I just fixed Europe

I just fixed Europe

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nuclear wasteland should also include every slavshit country

t. slav in denial

this is a perfect map

t. igor litvanski

Your map sucks dicks

>france still there
>britain still there


>tfw irrelevant

yours too, edgy faggot

You must be new here.

>Franco-British union


Better get used to it you terrorists

Only in your wet dreams, you dirty poole.

>Kingdom of Croatia

kys, Croatia is rightfull Slovenian Clay.


>kingdom of croatia
how about go fuck yourself

>trying to create a multicultural society again

Zelfs manneke pis is opeens meer relevant als ons

>Northern Ireland not included in irrelevant shithole.

Yeah, nah. N.I is a waste, only literal retards live there.

>Northern union
>sweden included
Nej tak.

interesting fantasy but like it or not this is your future.

So Germans will get the Lebensraum finaly ?
But where will you guys go, Polanon ?

Heineken pis

this gon be good

You just left out the country that provides you with farming subsidies and stolen cars and keeps you alive.

Oh look it's Poland dreaming of becoming relevant again episode.

Fuck, Belgium is our friend

Slavs accomplished more than baltic niggers
and Lithuanians did what?

Id be pretty ok with this so long as i woud enjoy a good standard of living and get to manage money like in capitalist america

>Serbia bending the knee to Croatia

times sure are changing

I want to be friends with Poland.
How come they hate us so much? I thought we were brothers.

rank first in suicide ratings each year.

t. alpine Croat

We are not even the same race let alone brothers.

t.pic related

>Romania for some reason is nuclear wasteland
>Commonwealth is made of Poland and africa tier lands inhabited by people who hate pollacks
op (deliberately with small letter) is not only an enormous faggot but also an idiot

because Poles are not human, they are even worse than niggers.
the only thing that comes to mind when you mention Poland is poverty,migrants(polish),low standarts and whores.

wow such accomplishment

I just fixed Poland

Why hate? It's just regular "which slav country is best" bickering.

Seriously, I have only good feelings for your country and I haven't even been there yet.

Oh you roaches, xD
Remove france, uk, netherlands, belgium, sweden just like you removed nig-germany. Merge greece with turkey into Byzantine Empire. Add czechs slovaks hungarians into the commonwealth. Ukraine becomes a wastel- oh wait it is one already, welcome to 2017

We pulled out because there were no serbs living there. You shot at us emptying from the country. If we wanted to the jna would have not left two rocks touching eachother. Most of the other wars were gorrila conflicts between the locals. Even the jna soldiers in bosnia were just soldiers originally from bosnia that transferred.

But today none of thar matters.
Enjoy getting cucked my migrants. I already know a slovene girl at my university fucking a libyan. Your people literally crave the arab multicultural and nigger cock.

Or because slavs are not white in general you butthurt faggot.

Watch out subhuman, next time when we come for lebensraum you wont be spared.

You are gonna live on boats in German Bay due to giant flood as thou see on the map

wanna know how i know an austrian made this picture

>franco-british union
when the fuck has this ever remotely worked?

All the countries in red should be in the irrelevant shithole category.

Slovenian women that migrate to other countries are not women, but scum.

you talk big for a country that doesn't know what a fucking water filter is, and you need to buy water from stores to shower with because half of the water in serbia is contaminated

No. Germans becomes Atlantis
And Atlantis is not a Lebensraum, ITS TODESRAUM for the shit we did to the yurop


we dont want sweden

Did i hurt the slovenes fee fees

What a laughable cuck

Great now the dutch will get flooded from both diections and fault us for it.

>bite the hand that feeds you

ahaha that is funny for a 13 year old

playing with crayons and maps

Objectively best map coming through

>Latvian invented jeans
>Latvians had colonies
>Beated russia + germany one time
>Still here after hundreds of years of being under boot of others
>Lithuania has an empire
>Moast beuthefull architecture in all of eastern europe
For souch a small ethnic group as us balts that is more then impressive so fuck you polish slavshit scum

>New worlder thinks that he knows what is best for Europe ,episode again
Also konigsberg is rightfull baltic cley

Sure, just create a nuclear wasteland out of the country with the most unexploited natural resources in Europe, good move.

>Latvian invented jeans


Okay he was a Latvian kike but still.

>>Still here after hundreds of years of being under boot of others
haha what an accomplishment you baltic fucking nigger literally every country is ''still there''
>muh beating Russia
we took Kiev and Moscow

>haha what an accomplishment you baltic fucking nigger literally every country is ''still there''
You poles where sucking german cock for many years so don't eaven talk
>we took Kiev and Moscow
Yeah the diferance is you are huge country when compeared to us i am sure if we would of been size of poland moscow would burn in 3 days.

I'm from Poland Baltshit, you should be grateful I even considered giving you land. Fairest map borders Imhotep.

>you are huge country when compeared to us
and? So is Russia compared to us.


At that point russia was moscowy and they didn't had all that land when you took moscow, so don't talk polack.

We were still smaller you fucking nigger. Balts are shit deal with it.

>ireland united with UK
>greater germany
>balt union
>whatever abortion of a union that is between denmark and sweden
>greater kurdistan
>united caucus kingdoms
>benelux without the lux and part of france for some reason
>france losing that much land
>the dissolution of luxembourg
>all the shit wrong with the various slavistani countries
>greece reclaiming that much of anatolia
>african colonies

Being a subhuman pole is even worse than being a leaf

>Kingdom of Croatia
>Royal family

>outnumber enemy 2 to 1
>brag about victory


no U

> Not including your V4 brothers in the commonwealth.
You call that fixed, Pole?

>be poland
>put hungary in irrelevant shithole category
Nice proxy, nigger.