Trump is a total madman, THIS is exactly what we voted for.

The man has Titanium balls. The rest of the world needs to end political correctness and stand tall or fall by the wayside.

Good people have had ENOUGH, it's time to start fighting back.

goat potus hands down

Bonald B. Brump

ban on trucks when?

I thank him for saying that. He's doing more to help us (really help us) than our own PM

Every once in awhile I'll be disappointed with Trump. But it's times like these that make me happy I voted for him. He's not perfect, but he's the best democracy can provide.

Calling out that fucker Sadiq Khan. Nice.

>it's times like these that make me happy I voted for him

america is a meme status country. nobody cares what you think about literally anything. this is truth.

>this is truth.
LOL you have dead bodies on your bridge again, go clean up the mess you made

Trump is wrong about the gun debate part.
The media is already pointing out the UK police misused their guns during the attack.

Will trump disavow?

hmm. another crude retort from an enlightened trumpster.

perfect analogy for america today though. it's just a crude retort and nothing else.



Sadiq Khan is the modern equivalent of Nero.

Thank you for your input Achmed. Please leave.

But #bridgesnotwalls

>pointing out
Fucking leaf.

i honestly can't wait for the next attack on the Homeland. a nice big attack would be the catalyst for mass deportations. i see this faggot lindsey grahm talking about how we need to start censoring hate speech on the internet. these cucks need to be hung

>Nobody cares what you think
And that's exactly why terrorist attacks happen weekly in Europistan and there have only been 3 in the US since 9/11

Nah, Nero was good looking

hes not doing anything of value just shitposting

thats why you voted him in? to shit post?

allahu akbar

That's how I feel too. I almost wish we were the 51st state, but then America would get all our libtards and their imported pets too and I wouldn't wish them on anyone.

>hes not doing anything of value just shitposting
Bet he magically becomes the a PC liberal of the highest degree when those heeb bastards are mentioned, just like infocucks, breitbart, and all the rest.

>thats why you voted him in? to shit post?
and to make bleeding heart liberal fags cry

>the world needs to end political correctness

Right? I hate when some fucking Nicaraguan gets prideful and uppity whenever I call them Mexican lol. Like you're brown nigga who gives a fuck about you're country lmao.

I know they've Jewed his twitter so that it only shows the bad replies but the sheer suicidal virtue signaling is making me nauseous.

well clap clap

your country is being weakened by the inside just so you can get a brief laugh

I don't get it.

How exactly would it be better if terrorists could simply buy assault rifles instead of having to use knifes and a truck?

Jee wiz, we could have fucked it up with Clinton or McCain and Bush, What ever were we thinking?

Why is shareblue using this ???

>ban on trucks when?

Don't be surprised when big trucks get banned from city centers.

>How exactly would it be better if terrorists could simply buy assault rifles
The get killed faster by Americans, We have a Muhammad cartoon contest and kill a few rag heads in the process, your publish a cartoon and mudslime fuck your whole week up

He isn't saying that it's "better", just that the left can't fall back on "MUH EVIP GUNS" and that if someone wants to commit a violent crime, they'll find a way to hurt people no matter what the law says.

He's just pointing out that restricting the second amendment is not going to end all violence.

>assault rifles
I have many ARs and AKs but no assault weapons yet. do you even /k/?

>implying fighting back should be o. Twitter.
>titanium balls
How does it taste having these balls in your mouth all the god damn time?

Look at it this way, do you want to die being ran over by trucks like in france or do you want to die being shot like in orlando?

How does that depleted uranium taste?

There were only 7 deaths.
If they had guns there would be dozens.

Why is there no gun debate? because Britain already successfully stopped terrorists from getting guns.

>How does it taste having these balls in your mouth all the god damn time?
Ask Sadiq

actually, no political stance makes sense until you admit massive racial differences. In this way, Trump's statement is a little neutered. The real truth is that whites all over the world commit violent crimes at similar rates despite huge differences in access to weapons. And this trend hold true for other races. For this reason, whites should be armed to the teeth, like in the USA, because its far better than concentrating all force with very few.

