My dream is seperate my Heimatland Silesia (Schlesien) from polacucks. Polacks destroy our land since 1922

my dream is seperate my Heimatland Silesia (Schlesien) from polacucks. Polacks destroy our land since 1922.

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>Poland finally would be free from Silesia parasites taking all those gibs because 'muh coal mines'

a man can dream

if not silesia and its coal, polacks still would live without electricity

foreign coal is cheaper anyway

because fucking gorolen (polacks) closed our mines and they think about Schlesien as their colony

Fuck off then back to Germanistan to get enriched.

yet we still have to give you extra money just for the fact that you are miners

under German would be better than polacks, in 1939 we praised WH

but you gave from 1922 some polnische wirtschaft
pic rel Beuthen O.S (Bytůń in Silesian)

well then renovate it for fuck sake
other towns can do it somehow

holy fuck, just shut the fuck up.
If we came in and separated ALL of Europe into countries that were made up of each county of every country, europeans would still be on here making threads bitching about how they want their own neighborhood to be its own country

Slązaki to jebane podludzie

except "silesians" are a german agenda and not some independence movement


Nie zesrej się, hadziaju z kongresówki

yea, cultural region or something. whatever. stop trying to make micro nations.

ty kurwo zdradziecka, pomodlę się dzisiaj żeby ONR połamał ci nogi
pierdolona 5ta kolumna, pachołek (((Sorosa)))

Mów po ludzku gównie xD Wypierdalaj wylizywać gówno z dupy swoich niemieckich panów

now, you'll renovate it for money from EU
My family has German citizenship, because we are Germans and we lived in Reich to 1922
dobrze, że niemiecka cierpliwosć wobec Kaczyńskiego i jego karakanów z PiSu się kończy
dobrze się żyło w czworakach? Slunsk był od zawsze cywilizacyjnie wyżej od brudasów z Kongresówki i Galicji

Why not just give it back to us? Its righteus owners

Naruchaj se do dupy węglojadzie xD

Czechia would better than polan, but under Germans we had more development
ruhe, goroliku

Lower Silesia is inhabited by people from Kresy, you German wannabe Pole on denial.

Niederschlesien was stolen by poles and righteous inhabitants should return into their Heimatland

One day it will happen, Kamerad.

Time to die faggot