of the whole family of those men in front of them... then kill the man.
they were commies so who gives a shit. i laughed.
>Man you just wrecked him
You just verbally insulted him on the same level as you sovereign territory being physically taken from you in your presence while your country men fight among themselves on video about political correctness.
And the funny thing is that pol pot wore classes and studied in paris. He was an insane hypocrite: aka a proto-liberal
Check if an yellow.
Be concerned if yellow.
If not yellow happy
Listen to some Dead Kennedys.
Holiday mate
Only legitimate answer
How old are you, damn?
I met guy whose father was killed du ring that time and he told me he didn't hate Pot, but the people around him were corrupt. It's strange.
his idea of expelling all the american/western/jew influence from the country was good. he was a puppet of vietnam though.
the way he did it was terrible and unsustainable, but it didn't matter to him. vietnam didn't want american influence on their border. they propped polpot up to weaken the country and then invaded once they were weakened.
sadam/Iraq tried to do the same shit with iran in 1979. the UN supported both of those guys.
it isn't always what it seems. look for the power plays near the border.
>Bunch of Cambodian rice-monkeys slaughter millions, often by smashing in their skulls 1 by 1.
>Highly efficient Germans unable to kill millions of Jews.
This is what Sup Forums believes
harvest the skulls to use them in my magic rituals and make potions
I think you mean gorillions. What are you some hateful bigot?
too old haha. seen so much shit. normally chill out here when i get drunk alone at night to cope; you guys are more accurate than you think. the world is a fucked up place.
don't work for the US federal government either kids; not like anyone here would get a TS clearance since you're already unplugged from the matrix and not blinded by patriotism. they prey on young patriotic idiots like me. the US is just and you'll be fighting. you don't want to be me. the machine chews you up and spits you out. then you realize you were the bad guy. fuck i need to sleep.
My mom escaped the killing fields,she use to tell me some crazy ass stories when I was a kid.
>Over a hundred of my relatives died during the killing fields.
I want to go back there. Where is best?
prepare to be tortured to death by a 15 year old sexually frustrated power-tripping inbred piece of shit
Go back home and make excuses for this horrible communist regime by pretending none of this happened
Try to escape to the eastern zone to join the local forces and fight the CPK central forces alongside your khmer and vietnamese comrades.
reroll necro
>mariachi band
That's a good idea
all the faggots are checking their last two digits being really confused.