Yeah bongs:
Don't be a schmuck, bin that truck

I agree, he already had my vote come 2020.

>Trump is a total madman, THIS is exactly what we voted for.


The Paris attackers had full auto AKs that they smuggled in. Did gun control stop them? No

>If they had guns there would be dozens.

If they had brought a gallon of gas, a chain and padlock to Manchester they would have killed a hell of a lot more too



I fucking hope so, we will win with this president, he ain't Bush

This will only radicalize the moderates!

Fuck off Nu/pol/ SB is calling you

>security for our people
My god


I like Brits, but you're just embarrassing.

He's amazing. The only people who disagree are anti-American and pro-muslim. Unfortunately you lose and we win. The patriots are rising up against you. Get used to it.

Keep sucking, sub-fish-IQ boy.

They banned guns yet they didn't ban muzzies so they're still get killed.

Fuck these muslim terrorist scum

So when will he stand up to Israel instead of kneeling?

what kinda bullshit slippery slope reichstag talk is that? gtfo trump

Donald J(ohn) T(itor)

>He is a good president because he says some mildly controversial stuff on Twitter

What exactly has he done in concrete?

You know he didn't actually say that right?

He said preparing for attacks is part and parcel of living in a major city.

Keep on parroting PJW though without thinking for yourself

He should stop with the Twitter thing to be honest...

that's literally the same thing you faggot

why would you assume it's ShareBlue? They would love Khan, he's a liberal globalist, and comparing him to Nero wouldn't be considered a compliment. Nero hated his people and lead to their destruction due to his own arrogance.

>He said preparing for attacks is part and parcel of living in a major city.
and why are you preparing for attacks? I don't seem to remember dump trucks full of sand and concrete barriers in my cities before muslims started blowing shit up and running people over.

pic unrelated

fuck off to the_donald,you fucking fag.
Sup Forums doesn't support the sleazy,lying con artist that is Trump.
>"bu-buut he said it,he must mean it!
You fucking idiots are so easy to fool.He says what you want to hear,and does what he wants to do.His words have no meaning.He can say two different things in the same breath.He doesn't care about anything but what suits him.
Jesus fucking Christ just fuck off from this site.

>Don't be surprised when big trucks get banned from city centers.

A few years ago, I'd have laughed in your face for that comment. Nowadays, I see how easily it could become reality.
Just when did it all go so wrong?

>Trump is a total madman
What? Do you see madness?
>THIS is exactly what we voted for.
Posting in Twitter? Words don't cost a penny.

its the same thing retard, why would you "prepare for an attack" unless you were expecting to get attacked?

We don't get attacks in Vancouver, Toronto, New York, or Los Angeles. Why do Khan and Macron seem to think daily terrorist attacks are a regular part of life?

Preparing for terrorist attacks is not excusing them as acceptable to living in a city though you fucking retard

So they're not the same fucking thing at all, every American city prepares for terrorist attacks too XD le cuck!

Yes exactly

The whole point is we want to be prepared, and armed

Are you suggesting you'd rather more virtue signalling and pretending it didn't happen? Cause him saying preparing for terrorist attacks is part of living in a big city is GOOD, it's not burying your head in the sand

fucking retards just shovel down more PJW tweets i swear

literally work as hard as you can to acquire a farm, water, and guns. Get the fuck out of cities

lmao is this guy kidding me or just retarded

>selling weapons for 500bn is a big step to security

0.05$ have been deposited to your ShareBlue account

>we should have to prepare for attacks as a part of daily life

I hope everybody you love dies.


How is saying you need preparation = accepting it as part of regular daily life

Did someone drop you on your head as baby?

the NYPD and LAPD are bigger than our fucking army idiot, they're constantly preparing at every major event for terrorist actions

In Manhattan just a couple months ago there were bombs dropped in garbage cans


>does what he wants to do
and that has lined up with what we want him to do

Oooo, this is my new argument when they say build bridges.
Like the London Bridge.

