They are calling them 'Militants' now

They are calling them 'Militants' now


Because they are?

they accept even faster than the so called redpilled that the uk is in a silent war with isis

Militant implies some amount of training an affiliation with a real fighting force. These people are simply devout fundamental Muslims, imitating Muhammad's actions in life. They only way they'd be militants is if you recognized Islam itself as a military force.

militant implies literally zero of that, learn the english language.


Is it not politically correct anymore to call them what they really are? Are you forbidden to say the m-word?


calling them like that also expells the notion that the attack would be 'an accident' or 'a single madmen' as libshits like to put it

treating terrorists as 'islamic militants' instead of thinking of it as separate incidents is step in the absolutely right direction

There is literally nothing correct about your post

Really makes you think...

Poland stepping up and being right.
You're not allowed or clean our toilets anymore, Poland, you can annex Britain for all I care.

No shit brother... my first post this captcha was banned..
For no reason.
Or perhaps a very clear reason.


If you knew how to debate in a non-retarded way, you would've given him the "correct" definition of the word (according to you).

They are not muslims. They must be UKIP. still in the EU.

Sent a complaint, fuck all will happen, liberal media will continue to be fucking braindead complicit dogshit scum.

I'm not arguing, I'm explaining that he's wrong, he can look up the definition of a word himself, it's easy, I'm not going to spoonfeed you or him.

He can't because he doesn't understand language himself. One can describe actions, dramatically, as being militant. One's rigorous adherence to structure can be militant. Belief can be militant, though a careless description would be colorful to the point of losing meaning.
You could not accurately describe a nigger street gang's members as being militants. You don't describe a homeless person who stabs someone as militant. Merely being violent or carrying out violent action does not fit the term.
Fundamentalist Muslims are only militants if you acknowledge Islam as an inherently militaristic collective.
I think most people here failed the SAT/ACT

Read a book, kid.

>Militant - combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods.
>synonyms: activist, extremist, radical, young turk, zealot
What's wrong here?

according to reports from previous attacks english police already has a somewhat-big database of hostile muslim groups operating in england, but as we all know due to pc agendas they aren't doing anything about it

some of the attackers had criminal record already, had proven affiliation with isis, or were expelled from having an asylum stay, yet no one was interested in cathing these people

if the muslim communities would be put under same surveilance (and law execution) as the whites are under, some of the attacks could be prevented, at least

i think this is the agenda that should be pushed across verious media/ social media outlets

even the terrorist groups in iraq and afganistan were eventually sorted out, and the rate of attacks has dropped, even tho I believe they were much more complex and hard to track


Are you jewish? You debate like a jew.

>militant: Young Turk


dunno if he's jewish or not, but is definitely a smarmy cunt in need of a knuckle sandwich