We do, until Islam is gone

Or you think going to war against it is going to somehow be bloodless and no more terrorist attacks?

You want the crusades, there is going to be more terrorists retard

*waves ISIS flag*
yo hol up
*puts on explosive vest*

>Leader of America

>Leader of Britain
>"Extremism spreads through the Internet. By restricting access to hateful information, we can protect our citizens without taking away anyone's human rights."

Now tell me, who sounds like a wise leader, and who sounds like a bully? No, "muh internet" is not a human right.

I'm sure you'll know what he meant pretty soon leaf faggot

>Sup Forums doesn't support the sleazy,lying con artis
What this we shit? you got a muslim mouse in your faggot hot pants

>Are you suggesting you'd rather more virtue signalling and pretending it didn't happen? Cause him saying preparing for terrorist attacks is part of living in a big city is GOOD, it's not burying your head in the sand
But his brand of preparing for attacks doesn't seem to be correlated with fewer attacks. Meanwhile, Poland's brand of preparing, or any nation that prepares by keeping death-loving subhumans out, seems to work great. So in the end, you surrender your freedoms to be "prepared" and still get run over. It seems like the equipment to make an explosive is available to anyone. How exactly does the government prepare for people tossing those into any crowd of people without warning?

Not a debate, simply a data point. Soon to be buried and forgotton because it doesn't feed the antigun narrative.

Go away ISIS

Trump to both.

Meh, all I see is some twitter LARPing because he knows controversy will bring him attention and support from easily amazed people. Meanwhile, he is sucking the Jewish cock and selling weapons to terrorists. Everyone can talk, alert me when he actually does something

you voted for trudeau didn't you?

okay so there was some random bomb in a garbage can, nothing happened. How many deaths has there been in Europe due to Islamic terrorism this year alone? how many separate attacks? then you have Macron saying "terrorism is part of daily life" that's a quote, and that Khan faggot saying "pART AND PARCEL" of living in a big city. They're shills, globalist scum, trying to perpetuate the agenda of mass immigration.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims on Earth. If even 5% of them are extremist, that would be over 100 million extremist muslims. That's almost as much as the population of Canada, UK, and Australia combined.

This is a big problem you libcuck retard, either acknowledge it or neck yourself

no reading comprehension

you sit here saying Muh trump wanting a travel ban and crusades like you think there won't be more terrorist attacks in the future

It is something all cities in America already do prepare for, you cucks just parrot the London mayor quote because the famous alt-righters like the quote so much

agreed but it's a far better step up from Trudeau sitting around pretending these attacks aren't real

Preparing for attacks, every American city already does all the time, yet somehow him saying it means they've "accepted" terrorists cause Sup Forums is fucking retarded now with all you normies

>getting rid of the free exchange of information because a bunch of sand niggers that shouldn't be in your country anyway abuse it

Sven... I...

Oh sweetie...

>By restricting access to hateful information,
What a fucking cuck, with all sincerity KYFS

I guess we are lucky to be FREE, got to love that 1st amendment

Do deals with Saudis(that will arm ISIS)?
Suck Jewish dick in Israel?
Leave agreement that literally every nation is in to please his oil overlords(and get some moneyz)?
He does what he wants for himself,not for you.He thinks of you as a fool.He would push you on the side like if you were in front of him,and I bet you'd bow your head and apologize.

>moving goal posts
>putting words in my mouth

Seriously man. I want to kick your teeth out of your head.

Anyone have that "Back to r/the_donald" image?

Yeah, as soon as I have enough money for it (several thousands due to mandatory courses, overpriced weaponry and ammunition, plus mandatory gun-safe), I'd go for a weapon license. (Frankly speaking, getting it illegal would cost less)

Settling somewhere quiet, isn't as easy in europe, especially if you don't leave for "east of germany". The population is so dense in central europe, you'd need to go somewhere truly underdeveloped, to find even a semblance of "security due to distance".